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This update report covers topics discussed at the ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS meeting on April 23, 2003. Topics include load profile ID correction, load profiling and load research rule, annual profile type and weather zone validation, opt-in entity issues, oil and gas properties profile change request, direct load control project status, and requirements for replacing an IDR with a non-IDR meter.
PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting April 23, 2003
Next PWG Meetings 5/7, and 5/28. • PWG Vice-Chair John Taylor with Entergy Solutions elected. • PRR 362, Section – Load Profile ID Correction. • PUCT Project 25516, Load Profiling and Load Research Rule. • Annual Profile Type and Weather Zone Validation. • Opt-in Entity Issues for PWG. • Oil and gas properties profile change request. • Direct Load Control (DLC) Project Status. • PRR399 - Requirements for Replacing an IDR with a Non- IDR Meter.
PWG Vice-Chair John Taylor with Entergy Solutions • Elected by PWG 3/25/03. • RMS Vote of approval.
PRR 362, Section – Load Profile ID Correction • Deferred by PRS 11/26/02. • Annual Load Profile Type and Weather Zone Validation procedures and timelines. • RMS Vote of approval. • Cleaned up language in Protocols 18.4 as comment to PRR362. • LPGRR2003-002 Sections 11.4 and 11.5.
PUCT Project 25516, Load Profiling and Load Research Rule. • Approved at open meeting 3/05/03. Effective Date April 16, 2003 (Oct. 16, 2003 end of 6 months). • Load Research is done by TDSP per the sample design of ERCOT and TDSP cost recovery would be through the TDSP rate making process. • ERCOT has 6 months to establish a procedure to provide a method of recovery of research costs associated with obtaining a new profile by a sponsoring Market Participant. • Ballpark estimate of the research cost for a new profile. • List two or three methods with pro and con. • ERCOT may use the template from TXU Energy • Shall be on 5/07/03 PWG Agenda.
Annual Profile Type and Weather Zone Validation. • Feb 1, 2003 to complete algorithms using new usage month in the Profile Decision Tree. • Oncor, AEP North, AEP Central, and TNMP complete. • CNP pending. • Residential Complete. • Business segment has 36% error rate per ERCOT. • Preliminary analysis of profile id changes. • LPGRR2003-002 for procedures and timeline. • Lessons Learned document by ERCOT worked into Profile Decision Tree FAQs. • Profile ID assignments issues, future PRR and LPGRR.
Annual Validation Preliminary analysis of profile id changes. Compares the initial validation profile id assignments, period ending February 2001 with profile ID assignments based on 12 months ending April 2002 and using the usage month algorithm in current Profile Decision Tree. Percentages are for a residential and a business sample of 20,000 ESIIDs each per TDU and not over the whole population.
Opt-in Entity Issues for PWG. • Nueces and San Patricio. • Texas SET Version 1.5 Mid July, 2003. • Invite the Muni and Coop Segment participation. • ACTION ITEMS: • Initial Validation of Profile Id Assignments. • Updates to the LPG, Load Profiling Guides. • Updates to Protocols.
Oil and gas properties profile change request. • Submitted to ERCOT 3/6/03 by Energy Data Source. • ERCOT to post to WEB. • Argument is that the aggregate profile is a very high load factor profile, close to flat. • ERCOT is to evaluate and submit recommendation to PWG. • May test the new PUCT Rule 25516 for reimbursement.
Direct Load Control (DLC) Project Status. • PRR 385 Section 18 (RMS approved 3/25, PRS 3/20, TAC 5/08 and Board 5/20). • LPGRR2003-001 is attached to PRR385 (TAC 5/08). • ERCOT Schedule is pending, Project Manager assigned. • ERCOT and some Market Participants question priority going forward. • PRR Section 6 (submitted by DSWG 3/17/03, PRR388 BUL Capacity Payments, TAC approved 3/6, Board 3/18).
PRR399 - Requirements for Replacing an IDR with a Non- IDR Meter. • The Peak Demand is equal to or less than 200 kW (or 200 kVa) for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months. • Previous PWG discussions centered around loads <= 10 kW where a watt hour meter would normally be installed.