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Reconstruction (1865-1876)

Reconstruction (1865-1876). Objective: Explore the Challenges Of Reconstruction. Da Playas…. Lincoln. Thaddeus Stevens. Charles Sumner. Andrew Johnson. Terms to know.

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Reconstruction (1865-1876)

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  1. Reconstruction (1865-1876)

  2. Objective: Explore the Challenges Of Reconstruction • Da Playas… Lincoln Thaddeus Stevens Charles Sumner Andrew Johnson

  3. Terms to know While positive steps to protect minorities were taken, Reconstruction was, after all, politically motivated. And because progress changes with politics, any little progress was made when political concerns changed from focus on freedmen’s rights to the economy…

  4. Concept Map What is it? The process of rebuilding and reuniting a group or country What is it like? Concept- Reconstruction What is a specific example of it?

  5. Election of 1860 pg. 74-76 Where’s My Vote??

  6. Reconstruction Quizdom 1 Those in congress who wanted to punish the South were called… Scalawags Carpetbaggers Radical Republicans Nationalists

  7. Radical Republicans refused to take Back southern congressmen immediately following The war “Before we embrace our former colleagues, the whole fabric of Southern society must be changed,” he said. “Without this, the government can never be—as it has never been—a true Republic.” Take us as we are, NOW!!!

  8. THE PURGE MUCH??? John Brown’s Raidon Harper’s Ferry, 1859

  9. The 54th Massachusetts- First all black army Regiment

  10. Sherman’s March through Georgia to theSea, 1864 "We must make this war so fatal and horrible that a century will pass before...new traitors will dare to resort to violence and war to achieve their ends. TOTAL WAR!!! William Tecumseh Sherman

  11. Bloodiest War in American History

  12. Military Reconstruction Act 1867 • Divide the 10 “unreconstructed states” into 5 military districts. • Each under a governor general • Paternalism- military enforced acceptance of black rights

  13. President Lincoln’s Plan We must bind up the nation’s wounds • 10% Plan • When 10% of the voting population in the 1860 election had taken an oath of loyalty and established a government, it would be recognized. • Pardon to all but the highest ranking military and civilian Confederate officers. • Replace majority rule with “loyal rule” in the South or those who took loyalty oaths.

  14. April 15, 1865 Seriously???????

  15. Andrew Johnson takes over… I’s gonna be a good president, even if I donna read so good…

  16. Radical (Congressional) Reconstruction • Radical Republicans- Minority of Republicans in who wanted to punish the South by forcing sweeping changes in the south and grant the freed slaves full citizenship before the states were restored Charles Sumner in the Senate Thaddeus Stevens in the House

  17. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence. • Article 4 Section 4 • The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State. • Article 4 Section 3 • President? • Congress? Who should run Reconstruction? • The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. • Amendment 10 • The Southern States

  18. Political Division North and South • Republican • Democrat The Solid South

  19. 15th Amendment • Ratified in 1870. • The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. • The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. • Women’s rights groups were furious that they were not granted the vote!

  20. Republicans Flood the South Scalawags from the South Carpetbaggers from the North

  21. VETO! How bout a Freedmen’s Bureau? How about a Civil Rights Act to protect freedmen? VETO! How about an amendment to give blacks the right to vote? VETO!

  22. Freaky!!!!!

  23. Reconstruction Acts of 1867 • Tenure of Office Act • The President could not remove any officials [esp. Cabinet members] without the Senate’s consent, if the position originally required Senate approval. • Designed to protect radicalmembers of Lincoln’s government. • A question of the constitutionality of this law. Edwin Stanton

  24. The Senate Trial • 11 week trial. • Johnson acquitted 35 to 19 (one short of required 2/3s vote).

  25. The map above is the result of… The 14th amendment Andrew Johnson’s reconstruction plan The Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 The Civil Rights Act of 1866 Reconstruction Quizdom 5

  26. The Take Away (Main Idea)… While positive steps to protect minorities were taken, Reconstruction was, after all, politically motivated. And because progress changes with politics, any progress that was made was immediately abandoned when political concerns changed from focus on freedmen’s rights to the economy…

  27. Reconstruction Quizdom Who was known as “King Veto” throughout the Reconstruction era? President Andrew Johnson President Abraham Lincoln President Ulysses S. Grant President Thaddeus Stevens

  28. Reconstruction Quizdom Those in congress who wanted to punish the South were called… Scalawags Carpetbaggers Radical Republicans Nationalists

  29. Tenure of Office Act was intended to… Help African Americans Protect President Lincoln Trap President Johnson in impeachment Promote scalawags and carpet baggers US History Quizdom

  30. Reconstruction Quizdom The picture to the right is likely depicting… A Southerner who opposes the Freedmen’s Bureau A Southerner who worked for black political rights A Northerner who traveled South to work for black political rights A Northerner who opposed giving blacks political rights

  31. Reconstruction Quizdom Those in congress who wanted to punish the South were called… Scalawags Carpetbaggers Radical Republicans Nationalists

  32. Reconstruction Quizdom Following the Civil War, Radical Republicans repeated feelings of “no democracy” in the South when they… Gave African Americans the right to vote Did not let Southern Congressmen immediately return to Congress Took away the right to vote from all those who fought in the Civil War Invoked the 3/5 compromise on whites in the South

  33. Reconstruction Quizdom 1865 1867 1867 1868 a.) Abraham Lincoln is assassinated b.) Congress passes the Military Reconstruction Act c. Ulysses S. Grant is Elected President Andrew Johnson is impeached • Which of the events and dates above DO NOT Match up? • a. • b. • c. • d.

  34. Reconstruction Quizdom The Union liberates and arms African Americans to fight in the Civil War Election of 1860 elected Lincoln with a single southern vote ? Sherman’s March to the Sea implores “total war” tactics • Which of the following would most accurately occupy the center of the “main idea” web above? • Key players of Reconstruction • Reasons for continued animosity between North and South after the Civil War • Leaders and political agendas of the Radical Republicans • Political conflicts between the President and Congress

  35. Reconstruction Quizdom The Actions of Congress during Reconstruction gave the South the name “Solid South” meaning they were solidly… Loyal to the Union c. Democrat Republican d. Rebuilt

  36. Reconstruction Quizdom Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner are most closely connected to… Abraham Lincoln Southern Democrats Andrew Johnson The Radical Republicans

  37. Reconstruction Quizdom What commonality did Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson share? Both wanted to bring the South back under easier terms Both wanted to punish the South Both were impeached Both were Republican

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