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Region 3 Meeting

Join the Region 3 Meeting to receive updates from OPTN/UNOS leadership, review and discuss public comment proposals, and provide feedback on committee activities. Also, learn about committee nominations for upcoming positions. Your input is important!

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Region 3 Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Region 3 Meeting Tom Pearson, MD, DPhil Regional Councillor

  2. Meeting Agenda • Update from OPTN/UNOS leadership • Review and discuss 5 public comment proposals • Your feedback will be shared with the Kidney, Pancreas, OPO, and Liver Committees • Updates on committee activities: Thoracic, Kidney, and Liver Committees

  3. Regional Business • Summary of spring 2017 regional meeting • Why should you review it? • Committee’s response to our region’s comments • Board’s action on each proposal • Information on implementation date

  4. Spring 2018 Regional Meeting Date • Spring public comment: January 22 - March 23, 2018 • proposals will go to the Board for review in June • Mark your calendar! Spring region 3 meeting: • March 16, 2018

  5. Region 3 Meeting Attendance

  6. Regional Business • As councillor, my role is to: • Chair the regional meetings • Oversee regional business • Serve as the region’s representative to the Board of Directors • Share the region’s comments on public comment proposals • To best represent the region, I need to hear from you • Welcome members of the Board of Directors • Yolanda Becker • Mindy Dison • Ken Murphy (Region 11 Visitor)

  7. OPTN/UNOS Committee Nominations • Early September: call for nominations distributed for committee member openings in July 2018 • Nominations accepted for all committee openings: regional representatives, at-large members • Regional representatives: additional responsibility of serving as a liaison between the committee and the region • presenting committee’s work at regional meetings • representing the region’s comments at committee meetings

  8. OPTN/UNOS Committee Nominations • Interested individuals must submit a bio form online • OPTN website Members tabGet Involved • Bio form includes a section to indicate specific committee and Board interest, including the position(s) you are interested in • New: If you submitted a bio form last Fall and were not appointed to a committee, you will be contacted to confirm your interest

  9. Committee Nominations: Regional Reps • With the exception of the MPSC, the Board increased committee terms to 3 years • Implemented July 1, 2016 • Result: fewer openings for the 2018-2021 term • No openings for region 3 reps in 2018, but you can apply for an at-large position

  10. OPTN/UNOS Committee Nominations • To be considered for an at-large position, submit bio form by December 1 • OPTN/UNOS President-Elect reviews regional and at-large recommendations • Committee appointments final by March 1. New committee appointees will be contacted and will begin orientation and onboarding process • Committee term begins on July 1, 2018

  11. Communication Efforts: Nominations • Email notices to the region • Posted on the region 3 page on Transplant Pro (Community Regions) • Posted on OPTN and Transplant Pro websites • Informational flyer at your table

  12. Region 3 Vacancies on Committees (terms begin July 1) • Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC)

  13. Associate Councillor/Councillor-Elect • Regional representative to the MPSC for a 2-year term (2018-2020) • Councillor position for additional 2 years • Serving as a liaison between the region and the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors (Board member: 2020-2022) • Chair regional meetings, manages regional operations, chairs the regional nominating committee • Responsibilities and time commitment are significant

  14. Associate Councillor/Councillor-Elect • Selection process • Same considerations as committee openings, PLUS: • Past OPTN committee experience • Board of Directors needs for diversity in profession, race, and gender • Ability to take an organizational view • Election process • Nomination period closes October 20 • Regional nominating committee selects the slate • Ballot sent to regional voting representatives

  15. Regional Meeting Agenda: Non-Discussion • Includes proposals anticipated to be: • non-controversial, • minimal impact on the transplant community, and/or • represent a clerical change to clarify policy or remain current with clinical practice • Region was offered an opportunity to request that a proposal(s) be placed on the discussion agenda • Proposals will be voted on today, but not presented or discussed • Proposals presented and discussed during national webinars

  16. National Webinars • Recordings posted on OPTN (Governance Public Comment) and Transplant Pro (Community Regions) websites • Webinars held in August: non-discussion agenda items • Webinars: discussion agenda items • OPO and Liver Committees proposals on Aug 15 • Kidney and Pancreas Committees proposals: September 12, 2:00 pm EDT • Registration link on OPTN and Transplant Pro websites

  17. Non-Discussion Proposals: VoteYou have the option to abstain from voting if you haven’t reviewed the proposals • Living Organ Donation by Persons with Certain Fatal Diseases Who Meet the Criteria to Be Living Organ Donors (Ethics Committee) • Review of HLA Tables (2016) (Histocompatibility Committee) • Addressing Approved Transplant Fellowship Training Programs Bylaws (Membership and Professional Standards Committee) • Guidance for Transplant Program Participation in the Transplantation of non-A1/non-A1B (A2/A2B) Donor Kidneys into Blood Group B Candidates (Minority Affairs Committee)

  18. Non-Discussion Proposals: VoteYou have the option to abstain from voting if you haven’t reviewed the proposals • Guidance on the Benefits of Pancreas After Kidney (PAK) Transplantation (Pancreas Committee) • Revisions to Pediatric Emergency Membership Exception Pathway (Pediatric Committee) • Regional Review Board Guidance for Adult Congenital Heart Disease Exception Requests(Thoracic Committee)

  19. Public Comment Opportunities • Share your comments today • Contact Regional Representatives • List is located in the meeting booklet and on Transplant Pro: select the community tab, and then “regions” • Submit public comment online • OPTN website: http://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/governance/public-comment/ • Sponsoring committee considers feedback in development of final proposal • Board receives all public comment

  20. Regional Meeting Materials – online! • Today’s presentations are posted on Transplant Pro • Make sure to review the non-discussion proposals and committee updates not presented today • Histo, Living Donor, MPSC, Patient Affairs, Pediatric, Transplant Administrators, VCA • Regional meeting materials are also posted on Transplant Pro

  21. Regional and National Data

  22. Deceased Donation2016-2017U.S.

  23. Deceased Donation2016-2017Region 3

  24. Deceased Donors by Type and Region2017

  25. Deceased Donors by Type2008-2017Region 3 27%

  26. Deceased Donor Transplants 2015-2017 U.S.

  27. Deceased Donor Transplants 2015-2017 Region 3

  28. Framing the Day • We want feedback from as many attendees as possible • To manage the discussion on each proposal, please limit your comments to new comments, points that haven’t been raised • If the region opposes a proposal, specific feedback and recommended modifications are valuable • To be sure your comments and questions are heard, please use floor microphones

  29. Questions?

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