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Div. 8. Islam. 1. How Did Islam Start. God= Allah= “the God” Mohammad= Allah messenger Mohammad= last prophet (1,400 years ago)= A.D. 600 Mohammad= revelation from Allah= Koran Muhammad= messages sent from Gabriel (angel) Mohammad= model for all men/women

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  1. Div. 8 Islam

  2. 1. How Did Islam Start • God= Allah= “the God” • Mohammad= Allah messenger • Mohammad= last prophet (1,400 years ago)= A.D. 600 • Mohammad= revelation from Allah= Koran • Muhammad= messages sent from Gabriel (angel) • Mohammad= model for all men/women • Important messengers of god= Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Mohammad

  3. (cont.) • Second largest religion ( 1.1 billion) • Allah= lord of universe, all knowing, creator • Prophets= guided by Allah (guide some of humanity) • Adam= first prophet • Prophet= cant tell future • God= select prophet to urge people to worship him • Koran= mentions25 prophets by name • Most important type of prophet= called “Rasul”

  4. 2. What the Religion Believe in • God = Allah (eternal: never born= never die) • Allah made everything • Universe= muslim • Allah gave freedom & can be muslim/not • Shahadah: Declara’n of faith • Children born w/ out sin can be saved w/ God • Pray 5 times/day & proved they were faithful to God

  5. (cont.) • Muslims don’t take drugs b/c Allah created them= take care of bodies • Food is from God • Can’t eat pig • Halal method: cut jugular artery in neck w/ knife • While killing animal w/ knife person repeats name “Allah” (returns life to Allah) • Important to obey rules of halal food • Wudu= washing hands, mouth, face, feet b4 prayer

  6. (cont.) • Plak- ah= 8 positions during prayer • Niyyan: intention (to have a good life) • Mosque= place where you pray • Mosques also used for school (learn Arabic+ Qur’an), law court, rooms for birth, marriage, funerals, community centres • Muslims share faith

  7. (cont.) • Muezzin:calls ppl. 2 pray • Muzzins say pray is better than sleep • Prophets: messenger sent from God • -Tells people how God wants them to live • -1st prophet= Adam • -last & most valuable= Muhammed • -Muhammed got messages from Allah

  8. 3. Who are the God/ Goddess/ Religious leaders of Islam • Started in Arabia • Mohammad= revelation from god= Koran • Consist of “5 pillars”= Shahada, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage • Mohammad+ started in CE 610 • Mohammad mad= people worship idols= focused more on humanity and god

  9. (cont.) • CE 610= receive message from god • Message from god= must tell all people about Allah • Gabriel= also tell Mohammad about prophets in the past= also in Koran • Told wife, cousin, servant about revelation= first Muslim • People hate Mohammad for disrespecting there god= ran away with followers • Built first mosque= Quba, Madinah • Told everybody about Allah

  10. 4. How Do They Practice Their Religion? Praying Timeline • Pray 5 Times A Day: • Salat-ul-Fajr = Between the first light of dawn and sunrise • Salat-ul-Zuhr = After Midday • Salat-ul-Asr = Mid Afternoon • Salat-ul-Maghrib = Sunset • Salat-ul-Isha = From One And A Half Hours After Sunset • Pray Towards ‘Kaaba’

  11. (cont.) Praying Positions • Standing • Bowing • Kneeling • Prosperation (Touch Head To Ground, Hands Flat On Mat Holy Books The Koran (That Which Should Be Read)= Holy Book For Muslims The Hadith= Prophet Muhammad's Sayings

  12. (cont.) Muslim Worship Based On 2 Wings • 1st Wing- Adopting 5 Pillars of Islam • 2nd Wing- Performing Good Deeds To Gain Mercy/Satisfaction

  13. (cont.) Adopting 5 Pillars of Islam • Testify that God is the one and only God and that Prophet Muhammad is God's Messenger and Prophet. • Praying 5 Times A Day • Paying To Charity • Fasting • Perform the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca At Least Once In Lifetime If Affordable

  14. (cont.) Performing Good Deeds To Gain Mercy / Satisfaction • Keeping good relations with relatives, and friends, and gaining no enemies • Doing work with good quality and honesty • Respecting the old and be kind to the younger • Be respectable to parents • Helping the poor, the sick, and all who need help • Being honest and faithful • Not gambling, not drinking alcohols, and not performing sex outside marriage, & ext.

  15. 5. Why is Mecca Important to Muslims? About Mecca • Located Saudi Arabia, 80km from Red Sea Coast • Over 1,000,000 People Visit Every Year • Most Holy Place In Islam Religion • Birth Place Of Prophet Muhammad • Cannot Be Visited If Not Muslim • One of Five Pillars ‘Hajj’= A Pilgrimage To Mecca (Must Be Completed At Least Once In Lifetime

  16. (cont.) About Mecca • Muslims Usually Pray Towards ‘Kaaba’ • ‘Kaaba’= Cube Shaped Building In Mecca • Believed Patriarch Abraham Personally Built It • ^Abraham= Central Human Figure In Muslim Beliefs Because Willingly Offered Son When The Lord Commanded It

  17. 6. Koran • Koran = The word of god, perfect • Muslim treat the Koran with great respect • Most basic rules are in Koran • Always recite Koran in Ara • bic • Koran have 114 chapters • Millions of people know Koran by heart • Koran must be touch by clean hand

  18. (cont.) • Koran is Arabic means recitation • Muslims don’t reject Moses Jesus and other prophets • Muhammad = the bearer of a divine message • Koran is the last series of revelation send by god • Hadith = the stories of Muhammad the prophet • Koran = The word of god, perfect

  19. 7. Holy Places • The place of worship is called mosque • Mecca = holy land • Important place in the pilgrimage • Baghdad • Jerusalem • Istanbul

  20. 8. Why Do They Fast During Ramada? • 9 mth. Of Islamic calendar • 9 mth.= when Muhammed saw Qur’an • Joy + holy thoughts • Hunder/thirst= self control & caring • Often end w/ pinch of salt, dates, milk/honey • Fast dawn to sunset

  21. (cont.) • Don’t need to fast if young, sick, travelling • $ saved= poor ppl. • Food/clothing bought by poor ppl. w/ $ for Id al-fity • Id al-fitr: feast ending Ramadan • Id al-fitr includes: call 2 prayer from mosque & gunfire, radio/television announces • Muslims have closer relationship b/w them & Allah b.c of fasting

  22. End

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