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RT-273. Current Year Outlook for the SEAT Program 2009. 2009 SEAT Updates. Contractors Available for 2009: About the same amount as 2008. May have some contractors drop off. SEAT Aircraft Available for 2009: Will be between 85 – 95.
RT-273 Current Year Outlook for the SEAT Program 2009
2009 SEAT Updates Contractors Available for 2009:About the same amount as 2008. May have some contractors drop off. SEAT Aircraft Available for 2009: Will be between 85 – 95. (All will be turbine, very few M-18T)
What’s New with Aircraft 2009 ? • New Air Tractor 504:Same as the 502, with a side-by-side 2 seater. (will only see one on the source list). • New 802 Fire Boss (Amphibious Aircraft): A standard Air Tractor 802 with floats. • Can only carry water when equipped with their floats. • They will be able switch from floats to wheels so you will see them listed on the Source List as both. • When mobilized as an amphibious aircraft, they are not required to have a support vehicle. • Pilot requirements are listed in the contract and the pilot will have a special designator on their card for being able to fly with floats. (will only see two on the source list).
What’s New with Aircraft ? • Air Tractor 1002:All new contracts have a bid line item for the new Air Tractor 1002. This allows the aircraft to be added to our fleet if it comes on line within the next three years. May see some field testing the aircraft this fall. • Air Tractor 802: (Letter Designator Clarifications) • 802: Standard 802 Aircraft. • 802 A: 802 with additional stabilizers and canted motor mounts. • 802 B: Standard 802 aircraft with 2 seats. • 802 F: Standard aircraft with computerized gate (Tanker # 100’s T-183) • 802 Fire Boss: Standard aircraft with floats (amphibious aircraft)
2009 Contracts ! Three types of SEAT contracts: • Exclusive Use Contracts • National On Call Contract • Variable Term Contract
New National SEAT Program Contracting Officer (CO) Bob Carr retired at the end of 2008 was replaced by Tina Young Tina’s phone number is: 208 433 5021 ( Tina brings a wealth of experience with her. Has worked with the Dept. of Defense as well as USFS and all DOI agencies.)
Exclusive Use Contracts • No changes with the exclusive Use contracts. Will still see them with the Forest Service, States and other DOI agencies except the BLM. Estimated Exclusive Use Contracts for 2009 : FS: (John Day and Pendleton OR) State: (Idaho and Colorado) BIA: (White River and & Omack/ABQ) Other DOI Agency: (USFW Richland, WA)
National On Call Contract • Replaced the Call-When-Needed (CWN) • Three year contract, 2009 2nd year. • Still order aircraft off the Source List within your GACC. • The COR is still the National SEAT Program Manager. • Not too many changes to the contract for SEAT Management. • Contract requires relief pilot. • Contract defines cost limits for providing relief personnel.
Variable Term Contract • New concept for SEAT contracting. • Combines concepts of both the Exclusive Use and On Call contracts. • National contract that can be awarded for 30, 60 or 90 days to provide exclusive use coverage for an agency. • Primary contract to be used by BLM for obtaining guaranteed extended SEAT coverage other than the On Call contract. • Although primarily used by BLM, other agencies can use this type. • This type of contracting is initiated through regular agency channels up through the national office to AMD. • Contractors have already bid their rates, so awarding the contract is a very quick process. Always awarded through AMD.
Variable Term Contract (continued) • Once the contract has been awarded for the set amount of guaranteed days (30, 60 or 90), it can not be extended. If additional coverage is needed, a new contract will be awarded. • COR will be identified at the time of award and will stay as the COR for the duration of the contract. • Contractors are hired and released to “Designated Dispatch Point” (DDP) identified throughout the US. (Boise, Reno, Grand Junction, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, Minneapolis). …OR… the Contractor's base of operations, whichever is closest to the incident. The contractor is responsible for all mob / demob costs to these DDPs. • Contract requires 7 day coverage (relief pilot / driver). • Contract defines cost limits for providing relief personnel.
Variable Term Contract (continued) Projected Variable Term contracts: 30 Days: ? As needed, where needed, as funding allows. 60 Days ? 2008 there were 7 VT contracts awarded. 90 Days ? 2008 there were 12 VT contracts awarded.
Variable Term Contract (continued) There will be several “Clarifications” for the 2009 FY contract period, such as mobilization and de-mobilization payments and Designated Dispatch Points. Look for “Summary of Contract Changes” on the National BLM SEAT web site.
SEAT Pilot Academy • This will be the 7th year. • March 16th thru 23rd • Held at the Safford Air Operations Center in Safford, AZ. • Expecting 20 pilots. • Looking toward implementation of Simulators for initial and re-current training of SEAT pilots for the future.
National SEAT Pilot Training SEAT Pilot Academy. ( Required for Level 1 status.) • National Training Course at Boise. Initial training and also Re-current requirement for Level 1 status. • Annual Training refresher required. • The vendors own in-house training. • National Aerial Firefighting Academy (NAFA) Tucson. • Computer Based Training syllabus. ( Required) • Annual Practical Test. (Required) “Orals”
National SEAT Coordinator Position in Boise working for the National SEAT Program Manager (Mark Bickham) for the 2009 Season ! General time Frame: Mid April to End of September Duties Include: • Talking to the contractors each day, inputting their flight hours, aircraft location and availability status into a national program. • Compiling daily reports used by NICC and the national office to monitor activity and facilitate the movement of SEAT aircraft. • Assisting NICC, GACCs and local agencies with identifying the closest resource for filling an order for SEAT aircraft. • Assisting NICC, GACCs and local agencies with possible available SEAT Managers. • Compiling year-end stats for the SEAT program. If interested in an assignment as the National SEAT Coordinator, please contact Mark Bickham.)
Forms ! Changes in the 2009 SEAT forms: No changes on the form ! There is a small adjustment on form number SEAT-003 “SEAT Cost Summary” with BLM’s cost coding information. SEAT Managers still need to make sure to use only the forms that have the current (2009) displayed in the left hand bottom corner.
RT-273 What’s New ? SEAT Triennial Re-fresher = RT-273 New filters have been put into the Interagency Qualifications and Certification System (IQCS) program to flag individuals who are not current with their re-fresher requirements. Heads Up !…..make sure your RT-273 re-fresher certificates are put into IQCS or your agencies qualification program. Starting Jan. 2009 RT 273 required every three years to maintain currency…system will flag in 2010.
RT-273 What’s New ? A new section has been developed on the BLM National SEAT Web Site for instructors to download course materials for RT-273. The intent of the new section is to: • Provide standardized information given at any RT-273 • Promote more re-freshers at a local or geographic level. • Provide annual updates for all SEAT Mangers in between the triennial re-fresher. Downloads Include: • Lesson plans for each of the 8 elements required for putting on RT-273 1. National season Review 2. New Year Outlook 3. AMD Contracting Updates 4. ISOG Updates 5. Reference Material Updates 6. Safety Review 7. Security Review 8. Retardant Review • Four developed Power Point presentations for selected elements. Heads Up !Remember….all re-freshers and instructors still need to be approved at a State or Regional level depending on the hosting agency.
What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? New Contract Evaluation Form
New Contract Evaluation Form When do you use this evaluation ? Who do you send it to ?
What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? New Cost Coding Guide to help SEAT Managers use the correct Billee codes and cost coding formats for the different agencies.
What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? New helpful information on how to set up information briefing boards. The downloads show you different products that are available to help assist you with your morning briefings.
What’s New on the BLM National SEAT Web Site ? Good form to use to quickly check our base and operation! Don’t forget to use the 2009 forms.
What’s New 2009 ISOG Look for a couple of new reference products in the 2009 ISOG: • On Call Contract Quick Reference Guide:An alphabetical listing of where to find contract references for the National On-Call contract; Example: • Aborted Flight / Retardant Load …………… C27.8.2 Aborted Flights and Wasted Fire Suppressant Materials, • page 36 • Acceptable Expenses Mob/Demob …………… C27.4 Transportation Costs Associated with Operating Away From • the Contractor’s Base of Operations, C27.4.3, page 36 • Additional Driver …………… C27.5 Additional Driver, page 36 • Additional Driver Mob / Demob …………… C27.5 Additional Driver, C27.5.4 and C27.5.4.1, page 36 • Submission of Revisions/Suggestions Protocol Form: Form developed to submit any suggestions, changes or additions to the SEAT program. The new reference materials can be found in the back of the ISOG under the appendix section. Take a look !