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This plan outlines the guiding principles, character points, vision, mission, philosophy, goals, and discipline committee of Bruce Elementary School in Memphis. The plan focuses on academic success, respect, and the development of the whole student. It aims to decrease behavioral referrals and suspensions while promoting a positive learning community.
Bruce Elementary School-wide Discipline Plan 2009-2010 581 South Bellevue Boulevard Memphis, Tennessee 38104 Martha J. Tipton, Principal 1
Guiding Principles Beliefs Academic success is our primary focus. Every student should learn to respect themselves, peers, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members. Reading and writing are essential elements in the learning process. Instruction should take place through a variety of approaches. 2
School Character Points Brilliant Individuals Preparing for Tomorrow Respectful of Self and Others Unified for Success Caring, Cooperative and Creative Eager to Learn Values Each student is a unique person with dignity and worth, and has the ability and right to learn. Parents and community members provide a variety of opportunities for students to develop a positive self-concept and possibilities for academic success. 3
Vision At Bruce Elementary School we envision a learning community composed of parents, students, faculty and neighborhood stakeholders who embrace data-driven instruction and respond to the diversity of the student population. 4
Mission Our mission is to recognize the uniqueness of each student and to provide challenging programs that promote academic, social, physical, and aesthetic development essential for becoming a productive citizen in the 21st Century. 5
Philosophy Statement Our philosophy is to provide an educational approach which encourages the development of aesthetic, social, physical, creative and emotional aspects of each student. As caring and attentive role models, we will provide Bruce students with the guidance necessary to prepare them for future academic and emotional challenges. 6
Goals and/or Objectives Our primary goal is to increase the amount of time on task in every classroom. Our objectives are: Decrease the number of student referrals by 50% Decrease the number of Out-of-School Suspensions by 50% Decrease the number of students referred to In-School Suspension by 50% 7
MCS Discipline Committee Worksheet2008-2009 Name of School: Bruce Elementary Discipline Committee is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Fill in the names of committee members and designate a Team Leader (TL) *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract 8
Discipline Committee The Discipline Committee will meet according to meeting schedule and as necessary. Team Leader, Loretta Farmer will be responsible for compiling data from the DATA Website. A Complete Meeting Schedule for the year is included as part of our School-wide Dicipline Plan. 9
(A) Data should be entered promptly to enable review of accurate data. Deadline for data entry is the Friday following the end of the reporting period. Principal should identify person responsible for entering behavior data. Name and title of data entry designee: Deanna Cole, General Office Secretary (B) Committee should meet within one week of final data entry for reporting period. Enter projected meeting dates in this column. Identify team member responsible for data summary to report to Discipline Committee. Name and title: Loretta Farmer, Team Leader Determine how you wish to examine your data: by location, by student, by infraction, by time of day, number of referrals per day per month. Also consider office referral procedures and data integrity. (C) Faculty meeting to discuss behavior should be held within a week of the Discipline Committee meeting. Enter projected dates in this column. Identify persons responsible for sharing data trends for previous reporting period with the faculty. Name and title: Martha Tipton, Principal Team may wish to lead faculty in brainstorming intervention strategies based on data. Share successes and areas of continued efforts. 11
School Rules School Rules Be Present Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Positive Be Proud Classroom Rules Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Cooperative Follow Directions Keep Hands and Feet to Self 12
How We Teach the Rules and Procedures During the first week of school, each teacher discusses and explains the classroom and school rules and procedures with their students. Teachers will model expected behaviors and conduct exercises that reinforce school rules. Incentives will be in place for students displaying positive behavior. Rules and procedures will be posted. Parents will be provided a copy of the student/parent handbook. All procedures will be discussed and explained to parents during parent conferences and or meetings. 14
Teaching Behavioral Expectations • School-wide rules are developed and reviewed yearly by the School Discipline Committee. These rules are displayed and explained to students and staff at the beginning of the year. • Each classroom and support teacher establishes rules. The rules, classroom management techniques, and consequences are communicated and reviewed periodically so that the students are knowledgeable of them. Copies are sent to parents for understanding and reinforcement at home. • During Open House and other parent/teacher opportunities, teachers reiterate the importance of the school and class rules. Parents have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any rules/procedures that they have concerns about. 15
School Procedures Procedures for Entering School: Doors open at 7:00 a.m. for breakfast and close at 7:20 a.m. All students on campus at 7:00 a.m. must enter the dining room and remain there until 7:20 a.m. Students arriving after 7:20 a.m. must enter the building through the front entrance. Procedures for Dismissal: Students are escorted out their designated exits by their classroom teachers. All teachers have designated areas to monitor ensuring that students leave campus promptly. Lunchroom Procedures: Students are escorted to the lunchroom at their designated lunch time. Students are expected to follow all posted rules. A time-out area is provided for students who fail to comply. Wednesdays and Fridays are Silent Days. Assemblies: Students are escorted to the multipurpose room by their teachers and are seated in assigned grade level sections. All students must exhibit good behavior during assemblies, or they may be excluded from attending. 16
Classroom Procedures Individual classroom schedules will be posted outside the classroom door. A duplicate copy of the schedule will be available in the office for reference. Time must be accountable within each classroom. Immediately upon entering the classroom, the teacher will have independent student activities available for class. Every student must carry a hall pass when outside the classroom All students will raise their hand and wait to be recognized. This procedure will be used in the classroom, during assemblies, and in the dining room. Teachers/Adults will raise their hands and students will follow suit in order to attain silence. Cooperative learning groups will be implemented within each classroom. Classrooms will be organized in a manner that accommodates large and small group instruction as well as literacy centers. Each classroom teacher will have a procedure for collecting and accounting for daily class work and homework assignments. 17
School Wide Incentives Students are awarded certificates/ribbons for good citizenship and excellent conduct during Honor’s Programs each six weeks report card period. Any faculty/staff may recognize a student caught “doing the right thing” and announce his/her name via intercom during morning announcements. Students may also receive a special pencil from the Principal when they are caught “doing the right thing”. Adopters also provide a Grill Thrill for students who have E or S in conduct during the first six weeks of school. 18
Teacher Incentives Procedures for recognizing and encouraging positive teacher interaction: Behavior and attendance charts are posted outside each classroom. (see sample chart on following page, 20) If there are no behavior infractions by the end of the day, the class gets a green mark on the chart. If there are behavior infractions the class gets a red mark for the day. The teacher records the daily attendance. (Target goal is 99-100 percent) If the class has all green/ marks for the entire week, and 99-100% attendance for the week, they may be out of uniform the following Friday. 19
BEHAVIOR AND ATTENDANCE CHARTMonth__________________ Year_________Teacher__________________ Grade/Section 20
Resources for Incentives Adopters Community agencies & businesses Restaurants Fundraisers Churches Parent organizations 21
General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe problem behavior Is behavior major? Find a place to talk with student(s) NO YES Ensure safety Problem solve Write referral & Escort student to office Problem solve Determine consequence Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented procedure NO YES Does student have 3? Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week 22
Character Education Character Education is taught by the school counselor during classroom sessions and during quiet days in the cafeteria by the principal Each week a character trait is introduced during morning announcements MCS Family Life Education and Health and Wellness Curricula is taught in Physical Education and regular classrooms 23
ATOD Prevention Mendez Too Good for Drugs Just Say No to Drugs Annual Parade Red Ribbon Week Activities Family Life Curriculum McGruff’s “Crack Down On Drugs Presentation” D.A.R.E. (Drugs Abuse Resistance Education) 24
Sexual Harassment Annual Sexual Harassment training was done with faculty on August 4, 2008. Bullying Policy # 6.304 was reviewed with faculty on September 24, 2008. 25
Bullying Prevention Training with faculty regarding prevention including defining bullying/intimidation, recognizing early stages, providing strategies for addressing was done on August 4, 2008. (Board Policy #6.304) Training of students on this policy will be implemented by the school counselor during individual classroom visits and on individual basis as needed throughout the school year. 26
School Safety Plan Please indicate the date your plan was submitted: September 30, 2008 Dates for drills: Monthly Dates for training: Each Semester Dates for plan review: Each Semester 27
Monitoring Process School, classroom and individual discipline data is analyzed bi-weekly by teachers and the school discipline committee. Adjustments are made to the school-wide discipline plan as needed. Mentors are provided for new teachers. The S-team process is used to develop/modify intervention plans for students with at-risk behaviors. 28
Action Steps 29
Intervention Plan Parent/ Teacher Conferences Behavior Plan/Contracts Loss of Privileges/Incentives Targeted Incentive Programs for Specific Students Individual/Group Counseling In-School Suspension (ISS) Out-of-School Suspensions 31
In-School Suspension Plan The principal will decide whether the behavior infraction warrants ISS and the number of days Parents will be notified through written and telephone communication when a student is assigned to ISS The ISS Assistant will also be given a copy of the ISS notice. Students will eat lunch and take restroom breaks separately from the rest of the student body The ISS Assistant will remain with the student at all times Students will be excluded from support classes The classroom teacher will provide assignments, materials and supplies Intermediate students will write a “plan of action” that will be reviewed by the teacher, counselor, and principal for approval Primary students will draw a picture as a ”plan of action” that will be reviewed by the teacher, counselor, and principal for approval The ISS Assistant will keep a notebook of Students assigned to ISS including the infraction, arrival and departure dates and times 32
Secondary Intervention Evaluation To evaluate the effectiveness of our plan the discipline team will monitor disciplinary referrals every twenty days. The team will look for trends and establish new proactive measures when necessary. The discipline team will determine if interventions are working and make adjustments as needed. 33
Tertiary Interventions The School Support Team will identify and plan for students who require additional support through the use of referral data. When students are referred to the office for the third time the Support Team Process will begin. Functional Behavior Assessments and/or comprehensive Behavior Intervention Plans will be developed for these students. The success of the interventions will be monitored by the frequency of the behavioral referrals. 34
Results 2006-2007 More referrals were made for fightingand misconductthan any other behaviors. 2007-2008 Again, more referrals were made for fighting and misconduct, however, the number of decreased by 40%and misconduct increased by 8%. 35
Green zone 0 – 1, yellow zone 2 – 5, red zone 6+ office referrals CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior 3% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior 5% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings 92% of Students 36
Computation for Triangle 1. 6+ office referrals (red zone)= 12 Divide by number in student body for 2 – 5 office referrals (yellow zone)= 23 Divide by number in student body for % in yellow zone 3. 1 office referral= 38 4. 0 – 1 office referral (green zone)= 441(add #3 and #4) Divide by number in student body for 4. Total students referred (total of first 3 lines)= 73 Divide by number in student body for % students referredof student body was referred Total Student Body=476 37
Celebration Caught Doing the Right Thing Recognition Six Weeks Good Behavior Movies Six Weeks Honors Programs Perfect Attendance Parties/Burger King Faculty Recognition/Perfect Attendance End-of Year Awards (Bicycles) Faculty and Staff Luncheon 38
Conclusion The School-wide Behavior Plan is an ongoing process. It was developed to create a conducive learning environment by a select group of individuals and ratified by the entire faculty, staff and school administration at Bruce Elementary. All stakeholders will share the responsibility of providing a safe and nurturing learning environment that promotes academic achievement and empowers students to become caring, responsible and successful. 39
Plan for Support & Monitoring By the end of September submit Discipline Plan to District Coach and Academic Superintendent for your region. Includes: Team Members and Team Leader Meeting Schedule for year TIC (also submitted to Coach Oct., Jan., Apr.) Action Plan (based on EBS results) Ongoing training for Team Leaders and others will be provided throughout the school year 40
District PBIS Coaches Northeast Region, Academic Supt. Kevin McCarthy Charlotte Baucom, baucomc@mcsk12.net Southeast Region, Academic Supt. Dr. Terrence Brown Ashley Faulk, faulka@mcsk12.net Northwest Region, Academic Supt. Catherine Battle Brady Henderson, hendersonb@mcsk12.net Southwest Region, Academic Supt. William Rhodes Ann Sharp, sharpa@mcsk12.net Striving Schools, Academic Supt. Dr. Roderick Richmond Carolyn Matthews, matthewscarolynt@mcsk12.net Center for Safe & Drug Free Schools 416-4240 fax: 416-4221 41