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Summary of status and future plans for commissioning MDT and RPC systems, including software development, calibration, and trigger integration efforts at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF).
Status/plan for commissioning LNF 21-12-05 S.Miscetti
Summary of DataTaking @PIT (done) • SX1 - MDT noise test - MDT pulse test (from HV side) - RPC (pre-test) + PULSE test (underway …) • USA15 - MDT noise test - MDT with SciTrig - checkout of optical fiber cabling - inizialization via DCS + HV still from UX5
Summary of DataTaking @PIT (to do) • SX1 - keep running/testing incoming chambers - start looking at pulse test of RPC is a stable way • USA15 - MDT with SciTrig … keep running on sector13 - implementation of PLS test at mezzanine level - GAS on RPC + first layout of trigger from L1 - inizialization via DCS + HV still from USA15 - new MROD boards ? (> April 06) - Bfield run (> May 06?) - joint operation with CALO (Feb 06) (idea circulating: Beretta/Ludo …. First meeting last week)
February ’06:Combined Cosmic Run TileCal + Muons • Prerequisites: • TileCal commissioning well underway • Low Voltage Power supplies, front-end repairs, final cooling, final services, in top + bottom sectors (sectors 5 & 13) • Muon system in sector 13 ready • Goals: • Run 2 subdetectors for the first time underground as 1 TTC partition • Time in 2 detectors • Compare data • Trigger • Trigger could be TileCal, scintillator for Muons in sector 13, or RPC • Expression of interest from Muon system • L. Pontecorvo + G. Mikenberg • Informal discussion with DAQ + HLT • Make use of DAQ pre-series or ROS system • Exercise “final” HLT / monitoring • Offline software, etc. • Could be in time for ATLAS week February 20-25 ‘06
Software development for MDT (now) • First look at data with SciTrig - GNAM monitoring - Event Displays (Persint + home-made @LNF) - MDT2ntu (S.Miscetti) - StorageReader+T2T (M.Barone) - Simple analysis done. Stability tests underway • NOW implementation in Athena underway: • S.Rosati has committed its first version of converter • Yesterday we debugged/compared with our own! • Not yet calibration services
Software development for MDT-RPC (to do) • Complete the software integration effort - Calibration services - Tracking with Moore - RPC unpacking with StorageReader (to start ..) - RPC unpacking in Athena (.. After a while) • A lot of tests and debugging possible: - noise/dead channels list - system stability test - look at the chamber as a whole - Alignment? Tomography comparison ala Bini?
“Engagment” plans for MDT calibration • Discussion with Roma3/Roma1 people started • Simple MDTntu program adapted by CALIB people. • first rough R-T relation exists • 25 ns spread of trigger not cured since Scint not readout. • Proposed LNF involvments for Calibration @ commissioning: - integration and testing w Athena of calibration algorithms - T0finder vs our own standalone - stability test of timing/integration of mezzanine pls test - RT finder - DB loading - test of calibration services application in Athena - test of first tracking/usage of calib segment ntuple. • for the future ?? See next slide
Plans for MDT calibration: “the future” • Our minimum plan is to certify: • the functionality of the whole chambers/apparatus • A first reasonable calibration (along phi to be studied) - stability of the system/requirements for calibration • ROMA1/ROMA3 proposed a serious change in DAQ by requiring a calibration stream at 2 kHZ (readout at LVL2 stuff). Their proposal has been submitted. Implications for Tier-2 activities “under-discussion”. • We did not committ to this “yet”. We just proposed to partecipate in the usage of J/psi, Y, Z in mu+mu- to: - calibrate the momentum scale - check the spectrometer performances - calibrate the efficiencies (trigger,reconstruction)
Engagment on the trigger side • We had also a meeting in ROMA1 to discuss how/when partecipate on the real trigger development. Aside from software debugging 3 items discussed + 1 possible: • Timing of RPC system for CMA (pls + Cosmics) • Definition of the trigger scheme for cosmics at Level1 • Integration ot TrigMoore for cosmics • The L2 integration for cosmics has been taked by a Jap group. • A missing human-effort on the development of the L2 muon algorithm for the calorimetric isolation still needed