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Learn about Hitler's leadership, the Enabling Law, the Police State, Propaganda, Economy, Anti-Jewish Policy, and more in this GCSE history revision test.
BGS History GCSE Revision Tests Making Germanyinto a dictatorship
2) Was Hitler President or Chancellor? Who was the only man in Germany more powerful than him? Hitler = Chancellor Hindenburg = President, i.e. more powerful than Hitler!
3) What happened in February 1933? The Reichstag Fire!
4) Which party was banned as a result? Communist Party was banned
5) What was the Enabling Law? This law gave Hitler the power to pass laws without going through the Reichstag (parliament) or the President. This would place all power in his hands!
6) What happened to all of Germany’s trade unions in May 1933? Trade Unions were banned and union leaders were arrested.
6) Which Nazi-controlled organisation replaced trade unions? The German Labour Front (DAF)
All political parties! 7) What else was banned in 1933?
9) What was the event when all the leaders of the SA were murdered, and in which year did it happen? The Night of the Long Knives! 1934
10) What did Hitler do when Hindenburg died in 1934, and what title beginning with “F” did he give himself? Hitler made himself President as well as Chancellor He called himself the Fuhrer (supreme leader)
11) How did the army now show their loyalty to Hitler? The army took an oath of personal loyalty to Hitler. Hitler was now Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
12) What was the name of Hitler’s personal protection squad that was about to get much more powerful? The SS (Schutzstaffel)
BGS History GCSE Revision Tests The Police State
13) Give another name for the SS. Blackshirts
14) Who was its leader? Himmler
15) Name one of their key roles in Nazi Germany. Sent lots of people the Nazis didn’t like to concentration camps
16) List 3 groups of people who were sent to concentration camps. • Jewish people • The mentally ill or disabled • Homosexuals
18) In what situation could they arrest people? Arrest people without trial
19) Why did the opponents of the Nazis never get a fair trial? Because the judges were Nazi!
20) Which other group of people did the Nazis use to spy on people? Informers
BGS History GCSE Revision Tests Propaganda
22) What is the word for the way in which the Nazis controlled everything the newspapers could and couldn’t say? Censorship
23) Where did the Nazis hold their main annual rally Nuremberg
24) What kind of messages were they trying to send out at these massive rallies? That the Nazis were all-powerful, in control and they were going to make the future of Germany great again. They wanted to demonstrate that they could bring ORDER out of chaos!
25) Which piece of new technology did the Nazis exploit to spread their message into most German homes? Radio
26) By 1939 what proportion of Germans owned this new technology? 70%
“The Eternal Jew” 27) Give an example of a specific Nazi propaganda film.
28) Give one example of History being written by the Nazis. That Jews were to blame for losing Germany WWI
29) Which type of music did the Nazis ban and why? [2] Jazz, because it was “black people’s music”
BGS History GCSE Revision Tests Economy
30) What was Germany’s key economic problem in 1933? Unemployment!
31) Name two things the Nazis did to solve this. • Huge building programme – autobahns, schools, hospitals, houses… 2) Removed Jews & women from the unemployment register
32) How successful were their policies, i.e. how many unemployed were there by 1939? None, the Nazis had “solved” unemployment
33) What is the word for forcing all young men aged 18-25 to join the army? Conscription!
34) Which Treaty banned this? Treaty of Versailles!!
35) What was the aim of the Office of the Four Year Plan? To make Germany ready for war within 4 YEARS
36) Who was in charge of it? Goering
37) One of his aims was to make Germany self-sufficient. What does this mean? Making Germany non-reliant on imports
38) What question did he famously ask the German people? “Would you rather have guns or butter?”
BGS History GCSE Revision Tests Anti-JewishPolicy
39) What is another term for “persecution of the Jews?” Holocaust
40) Even before the Nazis came to power they were blaming the Jews for Germany’s problems. Name one of the problems the Nazis blamed them for. The humiliating Treaty of Versailles
41) Which anti-Jewish event did the Nazis organise in 1933? Burning of Jewish books
42) What was the name of the anti-Jewish laws introduced in 1935? Nuremberg Laws "I am the greatest pig in town - I have affairs with Jews only."
43) Name two rights which these laws of 1935 took away from Jews. • Jews and Aryans could not marry or have sexual intercourse 2. Jews were deprived of their German citizenship (they did not have “German blood”)
Jewish homes, shops and businesses were attacked and destroyed, leaving the streets covered in smashed windows. Afterwards lots of Jews were taken to Concentration camps. NOVEMBER 1938 44) What happened on the “Night of Broken Glass,” and when did it take place?