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RT-273. Note to Instructors: Download the power point and add your own graphics to the presentation. The notes section of each slide for the lesson plan. Safety Review RT-273 2013. Safecom Review. Web Site: https://www.safecom.gov/default.asp How can I submit a Safecom?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RT-273 Note to Instructors: • Download the power point and add your own graphics to the presentation. • The notes section of each slide for the lesson plan.

  2. Safety ReviewRT-273 2013

  3. Safecom Review Web Site: https://www.safecom.gov/default.asp How can I submit a Safecom? • Electronic submission from the web site above. • Hard Copy using OAS-34 / FS5700-14 forms. • Faxed to OAS @208-433-5007 Attn: Safety • Faxed to USFS @ 208-387-5735 Attn: Safety • Download pictures with safecom submission. • Call – 888-464-7427 NEW !

  4. New Safecom Brochure

  5. New Safecom Training Presentation New Safecom Training Presentation on the web site. • Great power point presentation that covers: • Why we have the Safecom System. • Who can submit a Safecom. • Proper/improper use of a Safecom. • How to submit and search Safecoms. • Steps of Safecom management from submittal to being made public.

  6. Review Safety Alert No. IA 08-07

  7. Review Safety Alert No. IA 06-01

  8. 2013 BLM Safecom Summary

  9. 2013 BLM Safecom Summary

  10. 2013 BLM Safecom Summary

  11. 2013 BLM Safecom Summary

  12. 2013 USFS Safecom Summary

  13. 2013 USFS Safecom Summary

  14. 2013 USFS Safecom Summary

  15. Alerts and Bulletins There are 6 general types of alerts and bulletins that are tracked through the agencies: • Safety Alerts: http://oas.doi.gov/safety/index.htm Safety Alerts are red bordered and published on an as needed basis. They are utilized to disseminate information of significant nature regarding aviation safety. They are segregated into three areas: operations, maintenance, and publications. • Technical Bulletins: Technical Bulletins are blue bordered and are published on an as-needed basis to advise field users of technical changes which could range from facilities to aircraft and everything in between. • Accident Prevention Bulletins: Aviation Accident Prevention Bulletins are green bordered and published on an as needed basis. They are  utilized to disseminate information of a general nature regarding aircraft mishap prevention concepts, methods, procedures and efforts. • Aviation Lessons Learned: Lessons Learned are purple bordered and published on an as needed basis. They are utilized to disseminate information of significant nature regarding aviation safety. They are segregated into three areas: operations, maintenance, and publications. • Information Bulletins: Bulletins are yellowbordered and are published on an as-needed basis to provide field units and personnel with critical operational information in a timely manner. • BLM Operational Alerts: http://www.blm.gov/nifc/st/en/prog/fire/Aviation/operations_alert.html Operations Alerts areredbordered and are published on an as-needed basis to provide field units and personnel with critical operational information in a timely manner. The system is intended to respond to emerging issues as identified through such means as SAFECOMS, SAFENETS, investigation reports, after action reviews, etc. This system is not a replacement for any existing formal notification and alert system such as AMD Safety Alerts, AMD Aviation Accident Prevention Bulletins or FFAST Safety Alerts.

  16. Alerts and Bulletins • Alerts and Bulletins can be issued as an Interagency notice …OR…each individual agency can issue their own. • You can find the Alerts and Bulletins issued by each agency on their web sites. • Alerts and Bulletins should be reviewed with all crew members when they are issued, and posted at your base for reference. • Remember to review the alerts and bulletins with other crew members who work out of your base throughout the season.

  17. Alerts and BulletinsWhere can they be found ?? USFS Aviation Safety Web Site http://www.fs.fed.us/fire/av_safety/index.html Department of Interior Web Site http://oas.doi.gov/safety/index.htm

  18. 2013 Safety Alerts Issued Interagency Safety Alerts: • 13-01 - Helicopter Brace for Impact Positions • 13-02 -Technisonic Industries TDFM-136/A – 136/NV Radios US Forest Service Safety Alerts: None issued DOI Safety Alerts: None issued

  19. 2013 Prevention Bulletins Issued Interagency Aviation Accident Prevention Bulletins: • 13-01 - Take your ipad Flying • 13-02 - Authorized Flight Helmet Parts • 03-03 - Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) • 13-04 - Visibility and Thunderstorms US Forest Service Prevention Bulletins: None issued DOI Prevention Bulletins: None issued

  20. 2013 Aviation Lessons Learned Issued Interagency Aviation Lessons Learned: • 13-01 - Fuel Planning and Management • 13-02 - Skipped • 13-03 - Dissemination of Accident Information US Forest Service Aviation Lessons Learned: None issued DOI Aviation Lessons Learned: None issued 2013 Technical Bulletins: Interagency Technical Bulletins: • 13-01 - Foam Weight Accountability on Interagency Load Calculations • 13-02 - Major Changes to Automated Flight Following US Forest Service Technical Bulletins: None issued DOI Technical Bulletins: None issued

  21. 2013 Information Bulletins Issued Interagency Information Bulletins: • 13-01 - Airtanker Base Frequency Changes • 13-02 - Libby Airtanker Base 2013 Temp Location • 13-03 - 2013 Interagency IHOG • 13-04 - Aviation Hazard Maps and Digital Database Servey Forest Service Interagency Information Bulletins: • 13-01 - Skipped • 13-02 - Digital Copies of Contract Required Documentation • 13-03 - Proficiency Rappels While Assigned to Incidents 2013 BLM Operational Alerts Issued None issued in 2013

  22. 2014 Alerts / Bulletins /Lessons Learned What’s New ?? Heads Up! Interagency Accident Prevention Bulletin #14-01 Preflight Planning And US Forest Service Lessons Learned #FSLL 08-01

  23. Interagency Aviation Information BulletinPeer-to-Peer Accountability Tools Review “Interagency Information Bulletin 10-01: Utilizing Peer-to-Peer Accountability Tools

  24. Utilizing Peer-to-Peer Accountability Tools Tools have been developed to enhance aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) through better utilization of peer-to-peer accountability. The majority of accident interviews reveal at least one individual who had a “bad feeling” about the aircraft, pilot, or set of circumstances prior to the mishap. The peer-to-peer tools were developed to encourage personnel to speak out and share their concerns and hopefully prevent an accident. The tools include: • Evaluation of Aerial Supervision and Ground Personnel • Evaluation of Retardant and Bucket Operations • Daily Flight Crew Briefing Checklist • Daily Risk Assessment • AAR Log

  25. Utilizing Peer-to-Peer Accountability Tools Evaluation completed by the SEAT pilot Evaluation Completed by Aerial Supervision or Ground Personnel Encourage SEAT pilots to provide feed back to the field. Encourage ground / Aerial supervision to provide feedback to the SEAT pilot.

  26. New Daily Risk Assessment Tool

  27. Safety Management System (SMS) What are the highlights ? • Aviation Safety Management System (SMS) is an approach to managing safety that includes the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures. • The foundation of SMS consists of four “components,” they are: Policy, Risk Management, Assurance and Safety Promotion • The SMS process identifies hazards and control risks, then provides assurance that risk controls are effective. • When fully implemented SMS provides and promotes a Positive Safety Culture. The desired positive Safety Culture is informed, flexible, learning, just and a reporting culture that captures the operational knowledge and experience of the employees.

  28. Safety Management System (SMS) What are the four “components” that will achieve the SMS goal? • 1. Safety Policy. We have existing policy in place that supports the foundation of SMS in our aviation safety programs. This policy is reflected in the “Red Book”, Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations. • 2. Safety Risk Management. This workbook contains the completed program assessments on Helicopter Operations, Rappel/RADs, External Loads, Aerial Supervision, SEATs, Heavy Airtankers, Infra-Red, EHELL, and Forest Health programs. • 3. Safety Assurance. Accident Investigation, Program Reviews, Fire Aviation Safety Teams (FAST), Aviation Safety Technical Assistance Teams (STAT), Aviation Safety Assistance Teams (ASAT), and numerous other tools monitor and report the health of our prevention efforts. Currently we are working towards implementation of an Aviation Lessons Learned web site and work towards a “Reporting Culture”. • 4. Safety Promotion. We have the ability to implement very positive change in this area by creating a positive “Learning Culture”. Communication is the key to success in this component. Training systems are being updated to reflect the principles and procedures being implemented in SMS. Other tools include SAFECOMs, Safety Alerts, Technical Bulletins, Lessons Learned, SAFECOM trending, safety memoranda, Aviation Safety Committees, tailgate sessions and video clips such as the Six Minutes for Safety series.

  29. SMS Presentation

  30. Risk Management Workbook New 2011 SEAT Assessments ! This workbook helps to establish an Interagency Safety Management System that incorporates all four of the SMS components mentioned in the last slide.

  31. Risk Management Workbook Risk Management Workbook: This workbook is intended for use in the management of flight operations. Each section is designed to provide you with information regarding the hazards, risks, and suggested mitigations for most of the agencies aviation missions. Follow these steps during your review: • Review the description of each hazard, risk level and mitigation. • Determine if your local unit complies with the suggested mitigation(s). Log your answer by checking the YES/NO column. • If you checked NO; and if the associated risk level is Yellow or RED; you need to assure that the risk is mitigated to an acceptable level. • Go to the reverse side of the page to the blank spreadsheet. • Enter your list of Hazards that require mitigation. • Enter new or additional hazards not identified, assess the level of risk, and enter the new mitigation to be completed.

  32. Mitigation Achieved Column ? Yes or NO ???

  33. Pilot Read Files Highlights of the Read File: • The Read File is intended to assist pilots in understanding critical Safety of Flight information. • The Read File contains safety related materials (like Alerts, Bulletins, Lessons Learned, etc) that has been identified at a national level as critical information. • The Read File also contains aviation related Six Minutes for Safety topics. These topics are being jointly developed by Agency and Vendor personnel. • The cover sheet identifies the Read File topics and provides blocks for the pilot’s name and completed review items. • SEMG are required by the ISOSG to download a copy of the Read File and have it available for all pilots to review that come into the base.

  34. Read File Cover Sheet Add the different topics to the list as they are issued and identified. Pilot signs name, and check off the different items listed above. 2014 Read File Portfolio available on the BLM Safety website

  35. 2013 READ File Portfolio The current year’s READ File Portfolio can be found on the BLM Safety Website http://www.blm.gov/nifc/st/en/prog/fire/Aviation/safety.html

  36. Read File / Six Minutes Safety Remember ! The Read File is part of the new Initial Pilot / Loader In-briefing form.

  37. DOI / USFS Annual Aviation Summary

  38. Airwards News 2012 / 2013 In Recognition of Professional Performance during a Hazardous Aviation Event or Significant Contribution to Aviation Mishap Prevention.

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