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The Age of Nation Building. Politics, Diplomacy and War. Louis Napoleon as President. Winning Support After his election, Louis Napoleon was still dismissed by many as a nonentity, whose only success was due to his name
The Age of Nation Building Politics, Diplomacy and War
Louis Napoleon as President • Winning Support • After his election, Louis Napoleon was still dismissed by many as a nonentity, whose only success was due to his name • However, Louis Napoleon was a clever politician, he understood the popular forces of his time, and he was patient • Seizure of government (1 December 1851) and election as president for 10 years • Election as Emperor • A year later on 21 November 1852, Louis Napoleon again returned to the people to ask for a restoration of the Empire • 97% voted yes, and Louis Napoleon assumed the title Napoleon III, instituting the Second Empire
Second Napoleonic Empire: Government • The government was clearly authoritarian • As chief of state, Napoleon III controlled the military, police, and the civil service and only he could declare war and introduce legislation
Second Napoleonic Empire: Government • The Legislative Corps (Parliament) gave a semblance of representative government as its members were elected by universal male suffrage to 6 year terms • However, they could not initiate legislation nor affect the budget
Second Napoleonic Empire: Government • Stimulating the Economy • The first five years of Napoleon III’s reign were very successful as he and France reaped the benefits of worldwide economic prosperity as well as his own economic policies • Napoleon believed in using the resources of government to stimulate the national economy • Rebuilding Paris • One of Napoleon III’s great contributions was the rebuilding of Paris • Purpose
Second Napoleonic Empire: Liberalization • By the 1860’s opposition to Napoleon began to grow and in response he liberalized his regime • Her reached out to the working class by legalizing trade unions and granting them the right to strike • Reforms to elections and the Legislative Corps • Napoleon even proposed a new constitution in May 1870 • However, failures in foreign policy and the war with Prussia brought down the Second Empire before any reforms could be instituted
Foreign Policy and the Crimean War • Weakening of the Ottoman Empire – The Eastern Question • Declaration of war: October 1853 and March of 1854 • Why war? - To protect the balance of power • Course of the war • Results of the Crimean War
Unification of Italy:The House of Savoy • In 1850, Austria was still the dominant power in Italy, but many Italian nationalists were placing their hopes in Piedmont • Piedmont, under Charles Albert, had tried during 1848-49 to unify Italy but had failed • They would again assume a leadership role under King Victor Emmanuel II and his PM Camillo di Cavour
Camillo di Cavour • Liberal minded nobleman • Appointed PM in 1852 • Pursued a policy of economic expansion that would strengthen Piedmont and its army • However, he realized that he could not take on Austria alone so he made an alliance with France in 1858 • Confident of success, Cavour provoked Austria into declaring war in April 1859
Camillo di Cavour • In the subsequent fighting, it was the French who were responsible for defeating the Austrians and Magenta and Solferino • However, the French also made peace with Austria without telling their Italian ally - why? • With French withdrawal, Piedmont only got Lombardy • Cavour was furious, but events soon change to the benefit of Cavour – how? • Napoleon agreed to the annexations and received Nice and Savoy
Garibaldi and His Red Shirts • Meanwhile, a new leader of Italian unification came to the fore, Giuseppe Garibaldi • He was a dedicated Italian patriot who had supported Mazzini • Garibaldi, the Red Shirts, and Sicily (May to September 1860) • At this point, Cavour reentered the stage as he knew Garibaldi was marching on Rome
End Game of Italian Unification • Unification (1861) • Piedmontese forces moved into the Papal States to meet Garibaldi, who, as a patriot, yielded to Cavour rather than provoke a civil war • Formation of the new kingdom of Italy centered in Piedmont (17 March 1861) • Rome (1870) • However, Italian unification was still not complete • Venetia was only added after Austrian defeat in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 • Addition of Rome (20 September 1870)
German Unification:Prussia as the model • German nationalists, in the wake of the failure of Frankfurt, soon saw Prussia and the key to German unification • Prussia and the Zollverein (1834) • Politically, Prussia had a constitution with the appearance of a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral legislature • Problem: Strong monarchy
German Unification:William I • Came to the thrown in 1861 and began a policy of strengthening the army • Conflict with the legislature and rejection of William’s budget
Otto von Bismarck and Realpolitik • In response, William appointed Otto von Bismarck as PM and he would remain so until 1890, dominating both German & European politics • Characteristics of Bismarck • In 1862, he resubmitted the budget, but it was again defeated
Otto von Bismarck and Realpolitik • He then went ahead and collected the taxes and reorganized the army blaming the liberals for the breakdown • Parliament did nothing and because of their opposition, Bismarck pursued an active foreign policy that resulted in three wars and German unification under the auspices of Prussia
Wars of Unification:Danish War (1864) • Arose over the Danish annexation of the duchies of Schleswig & Holstein • Bismarck persuades Austria to join Prussia in declaring war and quickly defeat the Danes • Bismarck realizes that Prussia cannot expand its power with Austrian interference • He creates a friction over the duchies and with Austria politically isolated goads her into war
Austro-Prussian War (1866) • Many expected a quick Austrian victory, but after only six weeks of fighting, the Austrians are defeated at the battle of Königgratz • Results and consequences of the war • More importantly, Prussian success brings the liberals to Bismarck’s side and they pass a bill of indemnity legalizing all that Bismarck had done
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) • The final step was France • Bismarck knew he would have to deal with her as Napoleon III would not be willing to see a strong Germany on her borders • The fuse was over the succession to the vacant Spanish throne • The Ems Telegram • Course of the war • Battle of Sedan (September of 1870) • Fall of Paris (January 1871) • Peace Treaty, May of 1871
Unification (1871) • Before the war had ended, the south German states agreed to join the NGC • On 18 January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, William I is proclaimed Kaiser of the Second Reich
Unification (1871) • German unity had been achieved through Prussia and its army, and in reality Germany had been merged into Prussia • Germany was now the strongest nation in Europe and a new European balance of power was at hand
Nation Building and Reform: Austria • Francis Joseph and Dual Monarchy • After the Revolutions of 1848-49, Austria dismantled the liberal gains and resorted to authoritarian government • However, with each Austrian defeat, changes were made to the government • The greatest came in 1866 after defeat against the Prussians - the Ausgleich • Domination by Germans and Magyars • The Ausgleich only enabled each of the dominant groups (German & Magyar) to dominate the minorities, especially the Slavs, in each state
Imperial Russia • Alexander II and the Emancipation of the Serfs • Defeat in the Crimean War forced her to look at her deficiencies • Alexander II turned his energies to reforming Russia and Russian society • Emancipation of the serfs (3 March 1861) • Other Reforms • Zemstvos Assemblies • However, Alexander was not able to control all the forces unleashed by his reforms as he is assassinated in 1881 • His successor, Alexander III resorted to more autocratic means
Britain's Victorian Age:Palmerston's Conservatism • Britain was able to escape most of the tumult of 1848 because of her stability, especially in the person of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) • The major figure of the period was Henry John Temple, Lord Palmerston • PM from 1855-1865 • Although a Whig, he crossed party lines regularly and thus could make political compromises • However, he was no reformer and resisted any extension of the franchise
Move to Reform • With Palmerston’s death in 1865, the movement to increase the franchise only intensified • Although the Whigs (now the Liberals) talked about increasing the franchise, it was the Tories (now the Conservatives) who actually carried it through
Disraeli and the Reform of 1867 • Benjamin Disraeli and the Conservatives • Reform Act of 1867 • Lowered the monetary requirements for voting, enfranchising nearly all urban male workers • However, the new voters favored the Liberals and produced a huge victory for them in 1868
Gladstone and the Liberal Party • Liberal victory in 1868 brought William Gladstone to power, and during this first Liberal administration instituted many reforms • Legislation and government orders opened civil service positions to competitive exams rather than patronage, introduction of a secret ballot for voting, and abolished the practice of purchasing military commissions • The Education Act of 1870 attempted to make elementary schools available for all children