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Safety Review RT-273 2008

Safety Review RT-273 2008. Safety Review Section. SEAT Safecoms 2008 Season SEAT Safety Alerts/Bulletins SEAT Safety concerns from the field. SEAT SAFECOMS. What is a SAFECOM??? Where do I go to find SAFECOM’s? Can SEAT Managers submit SAFECOMS?. SAFECOM WEB SITE;. www.safecom.gov.

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Safety Review RT-273 2008

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  1. Safety ReviewRT-2732008

  2. Safety Review Section • SEAT Safecoms 2008 Season • SEAT Safety Alerts/Bulletins • SEAT Safety concerns from the field

  3. SEAT SAFECOMS • What is a SAFECOM??? • Where do I go to find SAFECOM’s? • Can SEAT Managers submit SAFECOMS?

  4. SAFECOM WEB SITE; www.safecom.gov

  5. SEAT SAFECOMS 2008 Review Safecoms for the 2008 season. • What were the more predominate problems or trends ? • What can SEAT Manager do about the current trends ?

  6. SEAT Safety Alerts/Bulletins2008 New BLM Operations Alert 08-01 Retardant Suppressant Applications (see handout)

  7. Safety Information ONE new BLM Operations Alert issued for the SEAT Program in 2008 ! 2002 - 2008 Safety Information: • AVIATION SAFETY ALERTS: • USDOI Aviation Safety Alert 2002-03:Acceptable Procedures for the Mixing and Loading of Retardant into SEAT Aircraft. • USDOI Aviation Safety Alert 2002-05: Retardant Fill Rate • AVIATION ACCIDENT PREVENTION BULLETINS: • USDOI Aviation Accident Prevention Bulletin 2005-03: SEAT – Fuel Management • AVIATION TECH BULLETINS: • USDOI Tech Bulletin 2003-04:Emergency Drop Systems • USDOI Tech Bulletin 2005-01:SEAT – Induction Air Filters • USDOI Tech Bulletin 2005-02: Dromader Fuel Compensation Needle • USDOI BLM OPERATIONS ALERT: • USDOI Bureau of Land Management, Office of Fire and Aviation 2005-02SEAT Use– Use of Single Engine Airtankers -Current ASM / Lead Procedures • USDOI Bureau of Land Management, Office of Fire and Aviation 2005-04 SEAT Operations (SEAT Managers / Safety Discussions) • USDOI Bureau of Land Management, Office of Fire and Aviation 2005-05 Airtanker / Helitanker Effectiveness NEW BLM Operations Alert ! • USDOI Bureau of Land Management, Office of Fire and Aviation 2008-01 Retardant /Suppressant Application

  8. System Safety Aviation Guide New 2008! Provide Students with a brief overview of the guide. (Have several copies available for students to review.)

  9. System Safety Aviation Guide Objective: The objective of a Safety Management System (SMS) is to provide a structured management system to control risk in operations. A formal system of hazard identification and safety risk management is essential in controlling risk to acceptable levels. Safety management is centered on a systematic approach to hazard identification and risk management, in the interests of minimizing the loss of human life, property damage, and financial, environmental and societal losses. Description: System Safety falls under the umbrella of Safety Management Systems (SMS). The definition of SMS is a Systemic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures. The result is the ability to systemically identify hazards and control risks as well as provide assurance that risk controls are effective. Although we currently do a good job of identifying hazards and controlling risks, we are not realizing the full benefit that a system wide approach provides.

  10. System Safety Aviation Guide Example of the four stage risk assessment matrix developed for the SEAT program.

  11. System Safety Aviation Guide Where to get a guide ? USFS: http://www.fs.fed.us/fire/av_safety/Systems_Safety/av_risk_mgt/index.html DOI: http://www.blm.gov/nifc/st/en/prog/fire/Aviation/safety.html

  12. READ FILE / SIX MINUTES FOR SAFETY Provide students with a brief overview of the new “Read File and Six Minutes for Safety. Information available on both the BLM and USFS web sites.

  13. READ FILE / SIX MINUTES FOR SAFETY READ FILE/SIX MINUTES FOR SAFETY USER INSTRUCTIONS  The 2008 Aviation System Safety Assessments identified Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT), Fatigue, and Acceptance of Risk as Normal (all Human Factors) as the primary focus of our prevention efforts. To assist Vendor and Agency personnel we are implementing a Read File and Six Minutes for Safety prevention program. The Read File is intended to assist pilots in understanding critical Safety of Flight information. The cover sheet identifies the Read File topics and provides blocks for the pilot’s name and completed review items. Although the materials are not required reading, the information provided should prove to be a beneficial review at any time during the fire season. The information can be located in the Safety link at http://www.blm.gov/nifc/st/en/prog/fire/Aviation.html or at the USFS site http://www.fs.fed.us/fire/av_safety/index.html. Along with the Read File cover sheet there will be comment sheets for pilots and agency personnel to provide constructive feedback on the Read File and Six Minutes topics. Please identify what topics you feel were beneficial and where improvements can be made. Along with the Read File there will also be a link to Six Minutes for Safety. These topics are being jointly developed by Agency and Vendor personnel. They are very well done and can be utilized as briefing and/or refresher tools. This material is intended for use at all Aviation Bases. The Read File Folder and the Six Minutes for Safety Folders should be opened and printed in the order they are presented. After printing they should be placed in a binder where they can be reviewed by all exclusive use pilots and other pilots who transition through the Air Base. There will be a highlighted icon to identify when new materials have been added to the files. Managers should check the web sites on a regular basis for updates. The completed Read File cover sheets and comment pages will assist in providing critical tracking data for the System Safety Program. Completed copies should be saved and sent through appropriate channels to the USFS or BLM Aviation Safety Program Managers. For additional information please contact: • Ron Hanks USFS Aviation Safety 208-387-5607 • Joe Bates BLM Aviation Safety 208-387-5879

  14. READ FILE / SIX MINUTES FOR SAFETY Example of the sign-in sheet. SEAT Managers should start the Read Files see this at all bases in the future.

  15. READ FILE / SIX MINUTES FOR SAFETY Example of some of the new six minutes for safety topics. Download the different topics and ask the pilots to incorporate them into your morning safety briefing.

  16. SEAT safety concerns from the field (?)(or a good “there I was” story?)

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