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Meet the Second Grade Team led by Ashley Jeter at Curriculum Night! Learn about daily routines, homework procedures, classroom management, and more. Sign up for conferences and ensure your child’s successful year.
Welcome to Curriculum Night 2013 Second Grade Team Jodi Schechter Carol Rackstein Julianne Surrency Justine Ballam Jill Ketterhagen Betty Wilder Ashley Jeter
Special Team Members: Nancy Brockington Paige Pearson Kendall Burnett Debra Warshaw
I am so glad you are able to attend Curriculum Night. My name is Ashley Jeter, and I will be your child’s homeroom teacher this year, as well as his/her Science/Social Studies teacher. In some cases, I will teach your child Reading/Language Arts and Math as well.
Little Info About Me Before moving to Georgia this summer, I taught both third and second grade in a district just north of Houston, Texas. This is my first year to Fulton County and River Eves. I graduated with my bachelors degree in Education from Sam Houston State University. (Go Bearkats!)
Sign in Sheet and Conference Sign Up Sheet! If you haven’t done so, please remember to sign in before you leave this evening. The sheet is located on the long table when you walk in. • Also please make sure to sign up for a conference time. The sign up sheet is taped to the back table. Please remember to write down the date and time on the form provided. • Please remember to leave your child a note before you exit the classroom!
Morning Routine • Students are starting to settle in and become comfortable with the daily routine, which is posted on the side of the classroom. This routine doesn’t change. When students finish their morning work, they are able to work on any unfinished work, read a book of their choice, have computer time and take an AR Test. This is also a time when I work with students who might need extra support.
Take Home Folder and Agenda • The Take Home Folder is a very important folder. It goes home daily. Please look for important papers from the school, as well as, homework. Please remove papers from the side that says, ”Leave at Home.” Homework and papers that need to be returned to school should be completed and placed back in the pocket side that says, “Return to School.” • Please check and signyour child’s agenda daily each day. It is a great way for us to communicate. Make sure it comes back to school each day along with the Take Home Folder!
Sign and Return Papers • We will be sending home your child’s graded assignments. • Expect to see them every other Thursday. • Please review, sign, and return these by the following Monday. • We
Classroom Management • All children are required to have their agenda initialed every night. • This year’s classroom discipline plan: Each classroom has a poster of different colors to indicate the level of a student’s behavior. • Each students starts with his/her clip on the green section, “Ready to Learn”. • Then as the day progresses, the clip can move up to “Good Day”, “Great Day”, or “Outstanding”. • Or…. • The clip can move down to “Think About It”, “Teacher Choice”, or “Parent Contact.” • If the clip gets to “Teacher Choice,” he/she will write in the “Oops “ Binder what rule was broken and a Reflection letter filled out by the student will be sent home for the parents to sign.
Dismissal • Your child’s safety is very important to us at River Eves! • Changes in dismissal can cause confusion. • You have received a dismissal change form a few weeks ago. If you need additional forms, please let me know and I’d be happy to send home. If you do not have a form, please write a note on a separate sheet of paper. • Due to bus liability, students will not be allowed to ride a bus other than their own. • Emergency exceptions will require office approval.
Attendance • We can’t teach your child if s/he is not here! • All absences and tardies must have a signed and dated note (preferably from a doctor’s office). • Emails are not acceptable. • Absences can hurt River Eves’ AYP ranking. • Tardies: Children must be in the classroom by 7:40 or have a written excuse explaining why s/he was late.
Homework Procedures • Students will have homework daily. Expect Math homework on a daily basis. Reading, Grammar, and SS/Science will be once a week on different days unless a quiz or test is scheduled. • Please check agenda for homework. • Homework will reinforce what we worked on that day. • Students are also expected to read 20 minutes a day.
Homework Procedures Continued No homework or missing class work assignment = your child will receive an incomplete, which is equivalent to a 0 until homework is completed and submitted. Your child will have up until 7 weeks to turn in any missing work. If not turned in, the incomplete becomes a 0 in the grade book. Please encourage your child to complete all work in a timely manner. This teaches responsibility. Homework must have the child’s name in order for credit to be given. No name equals no credit!
Tests Mondays: TAG days We will do our best to stagger quizzes, tests, and assessments. Study Guides are provided for Math, SS, and Science before unit tests.
Standards Based Progress Report Card Communicating Student Progress on the Common Core and Georgia Performance Standards
Common Core and Georgia Performance Standards • What every child should know and be able to do by grade level and subject Classroom Instruction • Narrower focus on standards within units and lessons for classroom instruction Student Grades • Letter and Numeric grades determined from classwork, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests Standards as Statements on Report card • Statements to report progress on specific elements/skills/concepts of the standards
Reporting Progress – What does mastery mean? • Grade level standards represent what a student should know and be able to do at the end of the year. • Students learn at different rates. • Teachers will report student progress at report card time. • If a student hasn’t mastered a standard at reporting time, mastery could occur later, and be reported at another report card period. • Or, a student could have mastered a standard and be working at a higher level.
Parent information and resources are available during the year, especially at report card time. For more information, please visit www.fultonschools.org and click on Parents.
Grading In Second Grade • Report Cards every 9 weeks • A: 90 - 100 • B: 80 - 89 • C: 79 - 70 • F: 69 and below Your child’s grades are available to you online on the Home Access Center (HAC).
Home Access Center Connecting Parents to Fulton County Schools
What is Home Access Center? • Website available to parents (and at site discretion, students) that is a ‘real-time’ look at student data • The data is housed on a secure server and only users with authorized access may enter the website • Parents who did not receive a login and password last year will need to do so. • Parents who used the system last year will use the same information.
What is on the Website? Student information from teacher grade books and data entered by administrators • Attendance • Discipline • Transcripts • Schedules • Test Scores • Report Cards • Registration information -Class work – assignments, tests etc.
Access the Website • Go to the Fulton County Schools website: www.fultonschools.org • Click on the Parents icon • Click on the Home Access Center login icon • Follow the instructions on the next screen • Enter your Login and Password when prompted
Class volunteers Volunteers are very important in our classrooms! Many opportunities are given for parents to serve children in our class. • Computer lab • Serve as a resource to our curriculum • Accelerated Reader Volunteers • Donate needed materials to class • Serve as a Room Parent • Filing, cutting, copying and organizing • Go on one or more field trips
Class Website • My class website will be updated at least every other week, if not weekly! • http://missjeter.weebly.com/ • Each child should have the website on his/her agenda. (We will be doing this soon ) • Please access for information on our curriculum, classroom events, projects, Student of the Week, and great websites for review and enrichment!
Moby Max • Students will receive a username and password for Mobymax.com in their agenda. Please keep in there for future use! Students will be expected to utilize this great resource for Math this year for a certain amount of time each week. It is a differentiated program based on your child’s needs. The program will provide lessons, games, and assessments to help your child’s math progress. ( Log-ins will be going in their agenda soon)
Student of the Week Monday: Sharing Tuesday: Parent Letter Wednesday: Favorite Book Thursday: Buddy Day Friday: Compliment Day
Social Studies • Georgia based curriculum focuses on the geography, historical figures, political history of Georgia, as well as, human rights and civil rights, and personal economics.
SS Units • Unit 1 ~ Before There Was a Georgia • Unit 2 ~ Georgia’s Beginings • Unit 3 ~ Native Georgians • Unit 4 ~ Civil Rights • Unit 5 ~ Human Rights • Unit 6 ~ Personal Finances
Science • Physical Science: Experiment with changing states of matter, forces of motion, and types of energy. • Earth Science: Stars, seasons, what creates day and night, and Earth’s orbit around the sun • Living Things: parts of plants, life cycles.
Contact Information • Please feel free to contact me anytime at jetera1@fultonschools.org . • Or you may call the school and leave a message with the front office. I will get back to you either during lunch or after school.
Thank You REEF! • Purchased 108 iPads • Every homeroom teacher has dedicated iPad(41) • 67 iPad/iPad minis available for checkout • Funding part-time Technology Coach to support teachers • Purchased 20 ActivBoards • Matched Student Council Funds • 25 Kindles • Sound System for Media Center • Sound System for Cafeteria • Save the Date – • Fall Campaign Kickoff Event November 9th
Why Join PTA? • Your $10 membership fee funds important programs: Fieldtrips, Accelerated Reader, Book Publishing, Teacher Appreciation Events, Family Events, Classroom Supplies, Citizenship, Playground Equipment, and much more! • Volunteer opportunities abound! If you would like to volunteer during or after school hours, there is an opportunity for you! • Because of the support of so many of our River Eves Families, our PTA is one of the most successful PTA’s in our district. We need your help to continue this success! STOP BY THE PTA TABLE TONIGHT TO JOIN!
Time to Visit Your Child’s Reading Teacher! Remember to take the papers found on the desk with you. Don’t forget to leave a note for your child! Those of you not moving to another room, might want to take this time to sign up for a Conference.
Accelerated Reading/ Language Arts
Little Info About Me Before moving to Georgia this summer, I taught both third and second grade in a district just north of Houston, Texas. This is my first year to Fulton County and River Eves. I graduated with my bachelors degree in Education from Sam Houston State University.
Guided Reading Small Groups = Big Impact! • Leveled Readers during reading groups • What group your child will be in is determined on Fountas and Pinnell Reading Running Records, which assesses a student’s fluency rate and ability to comprehend text. In assessing, we are looking for their instructional/independent level.
Goals of Guided Reading • Teach comprehension skills and strategies • Develop background knowledge and meaningful vocabulary • Maintain the self-confidence and motivation for all readers
Goals of Self-Selected Reading • Provide various forms of literature • Encourage children’s reading interests • Provide instructional-level materials • Build motivation for reading
Writing • Grammar mini-lessons and teacher modeling of writing techniques • Stages of the Writing Process • Peer editing • Teacher conferencing • Publishing and sharing
Goals ofWriting • See writing as a way to express thoughts and feelings • Write fluently • Improve reading through writing • Apply grammar and mechanics in their own writing • Learn and use different forms of writing (narratives, opinion writing, and informational using research)
Questions? • Please write or place a post-it on my questions poster with your name/child’s name and I will be happy to contact you!
Contact Information • Please feel free to contact me anytime at jetera1@fultonschools.org . Or you may call the school and leave a message with the front office. I will get back to you either during lunch or after school.
Time to meet your child’s math teacher! If you are moving to another room, make sure to take your things with you!
Little Info About Me Before moving to Georgia this summer, I taught both third and second grade in a district just north of Houston, Texas. This is my first year to Fulton County and River Eves. I graduated with my bachelors degree in Education from Sam Houston State University. (Go Bearkats!)
Unit 1: Extending Base Ten Understanding • In this unit, students will: • understand the value placed on the digits within a three-digit number. • recognize that a hundred is created from ten groups of ten. • use skip counting strategies to skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s within 1,000. • represent numbers to 1,000 by using numbers, number names, and expanded form. • compare two-digit number using >, =,