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Tang and Song China

Chapter 12 Section 1. Tang and Song China. Key Terms. Tang Taizong Wu Zhao Moveable type gentry. The Tang Dynasty Expands China. Wendi first emperor of Sui Dynasty Grand canal connected Huang He and Chiang Jang Rivers 1 million people, five years, 1000 miles

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Tang and Song China

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 12 Section 1 Tang and Song China

  2. Key Terms • Tang Taizong • Wu Zhao • Moveable type • gentry

  3. The Tang Dynasty Expands China • Wendi first emperor of Sui Dynasty • Grand canal connected Huang He and Chiang Jang Rivers • 1 million people, five years, 1000 miles • Thousands more built the Great Wall

  4. Tang Rulers Create a Powerful Empire • Lasted 300 years • Tang Taizong 626-649 • Empire expanded • Wu Zhao 690 • Only female emperor • Expanded roads and canals • Promoted trade and agricultrue

  5. Scholar-Officials • Civil service exams • Large bureaucracy • Exams open to all • Only wealthy could afford education • Talent and education more important than noble birth

  6. Tang Lose Power • Imposed heavy taxes • 751 Muslim armies defeated Chinese • Central Asia in foreign hands • 907 rebels burn Tang capitol • Murder Tang emperor a child

  7. Song Dynasty Restores China • 960 Taizu unites China • Song- first emperor • Song emperors tried to buy peace • 1100’s Manchurians conquer China • Song capitol-Hangzhou • South China economic heartland

  8. An Era of Prosperity and Innovation • Tang and Song dynasties population doubles • Moveable type-printer could arrange blocks of individual characters • Gunpowder- led to bombs, grenades, rockets

  9. An Era of Prosperity and Innovation • Porcelain • Mechanical clock • Paper money • Magnetic compass for sailing • 1000-1200’s advances in Algebra • Math using negative numbers

  10. Agriculture • Cultivation of rice • Two crops a year • Officials distribute the Viet Nam rice • Produce more food • Population grows

  11. Trade and Foreign Contracts • Tang and Song foreign trade flourished • China increased sea trade • Sailed to India, Persia, Africa • Culture spread to East Asia • Buddhism spread to Viet Nam, Korea, Japan

  12. A Golden Age of Poetry and Art • Tang period- great poetry • Li Bo- wrote about life’s pleasures • Praised Confucian order • Song dynasty- Chinese psinting

  13. Changes in Chinese Society • Old aristocratic families disappear • Gentry-upper class • Attained status through education • Civil service positions • Urban middle class • Merchants • Artisans • Minor officials

  14. Changes in Chinese Society • Bottom of social order • Soldiers • Laborers • Servants • Countryside was the largest class the peasants • Toiled for wealthy landowners

  15. Status of Women • Subservient to men • Further declined under Tang and Song • Women less important to prosperity • Peasant women worked in the fields • Binding feet of upper class

  16. Status of Women • Lily foot- broken arch • Crippled for life • Reflected wealth and prestige of the husband • Could afford impractical wife

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