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Learn essential strategies and practical tools to foster gender mainstreaming and inclusion in Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) projects. Discover how to take an inclusive & gender-sensitive approach to planning, implementing, and evaluating projects. Get insights, techniques, and best practices.
Tools & Tips to foster Gender Mainstreaming & Inclusion in CBA projects UNDP-GEF Community-Based Adaptation Programme Anne-France WITTMANN CBA-Morocco Programme Manager (UNV)
UNDP-GEF CBA Programme • 10 pilot countries • 5 years - 2008-2012 • SGP mechanism - grants up to $50K • UNV support at country and global levels • 55 community-driven projects • Lessons and best practices for national and global stakeholders
GENDER MAINSTREAMINGstragegy of making women’s & men’s concerns & experiences an integral dimension of a project INCLUSIONprocess of reaching out to & supporting full participation of all community groups, including the most marginalized Essential for effective, equitable and long-term adaptation
GENDER ANALYSIS A tool for gender mainstreaming Identify the differences Analyze gender roles, activities, assets, needs and available opportunities for men & women APPLIED throughout the project cycle
Assessment & analysis - Identify the problem Gather contextual data (social, economical, cultural, political) – disaggregate by sex, age, social or ethnic group… Identify roles & responsibilities; access / control over resources, benefits How are they affected by climate change ? Understand … Power relations & decision-making processes Barriers to inclusive participation Underlying factors of inequality Assess specific vulnerabilities, CAPACITIES & ASSETS of men & women, related to climate change Use different data collection techniques & sources - research, observation… and direct consultation of men & women (group, individual)
Inclusive & Participatory Multi-Purpose Project Tools • VULNERABILITY REDUCTION ASSESSMENT (VRA) • Assesment, design, M&E • Participatory workshops / Inclusion through separate focus group • Gender-specific insight & concerns • Experience & observation of climate change • Percieved impacts • Perception of future risks & vulnerability • Challenges & assets for adaptation • Emergence of adaptation solutions from the group ALMANARIO (Guatemala) 100% participatory assessment & planning tool, tailored to marginalized groups’ needs • Accomodate women & marginalized groups : schedule, location, communication means (creative activities, participatory videao, mapping…) • -Communicate explicitely to communities / partners that INCLUSIVE participation is required & valued • LEARNING PROCESS / EMPOWERMENT
Mainstream gender in project design & planning Ensure that the project’s objectives, goals, outcomes, outputs, indicators and baselines are gender-sensitive Take women’s (and other groups) needs & ideas into account / Value their expertise Mainstream gender in project budget & calendar Plan M&E, set targets for women’s participation, develop gender sensitive indicators Mainstream gender in project templates, to guide partners / teams • How will the project : • address women’s specific needs & vulnerabilities • benefit men & women equally • challenge existing inequalities & stereotypes • contribute to women’s empowerment
Gender-sensitive Monitoring & Evaluation MONITOR GENDER-RELATED INDICATORS -Collect sex-disagregated data -Monitor women’s participation, including in project governance -Women’s contribution to the project (knowledge, expertise, work…) -Quantitative & qualitative EVALUATE & REPORT -Project impacts on women’s & men’s vulnerability and adaptive capacities -Changes in perceptions / role distribution / access & control over resources -Improvements in gender equality & women’s empowerment (confidence, expanded opportunities…) -Unintended gender effects Foster women’s active participation in M&E (project committees, reporting…) Creative M&E techniques (photo-report, interviews…) Mainstream gender & inclusion in TORs for external evaluators, and encourage gender expertise DOCUMENT EXPERIENCES & PRACTICES GENERATE GENDER-SENSITIVE KNOWLEDGE
EMPOWERMENT THROUGH CONCRETE ACTION During project implementation, facilitate women’s involvment Accomodate & PLAN EFFICIENTLY / Multi-purpose activities Respect cultural context & encourage women to perform their traditional roles…. while ensuring WOMEN’S EQUAL & MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION in other roles & tasks involved in the project RECOGNIZE & VALUE allcontributions to adaptation Support access to knowledge & capacity development Support women to take RESPONSIBILITIES in project activities & governance Community Gender focal point Identify men & women LEADERS / Make them ADVOCATES of gender & inclusion
CONTRIBUTE TO A GENDER-FRIENDLY ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MAJOR CHALLENGE for the practitionner SHARED RESPONSIBILITY & COMMITTMENT of CBA partners Aware of deeply-rooted attitudes, beliefs, practices / Creativity & flexibility Role-model : proactively EXPLAIN / DEMONSTRATE Enhance our own capacities & those of partners (project team, CBOs, local government, extension workers…) on Gender, rights approaches, inclusion… Identify leaders & advocates, both MALE & female REASSURE, while emphasizing the NECESSITY of gender inclusion, focusing on the valuable input & contribution of women (WIN-WIN) TIME is critical
CBA – An opportunity for gender mainstreaming ? Develop a better understanding of differential vulnerabilities Address them in inovative ways Introduce flexibility in grassroots perceptions of gender roles Open new perspectives SHARE OUR LESSONS & KNOWLEDGE, for inspiration and influence…
www.undp-adaptation.org/project/cba Contact: annefrance.wittmann@undp.org CBA Morocco Programme Manager