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Integration Plans for MDT and RPC Calibration at LNF

Summary of status and future plans for commissioning MDT and RPC systems, including software development, calibration, and trigger integration efforts at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF).

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Integration Plans for MDT and RPC Calibration at LNF

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  1. Status/plan for commissioning LNF 21-12-05 S.Miscetti

  2. Summary of DataTaking @PIT (done) • SX1 - MDT noise test - MDT pulse test (from HV side) - RPC (pre-test) + PULSE test (underway …) • USA15 - MDT noise test - MDT with SciTrig - checkout of optical fiber cabling - inizialization via DCS + HV still from UX5

  3. Summary of DataTaking @PIT (to do) • SX1 - keep running/testing incoming chambers - start looking at pulse test of RPC is a stable way • USA15 - MDT with SciTrig … keep running on sector13 - implementation of PLS test at mezzanine level - GAS on RPC + first layout of trigger from L1 - inizialization via DCS + HV still from USA15 - new MROD boards ? (> April 06) - Bfield run (> May 06?) - joint operation with CALO (Feb 06) (idea circulating: Beretta/Ludo …. First meeting last week)

  4. February ’06:Combined Cosmic Run TileCal + Muons • Prerequisites: • TileCal commissioning well underway • Low Voltage Power supplies, front-end repairs, final cooling, final services, in top + bottom sectors (sectors 5 & 13) • Muon system in sector 13 ready • Goals: • Run 2 subdetectors for the first time underground as 1 TTC partition • Time in 2 detectors • Compare data • Trigger • Trigger could be TileCal, scintillator for Muons in sector 13, or RPC • Expression of interest from Muon system • L. Pontecorvo + G. Mikenberg • Informal discussion with DAQ + HLT • Make use of DAQ pre-series or ROS system • Exercise “final” HLT / monitoring • Offline software, etc. • Could be in time for ATLAS week February 20-25 ‘06

  5. Software development for MDT (now) • First look at data with SciTrig - GNAM monitoring - Event Displays (Persint + home-made @LNF) - MDT2ntu (S.Miscetti) - StorageReader+T2T (M.Barone) - Simple analysis done. Stability tests underway • NOW implementation in Athena underway: • S.Rosati has committed its first version of converter • Yesterday we debugged/compared with our own! • Not yet calibration services

  6. Software development for MDT-RPC (to do) • Complete the software integration effort - Calibration services - Tracking with Moore - RPC unpacking with StorageReader (to start ..) - RPC unpacking in Athena (.. After a while) • A lot of tests and debugging possible: - noise/dead channels list - system stability test - look at the chamber as a whole - Alignment? Tomography comparison ala Bini?

  7. “Engagment” plans for MDT calibration • Discussion with Roma3/Roma1 people started • Simple MDTntu program adapted by CALIB people. • first rough R-T relation exists • 25 ns spread of trigger not cured since Scint not readout. • Proposed LNF involvments for Calibration @ commissioning: - integration and testing w Athena of calibration algorithms - T0finder vs our own standalone - stability test of timing/integration of mezzanine pls test - RT finder - DB loading - test of calibration services application in Athena - test of first tracking/usage of calib segment ntuple. • for the future ?? See next slide

  8. Plans for MDT calibration: “the future” • Our minimum plan is to certify: • the functionality of the whole chambers/apparatus • A first reasonable calibration (along phi to be studied) - stability of the system/requirements for calibration • ROMA1/ROMA3 proposed a serious change in DAQ by requiring a calibration stream at 2 kHZ (readout at LVL2 stuff). Their proposal has been submitted. Implications for Tier-2 activities “under-discussion”. • We did not committ to this “yet”. We just proposed to partecipate in the usage of J/psi, Y, Z in mu+mu- to: - calibrate the momentum scale - check the spectrometer performances - calibrate the efficiencies (trigger,reconstruction)

  9. Engagment on the trigger side • We had also a meeting in ROMA1 to discuss how/when partecipate on the real trigger development. Aside from software debugging 3 items discussed + 1 possible: • Timing of RPC system for CMA (pls + Cosmics) • Definition of the trigger scheme for cosmics at Level1 • Integration ot TrigMoore for cosmics • The L2 integration for cosmics has been taked by a Jap group. • A missing human-effort on the development of the L2 muon algorithm for the calorimetric isolation still needed

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