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INFO 380 Information Systems Analysis and Management

INFO 380 Information Systems Analysis and Management. Instructor: Greg Hay TA: Yuan Lin. Agenda: Session 8. Announcements Value Proposition Information Management: Improving Processes Project Teams SCRUM. Announcements. Preliminary Problem Statement due tonight

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INFO 380 Information Systems Analysis and Management

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  1. INFO 380Information Systems Analysis and Management Instructor: Greg Hay TA: Yuan Lin

  2. Agenda: Session 8 • Announcements • Value Proposition • Information Management: Improving Processes • Project Teams • SCRUM

  3. Announcements • Preliminary Problem Statement due tonight • Leads will turn-in before midnight • Statement may be ‘squishy’

  4. Announcements • Mid-term coming up February 3 • Material on exam through next Tuesday • Similar to quiz | mostly short-answer • ~20 questions with 80 minutes to complete • 15% of course points

  5. Midterm Preparation: Study Guide • Probably more ‘application’ of principles • Possible case study • Be familiar with concepts • Systems Analysis process • Roles and responsibilities • SDLC

  6. Questions?

  7. Tell me about value again?

  8. Keeping an Eye on Value • Information creates value by improving: • Relationships • Processes • Competitiveness • Quality of products and services

  9. Keeping an Eye on Value • Reduce Costs • Increase Revenue • Improve Effectiveness • Litigation Deterrence • Increase Safety

  10. How can information reduce costs?

  11. Keeping an Eye on Value • Reduce Costs • Save development cost • Save development time • Reduce maintenance cost • Save redesign cost

  12. How can information increase revenue?

  13. Keeping an Eye on Value • Increase Revenue • Increase transactions • Increase sales • Increase traffic/size of audience • Retain customers • Increase appeal • Increase market share

  14. How can information improve effectiveness?

  15. Keeping an Eye on Value • Improve Effectiveness • Increase success rate/reduce user error • Increase efficiency (reduce time to complete task) • Increase user satisfaction

  16. Keeping an Eye on Value • Improve Effectiveness • Increase job satisfaction • Increase ease of learning • Increase trust • Decrease support costs • Reduce documentation costs

  17. How can information improve safety or reduce the costs associated with legal issues?

  18. Keeping an Eye on Value • Litigation Deterrence\Increase Safety • Better quality of product or service

  19. What is a meant by a value proposition?

  20. Value Propositions • Why would anyone want a value proposition?

  21. Value Propositions • Helps make a company more profitable • Allows all stakeholders to have focus on purpose • Value = Benefits - Cost (cost includes risk)

  22. Value Proposition: Formal definition • “A value proposition is an analysis and quantified review of the benefits, costs and value that an organization can deliver to customers and other constituent groups within and outside of the organization.” • “the way a business proposes to use its resources to deliver superior value to its customers” • http://www.knowledgence.com/JAN03ARTICLE1.htm

  23. Value Propositions • Statement of business strategy • How does the organization differentiate itself? • Over-riding value that permeates all products

  24. Value Propositions • Successful leaders align value propositions throughout the organization • Everyone everywhere is empowered • Think strategically • Take ownership for quality • Hold managers accountable

  25. Value Propositions • What organization has historically done this?

  26. Value Propositions • What organization has historically done this? • Toyota (forget the past 2 years)

  27. Value Proposition: Toyota-ism • Created ‘Lean Production’ with 5 principles • Challenge • Kaizen (improvement) • GenchiGenbutsu (go and see) • Respect • Teamwork • Goal: cost reduction by elimination of waste

  28. Value Propositions 1. Market • who are you creating the value proposition for? 2. Customer Experience • what do they say they value? • must include real feedback (no guessing) 3. Offering • description of the product or service being offered

  29. Value Propositions 4. Benefits • What are the benefits to customers? 5. Alternatives and Differentiation • How are you different from anything competitors? • What substitutes or alternatives are there? • 'Do Nothing' and 'We'll do it ourselves'

  30. Value Propositions 6. Proof • What evidence is there you can accomplish goal?

  31. Value Propositions • Know your organization’s value proposition • If it does not exist, help create one • Develop a value proposition for yourself

  32. Value Propositions • Focusing on value requires strategic thinking • How are we going to make others ‘better’?

  33. Questions?

  34. Information Management • Information has extreme value • Relationships • Processes • Competitiveness • Products/services

  35. How does Information become valuable in terms of improving processes?

  36. Information: Improve Processes • Data • What questions need to be answered? • Which processes are important? • How can processes become more efficient? • What data is available to help do that? • How do we obtain that data? • How will that data fit into our system? • Do we need a new system component? • Who will use data? How? To what end?

  37. Information: Improve Processes • How information is defined and managedcan add value to organizations: • Data • Information • Knowledge/Learning • Wisdom

  38. How will we know that data is being used effectively within our system? Be able to answer ‘So What?’

  39. Can we build a metric to measure that?

  40. Can we build a metric to measure that? If yes, is there just one? Who is going to build it? What does it look like? Where is that metric going to live? How often will it run?

  41. Can we build a metric to measure that? What will each metric reveal? What is our response? What is NEXT response if first does not work?

  42. Information: Improve Processes • Metrics provide ‘information on information’ • How effective is the information? • Do we have gaps? • WHERE do we have gaps? • Data • Information • Knowledge/Learning • Wisdom:

  43. Information: Improve Processes • Wisdom: ‘Metrics on Metrics’ • ‘How effective is the knowledge/learning?’

  44. Questions?

  45. Project Teams • Finalize Problem/Opportunity: 15 minutes • SCRUM meeting at end of class • Task List RACI >> who is going to do what? • TODAY: • Think Problem Statement • What is impact?

  46. Where We Are Heading • Proposal • Table of Contents • Executive Summary • Introduction • Client Overview • Problem Statement • Methodology • Analysis and Findings • Opportunities • Proposal • Recommendations and Conclusions • Appendix (exhibits) Presentation

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