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Learn how to approve, assign, edit, and delete user roles in Beta SAM. Get information and screenshots for each step.
Role Management in Beta.SAMRole Administrator Capabilities(Information and screen shots as of August 12, 2019)
Initial Comments for the Alpha Test Site of Beta.SAM • There are some screen latency issues being experienced. If you click on a link or a drop-down, it may take a few moments to go. If it takes more than 30 seconds to move to the next step / screen, report it to newsamtesting@gsa.gov. Include screenshots if you can re-create it, along with identification of your browser and what network (e.g., .mil, .com) that you’re using. • If you put in a contracting office DoDAAC (that you know is active in FPDS currently) in an office field and it doesn’t come up, please report that to newsamtesting@gsa.gov. • The Alpha site is currently experiencing some issues where you’ve selected an organization, but then you see it repeated in the drop-down. This has been reported. Just select the first one in the list and proceed.
Setting the Stage • Only users with Role Administrator roles for the subject domain can approve a user request or assign/edit/delete the roles to other users. If you are not a Role Administrator, you will not see the capability. • Each functional domain will have the Role Administrator role. The same user can be assigned as the Role Administrator across multiple domains or different users can be assigned for different domains. • Role Administrators can only affect roles for the section of the DoD hierarchy in which they sit and below (i.e., a role administrator for DLA could only affect roles within DLA; a role administrator for office N00014 could only affect roles within that office) • Currently Role Administrators are only available at the Department, Subtier (i.e., Service/Agency), and Office (i.e., DoDAAC) level • Prior to go-live for Business Opportunities functionality, capability will be expanded to Major Command and Subcommand levels • The following slides go though: • Approving / Rejecting roles • Assigning roles • Editing roles • Deleting roles • Using the Bulk Update feature
Approving / Rejecting Requested Roles in Beta.SAM(Information and screen shots as of August 12, 2019)
My Workspace – Landing Page If you have requests pending from users, you will see a red dot on the Request icon with a # of how many are pending Click on the icon to open the list. Click on the specific request to go directly to it.
You are presented with the user’s Role Request. The role is in a Pending status. The user and supervisor’s email addresses are provided if you need to contact them. Choose either ‘Reject’ or ‘Assign Role’
Once you click ‘Assign’, you will be brought to this page where you can edit anything that needs to be changed (for example, you could change Department of Defense to Department of the Navy; or Contracting Officer to Contract Specialist) You can also select or deselect any of the defaulted permissions that are not part of the core set that can not be changed (in grey)
In order to complete the role assignment, you must enter a comment in the ‘Additional Information’ box. This will enable the ‘Assign’ button so you can click it.
After clicking ‘Done’, the role is assigned. The user will receive an email from the system telling them the role has been assigned to them. The user’s supervisor will receive an email also. Click on ‘Close’ to go back to the user’s profile.
If you choose to Reject the role request, you must enter a reason in the space provided before clicking ‘Reject’. The user will receive an email saying their request was rejected.
Sample email you will receive after you have approved a user role.
Assigning Roles in Beta.SAM(Information and screen shots as of August 12, 2019)
My Workspace – Landing Page In order to proactively assign roles to users that have not yet requested them, scroll down the page to the User Directory (should be at the bottom)
Start typing the name for the user to which you want to assign roles. It will prepopulate. Click on the specific user.
The user’s name will come up; click on it to go into the record – or, you can click on the Actions drop-down on the user’s tile to go directly to Assign Role. Notice the filters on the left side of the screen. Administrators in larger organizations may find this useful to narrow down the list of users when specific names aren’t known or are common.
Choose ‘Roles’ on the left-hand side of the screen. You will see all the roles that the user currently has and for which organizations. You will also see a Role History timeline. Note that you can edit or delete existing roles using the Permissions icons. To continue assigning a role, click on Assign Role
First you select the organization under which the user is going to be assigned roles. You can use the simple Search or Advanced features.
Using the simple search, start typing in the organization’s name or code (agency code or DoDAAC). Beta.SAM will prefill possible matches. Click on the one you want to use.
You can assign a user roles in multiple offices. Just type the next office into the search bar and choose it as well.
Choose the Role you want to assign the user. You will only be given the opportunity to assign roles in domains where you are an administrator. If you are only an administrator for Contract Opportunities, that would be the only domain you see here.
For those roles that go across multiple domains, you can assign the role in each domain for which you are an administrator at the same time. Then, you have an opportunity to review the individual permissions for that role in that domain. You can select / deselect any of the permissions that are not greyed out.
If you are assigning roles across multiple domains, the domains will be presented as tabs. Check each tab for the permissions.
When you have reviewed the permissions, provide a comment as to why you are assigning the user roles. Once all of the required fields are completed, the “Done” button will be enabled for you to click to complete the process. (Note – if you are assigning roles in multiple domains, you must complete this step on each domain tab.)
After clicking ‘Done’, the role is assigned. The user will receive an email from the system telling them the role has been assigned to them. Click on ‘Close’ to go back to the user’s profile.
Sample email you will receive after you have assigned a user role.
Editing Existing Roles in Beta.SAM(Information and screen shots as of August 12, 2019)
Follow earlier instructions for using the User Directory to find the user. Go into the user’s Roles. Simply click on the pencil icon to edit a role.
You will be presented with the edit page for the role selected. You can change the organization, role, domain, and or specific permissions. When done, click ‘Done’ at the bottom of the page and the role will be updated.
Sample email that Role Administrators receive after updating a role for a user.
Deleting Roles in Beta.SAM(Information and screen shots as of August 12, 2019)
Follow earlier instructions for using the User Directory to find the user. Go into the user’s Roles. Simply click on the trash can icon to delete a role.
You will get a confirmation warning message. Click ‘Delete’ to complete the process. You will be returned to the user’s profile and can see the specific role has been removed.
Using the Bulk Update Feature for Roles in Beta.SAM(Information and screen shots as of August 12, 2019)
My Workspace – Landing Page Scroll down the My Workspace page to the User Directory (should be at the bottom)
You can use the Bulk Update feature to do a mass update on all users that meet the criteria entered. First, select the users by identifying the organization, role, and domain – then click Next Warning – this feature should be used very selectively; as you can effect whole swaths of your workforce easily Don’t be that person who accidentally deletes everyone’s roles
Beta.SAM will return a list of users that meet the criteria entered. Select the users to which you want the action to apply (or click the ‘Select All’ checkbox to select all returned users. Choose the type of action you want to perform for the selected users – either Update or Remove – and click Next
If you are updating the role, make the changes here. This example: adding the role of Contract Specialist for the Contracting Opportunities domain to the selected list of users (who are already have the Contracting Specialist role for Contract Data domain)
Continuing this example: the tab for Contract Specialist for the Contracting Opportunities domain is shown. Make any changes to the permissions needed and add the required comment in the field before selecting Next.
Review all the changes that are being made to the selected users. Once confirmed, hit ‘Done’
You are returned to the User Directory You will see a temporary message to indicate the number of users whose roles were updated.
Sample email that Role Administrators receive after updating a role for a user. Note – if using Bulk Update, you’ll receive an email for each of the selected users