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Chapter 7 Study Guide. What ended the Whiskey Rebellion? And what was George Washington’s role in the event? George Washington personally led 16,000 soldiers to stop the rebellion. The rebels fled. 2. In 1790, what were the expectations Americans held about their new government?
What ended the Whiskey Rebellion? And what was George Washington’s role in the event? George Washington personally led 16,000 soldiers to stop the rebellion. The rebels fled.
2. In 1790, what were the expectations Americans held about their new government? Expectations were high, the government was trusted to protect the economy and give security to the citizens.
3. Who is Anthony Wayne and why was he important? US general, victorious in NW Territory against Native Americans at the Battle of Fallen Timbers
4. When leaving office, what did Washington feel was the key to national success? What did he warn against? Political Unity = key to success Warned against = Debt for future generations
5. What was Thomas Jefferson’s policy toward France? Why did he hold that viewpoint? He believed we owed it to the French since they helped us in our revolution.
6. Pinckney’s treaty addressed settlers’ disputes over the Florida border with what country? Spain
7. In 1790, what was the feeling of most American farmers toward the new government? They didn’t want government interfering in their daily lives.
8. Define “strict construction” as it pertains to interpreting the Constitution. What leaders were considered “strict constructionists”? ‘Only the power written in the constitution’, Jefferson was a strict constructionist
9. Define “loose construction” as it pertains to interpreting the Constitution. What leaders were considered “loose constructionists”? ‘Any power you need to govern’ Hamilton was a loose constructionist.
10. What were the beliefs of the “Republican Motherhood” movement? Women teach their children to be good citizens.
11. Define the term “precedent” and understand it in the context of the new government and its’ first leaders. An action that becomes an example for the future.
12. Define the term “Federalist”, its’ beliefs and followers. Federalists wanted a STRONG central government. Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist.
13. Who became Vice President as a result of the 1796 election? Thomas Jefferson
14. The first political party division in the United States was between which 2 groups? Democratic Republicans Federalists
15. What differentiated the 1796 presidential election from prior presidential elections in the United States? Multiple Candidates
16. On what grounds was Washington criticized by Congress for proclaiming neutrality concerning disputes between foreign countries. He was using too much power
17. What were the actions outlined in Hamilton’s economic plan? Page 239 Tax domestic products and place tariffs on imports.
18. What 2 criteria define the amount of money owed by the nation which created the national debt? Money owed by a country to it’s citizens and other countries.
19. How did New York City represent the spirit of the nation in 1790? New York recovered from the damage in the American Revolution.
20. What is the main reason why most people wanted George Washington to become president? Washington was an honest leader and a Revolutionary War Hero.
21. What is the main reason Federalists passed the Alien and Sedition Acts? What was the main criticism against the acts by Republicans? To protect the government from it’s critics. The acts gave the government too much power.
22. What was Thomas Jefferson’s vision of a robust economy in the United States? Conversely, what was Alexander Hamilton’s vision of a robust economy? Jefferson was focused on farming. Hamilton was focused on manufacturing and trade.
23. Define the term “speculators” and understand it in the context of the national debt. Buy government bonds at a low price and sell for a larger price.
24. What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and how did they relate to the Alien and Sedition Acts? Declared the Acts gave too much power to the central government.
25. Know Washington’s farewell address Page 248.
26. For what reasons did Washington support the Judiciary Act of 1789? The courts were needed to balance the government.
27. For what reasons did Jefferson and Madison not support Hamilton’s plan for a national bank. The plan gave too much power to the central government.
28. What was the XYZ Affair? How was it significant? Three French diplomats refused to talk to the U.S. delegation unless they were paid a bribe. The U.S. public was outraged, the Federalists called for war!
29. Why did President George Washington believe it was important to pass the Judiciary Act of 1789, which set up a system of federal courts? Washington wanted to set up courts to interpret laws and balance the government
30. In what major way did the presidential election of 1796 differ from prior American elections? • Multiple candidates • Political parties were formed • Campaigning was intense • 1st place=president, 2nd place=vice-president
Chapter 7 Test Tuesday 12/4