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Electronic Inspection Forms Initiative . Genesee County Health Department Environmental Division Orleans County Public Health. Project Goals. Develop Electronic inspection forms Develop system to electronically submit time and activity into EHIPS
Electronic Inspection Forms Initiative Genesee County Health Department Environmental Division Orleans County Public Health
Project Goals • Develop Electronic inspection forms • Develop system to electronically submit time and activity into EHIPS • Utilize existing hardware and GIS capabilities • Create virtual facility files • Streamline processes – save time and resources
Health Inspection Field Application Guide • Synchronizing the System • The application takes all inspections created by all inspectors on the different laptops and allows you to view the entire catalog of inspections. As such, it is necessary for you to synchronize your laptop to the main data storage. As a best practice this should be done at the end of the day and beginning of the day, this will ensure that you have all inspections that exist and make sure other inspectors have inspections that you have created. • First, you need to synchronize the Environmental Inspection Utility, start by double clicking it's icon on the desktop, shown in the image below circled in red. • The application will show the following message:
Before clicking “OK” on this window, make sure that you have closed Adobe Acrobat Reader or any PDF files that you have open, as having these open may cause errors in the application. Once you click “OK” on this window you should see the following screen, the main application window.
To Synchronize the application, click on the “SYNCHRONIZE” button, shown below circled in red. You should see the response below that the data base has been synchronized, click on “OK” once you see the “Database Successfully Synchronized” message.
After you successfully synchronize the application, you can click on the “CLOSE” button below the “SYNCHRONIZE” button to close out the application. To finish synchronizing the system you have to also run the Synch-Toy application, its desktop icon is shown below circled in red, double clicking this icon will start the application. After double clicking on the icon you should see the following screen:
You will need to select the appropriate folder pair in the left hand column of the screen, single click on the “Inspection Facilities” line shown below circled in red, you should see the main screen change.
Now that you have the appropriate folder pair selected, click on the “Run” button on the bottom right corner of the application window, shown below circled in red. You will see the following screen once the synchronization has been successfully completed, after you can click on the “Close” button, shown circled in red. After that you can now close out the Synch-Toy application by single clicking on the “X” in the top right corner.
From this window you can select the type of inspection you'd like to complete. You'll see in the center of the window a list of all the inspection types available, simply single click on the inspection that you want to complete, and click on the “Start Inspection” button on the right side of the window, as shown below circled in red. After doing this your inspection form will display in Adobe Reader for you to fill out and save.
Setting up the InspectionOnce you've opened a new inspection form, you should see the following screen, basically a blank inspection form. You'll notice that the form has light blue boxes all over the PDF. These boxes are the fields where you can input data or check boxes while filling out the form. You'll also notice that some of the fields are highlighted in red, these fields are those that are necessary for the form to be properly placed into the data base and sent into the state for recording. Failure to fill out these fields will generate an error when you go to save the inspection.
An Overview of the Form • The inspection “Form” is composed of 4 pages. The first 2 pages being the front and back side of the New York State paper based inspection form. The 3rd page is a section of extra lines where you can make additional notes and comments. The 4th page of the document is a blank page where you can draw documents, or add attachments. • Filling out the Inspection Form • Once you've set up your inspection to how you'd like to view it, you can begin inputting data into the form. These inspection forms were designed to mimic exactly the paper based forms that New York State provides. • You can use the tab key to move to the next field. Additionally those fields, like Operation ID, that take a single character or number per field will automatically advance after you fill the field in. • Fields that were traditionally “scan-tron” circles that you had to bubble in are check boxes, just clicking on the field will darken the circle. • You can scroll up and down the form by single clicking and holding on the scroll bar on the right side of the screen, while holding drag the mouse in the direction you'd like to scroll in. • Signing the Inspection Form • After completing filling out the inspection form you'll want to sign and have the person receiving the inspection sign the form. This is done using Adobe Readers “Comment” tool set. At the bottom of the inspection you'll see a gray button labeled “Sign”. Clicking once on this button will change your mouse cursor into a small Cross-hair, and you'll be able to write on the document using the pen attachment on your tough-book. Additionally the mouse or touch pad on the laptop will also work. The images below demonstrate this process:
During signing be careful not to touch the button on the side of the pen, as this may interrupt the signing process. If this occurs just touch the pen off of the window that pops up and continue signing. After completing signing you'll need to disable the pen tool in reader. This is accomplished by right clicking (if using the mouse) or holding the pen down stationary against the screen until a graphic displays showing a mouse with the right button flashing. After you see this graphic you can release the mouse from the screen and you'll see the following: Single clicking on the “select tool” as shown above will return your cursor to the normal mode, allowing you to select form fields and press buttons on the form again. The pen tool in Reader disables this functionality, only allowing you to draw or write on the document.
Saving the Inspection Form Once you've signed and finished filling in the inspection form you'll want to save the inspection. To do this you simply click on the “Save Inspection” button shown below circled in red: Once you've pressed the button, the signatures should turn black and all of the text fields will be non editable. It is important to double check your form before saving as there is no way to modify this information on the laptops, this work must be done back in the office on the appropriate version of Adobe Acrobat. If you get a popup window that says “One or more of the required fields has been left blank”, you can click on the “Highlight Fields” button as shown in the “Setting up the Inspection” section of this document to see which required field you've missed. After saving the inspection you'll need to close reader to complete the process. This can be done by single clicking on the “X” in the top right corner of the PDF document as shown below: After closing you should see a success message from the main application and you'll be back at the main screen, where you can start a new inspection or run a query.
Running Queries The inspection application allows you to do searches for inspection reports on the current data base that you have on the laptop computer. This is useful for pulling up inspections for years previous, or printing an inspection form. To start a query you start from the main application screen and click on the “Search Inspections” button on the left hand side of the window, shown below circled in red. Once you click on this button you should see the screen shown below. Pressing the “New Inspection” button above the “Search Inspections” button will return you to the main screen.
From this screen you can search for an inspection or group of inspections using the Facilities Operation ID and a date range. The Operation ID is just a text field, so typing in that ID number will bring up the inspection. If you leave the date range fields unchanged this will bring up all inspections with that Operation ID.
Additionally you can search by a date range. Leaving the Operation ID blank and entering a date range will bring up all inspections for that date range regardless of their Operation ID. Entering the Operation ID and the date range will limit your results to only that Operation ID.To Change the “Start” or “End” date, single click on the downward pointing arrow next to the date and a calendar picker will display as shown below: To access the calendar, the button above circled in red is pressed. The two buttons circled in yellow will allow you to change the month; clicking on any date in the calendar will close the calendar and enter the date into the field. Once you've entered your search criteria, press the “Search Inspections” button near the “End” date field, shown below circled in red.
Once you've done this you'll see results appear in the area below the criteria entry. This will give you various information about the inspection, like it's Operation ID and Operation Type as well as the Inspector. You can open the inspection report in Adobe Acrobat by clicking on the PDF in the document tab shown below circled in red.
You can also search by Operation Name, Type or Street Address
Management Application Users Guide This serves as a guide to the management portion of the Genesee County Environmental Inspection Utility. Below you'll find explanations of the various features and work flows that go into using this application.Starting the Application The application is started by double clicking on it's icon, this icon looks like the image shown below circled in red. The application will show a pop-up window asking you to close all open PDF's and Adobe Acrobat. Follow the instructions and then press the “OK” button to continue. You will then be asked to enter a user name and password. The default log in information is:Username: AdminPassword: admin After completing these tasks you should be at the main screen for the application.
Overview of the Main Application Window • From the main application window you can get to any of the options necessary to manage inspection reports. • There are 3 buttons along the left hand side of the screen, which will be gone over in detail later on. A brief description of these buttons is: • Show Un-reviewed: This button will display in the main report window all inspection reports that have yet to be marked as reviewed. • Report to State: This buttons displays in the main report window all inspection reports that have not been marked as sent into the state. • Search Inspections: This will change the main window to show a number of different searching options that will allow you to find inspections stored in the file system.
Reviewing InspectionsReviewing inspections is the default view when logging into the Management Application. It can be accessed by clicking on the “Show Un-reviewed” button along the left hand options panel from. This will show a listing of all of the inspections that have yet to be reviewed in the system. To review an inspection form select the inspection in the table and click the “Review Inspection” button on the bottom right of the panel, showed below circled in red. After clicking on the Review Inspection button, the inspection form will be displayed in Adobe Acrobat, allowing you to view the contents and make any notes you deem as necessary to the inspection form. Completing the review is as simple as closing Adobe Acrobat, and the application will prompt you as to whether you want to mark the inspection as “reviewed”. Clicking “OK” will mark it as reviewed, cancel will close the inspection without marking it as reviewed.
Searching Inspections The management application includes a “Search Inspections” button in the left hand options panel. This tool is used to run searches of the inspections completed using various criteria. An image of the search options panel is shown below. Operation ID: This is a six digit unique identifier for each operation in the system. Entering a value into this field will restrict the search results to that particular ID number. Service Type: This restricts searches by the type of service provided. Some of the options are 'Inspection', 'Pre-Operational', and 'Complaint'. Operation Type: This restricts searches by the type of operation, such as Food Service, Temporary Food Service, or Mobile Home Park, to list a few. Inspectors ID: This restricts searches to a particular inspector, the format is generally provided by the state as a 6 digit string of characters and numbers. The first three are the inspectors initials, the last 3 are the 3 digit county code. For instance JAW018 is a valid inspector ID format. The field is not case sensitive. Reviewed and Sent to State: These allow you to set TRUE or FALSE, and allow you to restrict to search to inspections that have/have not been reviewed or sent into the state via the other features of the application. Date Range: This allows you to restrict searches to a given date range. Upon running any search, you will see a list of inspections display in the table below the search options. Clicking on the PDF icon in the Document row will allow you to view this inspection report.
Reporting Inspections to the State This option in the left hand panel of the application allows you to sent inspections to New York State via Silent Fax. Inspections will only appear in this window if they have been marked as reviewed.
GIS Inspection Records are available on the County Map as soon as the Laptops are Synchronized with the server.
Inspections, as PDF files are viewable from our web site.http://www.co.genesee.ny.us/
Acknowledgements • Eric Brady and Bergmann Associates for development of the Application • Forms developed for use in these applications by Jeff White. (ex Genesee County Public Health Technician)
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