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Tang and Song China

Tang and Song China. Chapter 12 Section 1. Tang Dynasty. 618-907 Expanded China’s Borders Restored the Civil Service Examinations Was supposed to open up bureaucracy; but only the rich could obtain the education necessary to do well on the examinations

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Tang and Song China

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  1. Tang and Song China Chapter 12 Section 1

  2. Tang Dynasty • 618-907 • Expanded China’s Borders • Restored the Civil Service Examinations • Was supposed to open up bureaucracy; but only the rich could obtain the education necessary to do well on the examinations • Many moderately wealthy families will be involved in China’s Government

  3. Fall of Tang • Tang imposed high taxes in the mid 700’s • Tang struggled to control their vast empire • 751 Muslim armies defeated the Chinese at Battle of Talas • 907 Chinese Rebels burn Tang Capital and kill last emperor (child)

  4. Song Dynasty • Were not able to reclaim all the lands lost by the Tang • Established smaller empire, but very prosperous empire with capital south of the Chang Jiang

  5. Science and Technology • Inventions • Movable type printing press • Gunpowder • Mathematics • Use of negative numbers

  6. Agriculture • New strains of rice allowed for multiple crops a year • More food allowed for population growth

  7. Trade and Foreign Contacts • Trade will shift from the Silk Road to overseas

  8. Changes in Chinese Society • Gentry Class • Upper Middle class, made up of scholar-officials • Attain status through education • Status of Women • Always been lower than men, but greater difference during this time period • Foot binding

  9. Review Questions • Why was it important to connect the northern cities and the southern region of the Sui Dynasty? • Why might Tang rulers have fought to expand China’s borders? • What concerns might Song Emperors have had when buying peace from their Northern enemies? • Why might the Huang He have become a stable border for the Southern Song? • How might officials’ distribution of a new strain of rice have been a political as well as an agricultural decision? • What factors might have contributed to China’s scientific and technological achievements? • Which groups benefited the most from changes in Chinese society? Which groups benefited the least?

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