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In Salford

DEMYSTIFYING. In Salford. Jo Hannan, Commissioning Manager Clare Duff, Commissioning Manager September 2012. Welcome…. Aim of the session: Demystify commissioning in Salford Objectives: Greater understanding of commissioning processes in Salford Confidence in undertaking commissioning

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In Salford

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  1. DEMYSTIFYING In Salford Jo Hannan, Commissioning ManagerClare Duff, Commissioning ManagerSeptember 2012

  2. Welcome….. Aim of the session: • Demystify commissioning in Salford Objectives: • Greater understanding of commissioning processes in Salford • Confidence in undertaking commissioning • Effective commissioning • Access to online commissioning toolbox

  3. Experience of commissioning…… • What services are you involved in? • What’s your experience of commissioning?

  4. Smoke & mirrors…… • Perceived as complex and confusing • Often confused with procurement • Should be easy to understand and simple to apply • Two aspects of commissioning: • The commissioning way of thinking (that is needed by everyone in local services to improve outcomes) • The professional commissioner and Commissioning Team

  5. What is commissioning?..... Commissioning is deciding how to use the total resource available in order to improve peoples outcomes in the most efficient, effective and sustainable way Inputs • Finance • Capital • Workforce • Markets • People • Communities Outcomes • Results for people and communities • Experience for people and communities Commissioning is the most efficient, effective and sustainable route

  6. The process……. • Understand – recognise local outcomes, needs, resources and priorities. Include provider information and service user views. • Plan – how to address needs effectively, efficiently, equitably and in a sustainable way. • Do – make decisions to secure better outcomes. • Review – monitor service delivery against expected outcomes and report how well it is doing against the plan.

  7. Components ofcommissioning…… • 18 key components of effective commissioning • You need to put in place all 18, and challenge them constantly

  8. Understand…… • Needs analysis • Market management • Scoping • Who’s your market? • Who’s funding this? • Outcomes

  9. Plan…… • Involve Commissioning and Procurement • Re-commission / decommission • Partners / stakeholders • Consultation • Decision making - contestability • Risk register • Community Impact Assessment • Procurement process • Outcome based specification

  10. Outcome basedspecifications…….. Introduction Function of the service / setting Target GroupOutcomes and Performance Indicators BudgetDuration of SpecificationQuality of DeliverySupport of Local AuthorityMonitoring of SpecificationTUPE

  11. Exercise 1…… • Read the case study, discuss the following and feedback to the group. • Things to consider: • Who will you involve on your Project Group? • Identify 6 outcomes. • Identify 6 milestones. • Who claims the outcome? • Who will deliver the service? • Identify 6 challenges?

  12. Do…… • Share specification with Commissioning Group, Leadership and stakeholders • Complete procurement process • Propose decision to Leadership and Joint Assistant Mayor processes as advised • Award contract

  13. Decision making……

  14. Review…… • Governance arrangements • Monitoring and performance management • Stakeholder & customer feedback • Remedial action • End of contract • ....... and it begins again....

  15. Exercise 2…… • Reflecting on understand, plan, do and review • Think of your own experience of commissioning – then nominate one example in your group to discuss in detail • Does this cycle look familiar? Think of what you did in the understand/plan/do/review stages? • What worked well? • What didn’t work?

  16. Where it all fits in Salford…… • Contract Overview Group (COG) • Commissioning Group • Community Impact Assessments (CIAs) • Future developments: • Family Poverty Commissioning Framework • Commissioning Hub

  17. Explore regional/ inter authority commissioning Work with providers to innovate Get the right people talking around the table All procurements should be fair, open and transparent Aim to identify the best value for money proposal Involve Procurement early A clear and fit for purpose specification underpins a robust commissioning process. Tightly review and monitor timelines Speak to the market Identify and confirm your budget at an early stage Have clear outcomes Identify your requirements before starting a procurement exercise Have you consulted and considered all internal decision making processes? Do not underestimate how long the process will take Involve the stakeholders Implement effective monitoring and performance management processes Use the process to support you Have you completed a CIA?

  18. Pandora’s box of commissioning tools…… • Practical tools and templates will be available on the website at the end of the briefing sessions. • Will include examples of good practice to support commissioning processes. • Designed for people to add to and build as a resource.

  19. Further reading…… Commissioning Support Programme: Outcomes & Efficiency Comprehensive model and tools including the A-Z of Commissioning training modules and DfE Change Management Jigsaw www.commissioningsupport.org.uk

  20. Evaluation & closing…… • Any questions? • Evaluation forms • Thank you for your time

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