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Sustainability of Technology Team 4 Craig Datko Monica Esopi Stephen Kenas Felix Aronovich

Sustainability of Technology Team 4 Craig Datko Monica Esopi Stephen Kenas Felix Aronovich. Craig: Important Things. What are the most important things you want in your life? a. Have a low stress lifestyle and have fun with everything I do

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Sustainability of Technology Team 4 Craig Datko Monica Esopi Stephen Kenas Felix Aronovich

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  1. Sustainability of Technology Team 4 Craig Datko Monica Esopi Stephen Kenas Felix Aronovich

  2. Craig: Important Things • What are the most important things you want in your life? • a. Have a low stress lifestyle and have fun with everything I do • b. Get married, have children and stay in touch with close friends and immediate family • c. Make enough money to be able to provide for my family and live comfortably • d. Be an officer in the navy involved with either surface warfare or as a pilot • e. Travel around the world and experience different cultures and places. • f. I will vote in elections but other than that I'm not very political.

  3. Population Growth • The first billion didn’t arrive until 1830. The second billion took only from 1830 to 1930. Three billion more arrived in the next 60 years. The technology will not be able to handle the exponential growth of the population. • The Chair of the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Global Warming calls population growth the driving force in global warming. • Of the nearly 470 million acres of arable land that are now in cultivation in the U.S., more than 1 million acres are lost from cultivation each year due to urbanization, multiplying transportation networks, and industrial expansion.  • This relates to my personal agenda because, if the population is not controlled technology will not be able to keep up with demands of humans creating hardship and struggle for many. • http://www.enviroalternatives.com/popfacts.html

  4. Monica: Important Things • Personal: be happy, contribute to community • Social: remain close with family and friends, start my own family • Material: comfortable home, nice car • Occupation: decent-paying, enjoyable • Recreation: physical activity, piano • Political: stay informed, vote

  5. Uncontrollable Consumption • Consume 20% more than Earth can produce • Fossil fuels • Energy consumption • Emissions • Land use • Pollution • Rich nations use everyone’s resources • Palm oil – Asia, Soybeans – South America • Not how much we have left but how much consumption we can sustain • http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1021-02.htm

  6. Steve’s Most Important Things • Personal: I want to be happy. One longtime goal is to travel the world and experience as much of it as possible • Social Life: It is important to have good family connections. Also, I enjoy making as many friends as possible • Material Life: I would like to make enough money to live a happy life while supporting a family. • Work: I would like receive a job in the engineering field for a major company. • Recreation: I always enjoyed sports and will play them until I can no longer • Political Life: I never had much interest in politics. As long as our country continues to be a top power, I wont pay too much attention to politics.

  7. Weapons of Mass Destruction • Ability to kill millions of innocent people • Too many weapons accessible • Available to too many people • There will always be targets • Partial control cannot work • Terrorists would abuse • http://debate-central.ncpa.org/past/2001/neg.html

  8. Felix: Important things I want in life • To be liberal, open minded and not afraid of changes. • Be surrounded be a close group of friends. Live close to my family. Get married (once) and have 3 kids. • Find a job I love doing that pays good money. Go to work with a smile and not just of necessity. • Earn enough of money to be able to live comfortably and have the ability to purchase what ever I want. Big house, cars and motorcycles. • Own a medium size yacht, sail and travel the world for at least a month per year. Stay healthy and in shape. Work-out at least 4 times a week. • Not be involved in politics, but still be aware of what's going on in the world.

  9. Pollution and Deforestation • Advances in technology cause many types of pollution: air, soil, radioactive, light and water. • 46% of America’s lakes are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life. • Polluted water as a by product of industry, turn into acid-rain which in turn causes trees to be weaker and more prone to disease. • Each year a forest area roughly the size of Costa Rica is being destroyed. This happens mainly to support growth in population and a growing need to feed the world. • Deforestation causes an increase in CO2 and severely affects global warming. http://www.grinningplanet.com/2005/07-26/water-pollution-facts-article.htm

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