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Work Package II Value Ageing Kick off mtg. 11 - 12 November 2010 Pordenone (Italy) By Paul De Hert LSTS-VUB. LSTS – VUBrussels.
Work Package II Value Ageing Kick off mtg. 11 - 12 November 2010 Pordenone (Italy) By Paul De Hert LSTS-VUB
LSTS – VUBrussels LSTS is devoted to analytical, theoretical and prospective research into the relationships between law, science, technology and society. Even if LSTS's core expertise is legal, we also have a strong experience and track record in legal theory, philosophy of sciences and bio-ethics, and we engage in criminological and STS-research too. LSTS was partner to FP7 SENIOR project
LSTS Law, Science, Technology & Society Studies (LSTS) Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Room 4B 317 Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels Belgium Mail: paul.de.hert@vub.ac.be emantova@vub.ac.be Call: +32 (0)2 629 24 60 Fax: +32 (0)2 629 26 62
Index • Brief description of WP II • Objective • First thoughts • Relationship with other WPs and output to other WPs
Brief description of WP II 1. ICT developments impacting on freedom andautonomy of older citizens. 2. Comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis (LSTS + ER + ESRs) 3. Expected result: Final report
Resources • LSTS • ER, 18 months as of 01-02.2011 • ESR • 1ESR from VEGAN (3m),wp2 • 1ESR from CSSC (6m),wp7 • 1ESR from INNOVA (4m),wp6
Objective of WP II A final report based on four reports -VUB, m36 A2.1: problem definition and working definitions VUB, m6 A2.2: DP and privacy case law FRONTIDA, m12 = see risk analysis p.16/62 A2.3: Ethical-social issues related to dementing disorders NETWELL, m12 A2.4: idem for assistive robotics for elderly CSSC, m24
First thoughts • Dignity WP1- liberty and autonomy WP2. Liberty as autonomy v. dignity as paternalistic. • Liberty it is also the power-faculty to say no to inclusion • Concept of reasonable accommodation, overlap with non discrimination (WP1 & WP3) • Case law on privacy and DP, it is FRONTIDA or VUB ? • Other core liberty issues: elder abuse & liberty and autonomy in dementing disorders
Autonomy - Article 1 of the ICESCR and of the ICCPR (emphasis on self- determination and peoples) - Right to autonomy. Elderly people have the right to autonomy, and the freedom to make their own decisions. (Chung report, 2010) • They also have the right to social, legal, and medical services that respect and enhance their autonomy. To this end, they have the right to autonomy in decisions about their use of social, legal, and medical services, including decisions about end-of-life care. • Older persons, for example, have the right to make their own decisions about starting, continuing, or terminating medical treatment;
Output to other WPs • WP5, A 5.2: Scenario Generation and Validation, m20 - CSSC Internal resources + 1 seconded ER from VUB • WP6, 6.2: Legal and Regulatory Aspects of best practices identification, m24 – VUB Internal resources + 1 seconded ESR from INNOVA 6.4: Ethical and Social Best Practices on ICT training and Social Web for Older Population, m36 – VEGAN Vegan Internal resources + 1 seconded ESR from VUB • WP7, policy maker consultation report, m42 - VUB Internal resources + 1 seconded ESR from CSSC
Relationship between WP 2 final report and other WPs • Dignity and non-discrimination, WP1 • Living conditions and Social environments, WP3 • CSR & ethical codes, WP4 • Technology scenarios, WP5 • Best practices, WP6 • Governance, WP7