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The Millennial Generation

The Millennial Generation. What to expect from the next generation in culture, art, and education Dr. Pete Markiewicz Indiespace.com & Lifecourse Associates Art Institute of California, Los Angeles. Consequences for Education I. Positive trends in this generation:

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The Millennial Generation

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  1. The Millennial Generation What to expect from the next generation in culture, art, and education Dr. Pete Markiewicz Indiespace.com & Lifecourse AssociatesArt Institute of California, Los Angeles

  2. Consequences for Education I • Positive trends in this generation: • Better behaved students/easier to manage • Respect for institutions, authority • More interest in long-term, stable careers • Social/political engagement instead of apathy • Better team players • Higher academic achievement

  3. Better behavior - violence Grade/High School Shootings, 1992-2004 SOURCE: National School Safety Center Report, http://www.nssc1.org

  4. Better behavior - violence Serious Violent Crime, age 12-17* Playstation I GTA 1 GTA 3 Playstation II “Recently, the offending rates for 14-17 year-olds reached the lowest levels ever recorded…” -US Department of Justice Serious violent crimes are murders, rapes robberies, and aggravated results SOURCE: US. Department of Justice ·Bureau of Justice Statistics (2005)

  5. Better behavior - sex SOURCE: Lifecourse Associates, Millennials Rising

  6. Generations and abortion US Abortion rates, 1973-2005, all age groups MILLENNIAL Childhood begins GEN-X Childhood Oldest Millennials begin having children

  7. More on teen pregnancy • American teen-age girls are having babies at the lowest rate since 1948. • The downward trend occurred despite a rise in the number of US teens • The fastest decline has occurred among African-American teens (down 8% versus 5.4% for whites) • 18-19 year-olds showed a 4% decline, while rates for 15-17 year-old dropped 8%. • Older generations showed a rise in unmarried births SOURCE: CDC Youth Risk Surveillance Report, 2003

  8. Better behavior - drugs SOURCE: Lifecourse Associates, Millennials Rising

  9. Respect for institutions SOURCE: ZOOM and Applied Research & Consulting LLC 2001 survey of ~10,000 kids aged 9-13 for PBS

  10. Respect for institutions Millennial religious orientation vs. older generations SOURCE: UC Berkeley Survey Research Center Public Agendas and Citizen Engagement Survey (PACES) project, 2002

  11. Social engagement Youth volunteer activity, 1976-2004

  12. Political engagement

  13. Respectable Professions Adult attitudes, listed by year UNCHANGED LESS POPULAR MORE POPULAR SOURCE: 2007, Harris Interactive Inc

  14. An achieving generation SAT Scores of College-Bound Seniors – 1967-2006 SOURCE: College Board 2006 Reporthttp://professionals.collegeboard.com/data-reports-research/sat/archived

  15. Consequences for education II • Negative trends in this generation: • Entitlement…entitlement • Everything is negotiable • A mile wide, an inch deep • “The wisdom of the crowd” • Under pressure/cheating • The boy problem • Health problems

  16. The entitlement generation • Derive from the “special” and “sheltered” core traits • Millennials see their needs as “rights” • Every Millennial is a “micro celebrity” worthy of special treatment • There are no losers – just the “last winners” • Always-on communication increases re-negotiation, reduces advance planning • Close to their “Helicopter parents” – who will rush in to defend their “rights”

  17. Wi-Fi - A Millennial ‘right’… "We might not exactly need it, but it is one of the main ways our generation communicates. And when that feels threatened, we get mad…We like to stay connected." - Jeff Mich, Analy High School student, opposing a Boomer-led ban on free Wi-Fi for health reasons in Sebastopol, CA

  18. Everything is negotiable “…Older people use their mobile phones to "micro-co-ordinate" with partners during the day in order to run their errands more efficiently and … younger people, who have never known paper diaries or an unconnected world, micro-co-ordinate in order to avoid committing themselves to any fixed meeting time, location or person at all. After all, a better opportunity might yet present itself…-The Economist,” Homo Mobilis, April 10, 2008

  19. A mile wide/an inch deep • Derives from “always on” media • Millennials adapt to information overload by communicating in frequent, short bursts • Value shuffling of vast amounts of information rather than deep knowledge of a specific topic • Attempt to multitask – but research shows they are no better than older adults

  20. The wisdom of the crowd • Derives from the “team player” core trait • The Millennial group is the highest authority, not • Instructors • Books • Social networks, not experts or authorities are viewed as having the best answers • Privacy is not a major value • Teamwork is good – but so is “mashup” media and cheating

  21. “Inner compass” vs. “The wisdom of the crowd” Older generations have an “inner compass” - they have a feeling (excitement, sadness), and call a friend to share… Millennials call a friend to get their next feeling… Millennials consult the group to know what to think/feel next! – Sherry Turkle, MIT

  22. Calling the crowd for a feeling… “Students can’t go for even a few minutes without talking on their cellphone. There’s almost a discomfort with not being stimulated – a kind of ‘I can’t stand the silence’…” -Donald Roberts,Stanford Professor, quoted in “Generation M”, Time, March 27, 2006

  23. Crowd art - Mashup media • Millennial media is “cut and paste” • Social networking pages • Widgets • Mashups • Authenticity less important • One of my avatars can stand-in for me • Viewed as original work • Internet content provides the worlds for our “visual language”

  24. Under pressure • As a “special” generation, Millennials have been under pressure to achieve since birth • Standardized tests make life into a set of hurdles to jump • Knowledge of peers increase feeling of competition • Belief in the value of jobs, institutions causes scramble for best positions at school/work

  25. Under pressure… “Kids as young as 6 are tested, and tested again—some every 10 days or so—to ensure they're making sufficient progress. After school, there's homework, and for some, educational videos, more workbooks and tutoring, to help give them an edge.” SOURCE: Newsweek, Sept. 11, 2006

  26. Why Millennials cheat • Cheating is just us helping each other… "I actually think cheating is good. A person who has an entirely honest life can't succeed these days." "We students know that the fact is we are almost completely judged on our grades. They are so important that we will sacrifice our own integrity to make a good impression." "I believe cheating is not wrong. People expect us to attend 7 classes a day, keep a 4.0 GPA, not go crazy and turn in all of our work the next day. What are we supposed to do, fail?" SOURCE: CNN report on Millennial cheatinghttp://archives.cnn.com/2002/fyi/teacher.ednews/04/05/highschool.cheating/

  27. The ‘boy problem’ • Self-esteem for girls worked! • “Girls rule, boys drool” • Millennial boys are falling behind girls in academic performance • Lower grades • Fewer are entering college • Less participation in student activities • Less focus on life goals?

  28. Millennial trends – gender gap SOURCE: Lifecourse Associates, Millennials Rising

  29. Millennial gender gap in college College “gender gap” by age, 1995-2004 SOURCE: USA TODAY http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2005-10-19-male-college-cover_x.htm

  30. Health issues • Large numbers of Millennials have documented disabilities • Take drugs to get “better” (Boomers took drugs to get worse) • Lack of physical activity = obesity

  31. Less physical activity… SOURCE: Lifecourse Associates, from US 2000 Census data

  32. How do we as educators… • Encourage the following? • Respect for institutions, authority • Interest in long-term, stable careers • Social/political engagement • Ability to work in teams • Higher achievement by both boys and girls • Discourage the following? • Excessive entitlement • Negotiating the non-negotiable • Reading versus “texting” • Shallow knowledge versus deep understanding • Relying on “the wisdom of the crowd” • Cheating • Health problems related to physical inactivity

  33. More Millennial reading… Millennial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube & The Future of American Politics (2008, Rutgers) ISBN: 0-8135-4301-0 Millennials and the Popular Culturehttp://www.lifecourse.com/pubs/books.php Millennials Go to College (2nd ed)http://www.lifecourse.com/pubs/books.php Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation(2000, Vintage), ISBN: 037570719-0 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?(1993, Vintage), ISBN: 0679743650 Generations: A History of America’s Future 1594 to 2069(1992, Harper) ISBN: 0688119123

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