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Using Logic Criterion Feasibility to Reduce Test Set Size While Guaranteeing Fault Detection

Using Logic Criterion Feasibility to Reduce Test Set Size While Guaranteeing Fault Detection . Gary Kaminski and Paul Ammann ICST 2009 March 24 Version. Motivation. Current logic criteria: generate large test sets (Combinatorial) or do not guarantee detecting logic faults (RACC) Goal:

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Using Logic Criterion Feasibility to Reduce Test Set Size While Guaranteeing Fault Detection

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  1. Using Logic Criterion Feasibility to Reduce Test Set Size While Guaranteeing Fault Detection Gary Kaminski and Paul Ammann ICST 2009 March 24 Version

  2. Motivation Current logic criteria: • generate large test sets (Combinatorial) or • do not guarantee detecting logic faults (RACC) Goal: - generate smaller test sets while still guaranteeing fault detection Assumption: - restrict attention to minimal Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Boolean predicates tested in isolation

  3. A Word About Infeasibility • Infeasible Test Requirements are a hassle! • They can bloat test sets • They can thwart subsumption hierarchies • Example: RACC and CACC • May be infeasible to satisfy RACC, but feasible to satisfy CACC • RACC subsumes CACC, yet for a literal in a predicate, CACC may yield a test case when RACC does not • Coverage Criteria for Detecting Logic Faults • If all test requirements feasible, simple criteria are enough • More complex criteria needed to fill in the gaps • This paper analyzes feasibility at a “low” level • Result: Minimal, fault-detecting test sets

  4. Building Test Sets Guaranteed to Detect Faults (Current) Apply Criterion 1 T1 Apply Criterion 2 Predicate P: ab + a!c Test Set = T1 + T2 + T3 T2 Apply Criterion 3 T3 • Apply Each Criterion to P, Component by Component • If criterion feasible on component, generate test • If criterion infeasible on component, satisfy as much as possible • Result: Tests from all Criteria on all Components • Criteria are all necessary; but individual tests may be unnecessary

  5. Analyzing Criterion Feasibility at Component Level Extract Components Criterion 1 Feasible? Yes Apply Criterion 1 T1’ No Criterion 2 Feasible? Yes Test Set = T1’ + T2’ + T3’ Apply Criterion 2 T2’ No Predicate P: ab + a!c Apply Criterion 3 T3’ • Criterion Feasibility Analyzed, Component by Component • If criterion feasible on component, generate test and FINISH • If criterion infeasible on component, partially satisfy and go to next criterion Result: Every resulting test has a reason for being there Note: Some details glossed over in this figure…

  6. Minimal DNF • Terms separated by OR, literals by AND ab + a!c vs. a(b + !c) • Make each term true and other terms false ab + ac vs. ab + abc • Impossible to remove a literal or term without changing the predicate ab vs. abc + ab!c

  7. Minimal DNF Logic Faults Original: ab + bc • Literal Insertion Fault: abc + b!c • Literal Insertion Fault: ab!c + b!c • Literal Reference Fault: ac + b!c • Literal Reference Fault: a!c + b!c • Literal Omission Fault: b + b!c A test set detecting these faults also detects others

  8. LIF LOF LRF TOF LNF ORF. ORF+ TNF ENF Lau and Yu’s Fault Hierarchy • A test set that guarantees detection of a source fault guarantees detection of a destination fault • Ignores effect of criterion feasibility

  9. Unique True Points and Near False Points • UTP: An assignment of values such that only one term evaluates to true. ab + !ac: 110 and 111 are UTPs for ab • NFP: An assignment of values such that the predicate evaluates to false but when a literal is omitted, it evaluates to true. ab + !ac: 100 and 101 are NFPs for b

  10. MUTP Criterion • Find UTP tests for each term such that all literals not in the term attain 0 and 1. • Detects LIF and if feasible, detects LRF • Inexpensive to satisfy • Feasible for ab + !ac ab – 110, 111 !ac – 001, 011 • Infeasible for ab + ac ab – 110

  11. CUTPNFP Criterion • Find a UTP - NFP pair such that only the literal of interest changes value. • Detects LOF and if feasible, detects LRF • More expensive to satisfy • Feasible for b in ab + ac UTP for ab is 110 NFP for b in ab is 100 • Infeasible for b in first term of ab + b!c + !bc UTP for ab is 111 NFP for b in ab 100 (101 makes !bc true)

  12. MNFP Criterion • Find NFP tests for each literal such that all literals not in the term attain 0 and 1. • Detects LOF and if feasible, detects LRF • Most expensive to satisfy • Feasible for a in first term of ab + ac 010, 011 • Infeasible for a in first term of ab + !ac 010 (011 makes !ac true)

  13. MUMCUT Criterion • Combine CUTPNFP, MNFP, and MUTP - detects LIF, LRF, and LOF but expensive - without considering feasibility need all 3 criteria to detect LRF • Other criteria require less inputs but do not guarantee fault detection (RACC) • Can we reduce MUMCUT test set size while still guaranteeing LRF detection?

  14. For Each Term MUTP feasible? Test Set = MUTP + NFP MUTP Feasibility and LRF If MUTP is feasible for a term: Black – Green • MUTP detects LRF • CUTPNFP not needed to detect LRF • MNFP not needed to detect LRF MNFP CUTPNFP feasible? For Each Literal In Term Test Set = MUTP + MNFP Test Set = MUTP + CUTPNFP

  15. MNFP CUTPNFP feasible? For Each Literal In Term For Each Term MUTP feasible? Test Set = MUTP + MNFP Test Set = MUTP + NFP Test Set = MUTP + CUTPNFP CUTPNFP Feasibility and LRF If MUTP is infeasible for a term but CUTPNFP is feasible for a literal in the term: Black – Red – Black - Green • MUTP does not detect LRF • CUTPNFP detects LRF • MNFP not needed to detect LRF

  16. MNFP CUTPNFP feasible? For Each Literal In Term For Each Term MUTP feasible? Test Set = MUTP + MNFP Test Set = MUTP + NFP Test Set = MUTP + CUTPNFP MNFP Feasibility and LRF If MUTP is infeasible for a term and CUTPNFP is infeasible for a literal in the term: Black – Red – Black – Red – Black • MUTP does not detect LRF • CUTPNFP does not detect LRF • MNFP will detect LRF

  17. Minimal-MUMCUT Criterion • MUTP feasible  MUTP detects LRF • CUTPNFP feasible  CUTPNFP detects LRF • Both infeasible  MNFP detects LRF Minimal-MUMCUT: • Always need MUTP tests to detect LIF • CUTPNFP tests only when MUTP infeasible • MNFP tests only when both are infeasible “Minimal” means that every test in the test set is needed to guarantee fault detection – not minimized

  18. LIF LRF TOF LOF LNF ORF. ORF+ TNF ENF New Fault Hierarchy • Black arrow: relation always holds • Green arrow: relation holds if MUTP is feasible • Red arrow: relation holds if MUTP is infeasible and CUTPNFP is feasible

  19. Case Study • Analyzed 19 Boolean predicates in an avionics software system (Weyuker, Chen, Lau, and Yu) • Number of unique literals range: 5 to 13 • Determined MUTP feasibility for each term and CUTPNFP feasibility for each literal • Examined test set size for MUMCUT vs. Minimal-MUMCUT

  20. Case Study Results • Minimal-MUMCUT size is 12% of MUMCUT size • Savings in test set size comes from 1) CUTPNFP feasible for all 853 literals: no MNFP 2) For 24% of literals, MUTP detects LRF: no CUTPNFP 3) 16 of 19 predicates had a MUTP feasible term

  21. Test Set Size vs. Number of Unique Literals

  22. Conclusion • Used criterion feasibility to reduce test set size without sacrificing fault detection • Modification of fault detection relations in Lau and Yu’s hierarchy based on criterion feasibility • Introduction of the Minimal-MUMCUT criterion based on minimal DNF • Applications for software testing of programs with large predicates

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