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Case: Nominative and Accusative. Nominative: The SUBJECT of a sentence!. Das Monster isst das Blatt Papier . Das Monster isst das Blatt Papier . The SUBJECT of a sentence is whatever/whoever is doing the action!. Nominative: The SUBJECT of a sentence!. Das Monster ist hungrig .
Case: Nominative and Accusative
Nominative: The SUBJECT of a sentence! Das Monster isst das BlattPapier. Das Monster isst das BlattPapier. The SUBJECT of a sentence is whatever/whoever is doing the action!
Nominative: The SUBJECT of a sentence! Das Monster isthungrig. Das Monster isthungrig. The subject is ALSO anything being described using SEIN.
Accusative: The DIRECT OBJECT of a sentence! Das Monster isstdas BlattPapier. Das Monster isst das BlattPapier. The direct object is anything that is being acted upon directly… Anything being “verbed”!
A. Practice.Circle all nouns in the nominative, and underline all nouns in the accusative. 1. I meet them on Tuesday. 2. He plays the piano. 3. They invited me. 4. Run Lola Run is a German movie. 5. I’m sleeping. 6. Martin and Petra like to read. 7. Is that a Mercedes? 8. Have you seen a Shakespeare play? 9. Donald owns a hotel and a car.
B. Auf deutsch.Now practice identifying subjects and objects in these German sentences. Er hat einenTaschenrechner. 2. IchtrinkeKaffee. 3. Martin und Georg kaufenvieleBücher. 4. Hat Peter den Farbtift? 5. Herr Schmidt trinkteine Cola und einWasser. 6. Am MontagbesuchenunsereGroßeltern.