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RT-273. Wild Land Fire Chemicals Review 2009. LT Retardants - Weeks/Months Foams – Minutes Gels - Minutes to Hours. Chemical Effectiveness. Colored Gel Evaluation - 2009.
RT-273 Wild Land Fire Chemicals Review 2009
LT Retardants - Weeks/Months • Foams – Minutes • Gels - Minutes to Hours Chemical Effectiveness
Colored Gel Evaluation - 2009 • Continuing evaluation with colors this year. Only blue is currently being tested (show vials). Explain why other colors may/may not work. Currently identifying • 5-10 SEAT bases in all geographic areas that have management support to be a part of eval. • Cal Fire is sponsoring a field evaluation to determine the effectiveness and operational use guidelines for water enhancers (gel) as it relates to standard aerial application and suppression tactics via fixed-wing airtankers (s-2’s & Martin Mars). • USFS conducting Martin Mars (7,000 gallon scooper) evaluation, based in California. • LAT’s retardant or water only. • Phoscheck & Barricade have teamed up with a gel (uncolored) product.
USDA Forest Service / Wildland Fire Chemical System (WFCS)http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/One stop shopping for all fire chemical reference materials ! Select
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/ Click on the icons to download the approved products for use.
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/ Make sure to check the date on the QPL list for all fire chemicals. They can change during the year !
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/ Click on this icon to find out information about the established retardant bases.
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/ Helpful information and contacts to access prior to departing for an assignment.
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/ Click on this icon to access the “Mix Factor Table”
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/ Check Date for most current. This document is a MUST for SEAT Managers! It contains a list of approved products, mixing ratios and refractometer readings for each type of retardant. It is a good idea to take multiple copies with you in the field to post at your base or provide loaders with a copy.
http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/fire/ This section provides the SEAT Manager with very good reference material associated with chemical effects and clean up . Also, good reference for talking points or handouts to the public if there are questions concerning the use of fire chemicals from the local community. Guidance on the 300 ft chemical avoidance around waterways
Report Retardant Location Heads Up ! SEAT Managers should make sure they receive a complete briefing from the using agency on the established requirements for reporting chemical drops. Some areas may require agency personnel to provide the Lat / Long of all drops.
ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING PROCESS • Field notification through chain-of-command to Incident Commander. • IC notifies the agency administrator (AA) • The incident or host authorities immediately contacts appropriate regulatory agencies and specialists within the local jurisdiction. • Assigned resource advisor documents and fills out the Interagency Chemical Reporting form.
LC-95A Refractometer Reading: 12.75 – 14.5 How do you determine what the reading should be ? Never assume the reading should be at the lowest or highest end of the scale. Always get your direction from the Fire Management Officer or the Aviation Officer assigned to the unit.
Refractometer Photos Refractometer 1: Example of low reading (meaning there’s not enough salt—too dilute). This sample is at 5 on the scale. Refractometer 2: Example of a reading that’s in the box. This sample is at 11.5 on the scale.
Refractometer Photos Refractometer 3: This is an example of straight concentrate. Sample is very fuzzy. Although there is some definite shading, there is no clear line. The whole scale is still visible. (This is what the base personnel would have seen at the Fillmore accident, had they used the refractometer). Refractometer 5: Example of a high reading. This sample is at 21 on the scale (this means there ’s too much salt —too concentrated).