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Champaign Lion's Chatter. (Click here to go to our website). 4 September 2013. Call to Order – President Weldon Garrelts called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Champaign Lion's Chatter (Click here to go to our website) 4 September 2013 Call to Order – President Weldon Garrelts called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation – David Hunter: Dear heavenly Father, we thank Thee for this food. Strengthen us and guide us in service, we pray. Amen. Vittles – Spaghetti and meatballs, mixed vegetables, salad and toppings, garlic toast, Roasted Pistachio Mascarpone Cake, tea and coffee.
Attendance– 22 members, 1 visitor. Guests – LarryBowden (above) husband of Fonda Bowden. Birthdays – Pedro Heller, Sept. 5
Announcements – Weldon Garrelts announced that Candy Day is October 11th and 12th. David Lin will be in charge, as Jay Hoeflinger will be out of town. On Wed, Sept 18th we will be meeting at the Regent Ballroom with Loren Tate and Jim Turpin as speakers.
Lions Report – If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.
Tom Yaxley gave an update on the Football pool and noted our club is 4th. Frank Duff got 10 correct.
Weldon said we need a media Sub-editor to make sure our events are entered into the newspaper and Lions Club Magazines.
Jay Hoeflinger volunteered to write up the event at Women in Transition.
Program – Business Meeting. Secretary Fonda Bowden read the minutes of the September Board Meeting.
Karl Drake presented Treasurer’s report. As of August 31 the General Fund has $4,618.07 after paying for meals and per capita district dues; $6,033.55 in the Charities Fund after paying for candy day expenses, $100 to Make-a-Wish Foundation; and $3,485.64 in the Endowment Fund. 1st VP Charlie Osborne said the proposed golf outing to include kids at the course on Staley Road may be held next summer. 2nd VP Sam McGrew, program chairman, has speakers booked through the Wednesday before Thanksgiving when our club hosts the Kiwanis. Your suggestions for speakers are still needed. It was also decided that the game Sam brought to the “picnic” was fun and we will plan to use it at future events, possibly at the next sweet corn festival or an event partnered with the Tolono club. President Garrelts is looking for someone to serve as publicity chair. Director Jay Hoeflinger is chair of Candy Day(s) October 11 and 12. Sam McGrew is assisting him with this. Jay has to be out of town on October 11 & 12 so David Lin has volunteered to take over as Chair. Eyeglass collection help: Herb Bail and Byron Balbach collected 411 pairs of used eyeglasses and 2 hearing aids in August. The District Convention is October 5, 2013 at the Charleston Unique Suites Hotel in Charleston, IL.
Know your Lion – Frank Duff interviewed Ravi Challa, who has been in the club for 3 years.
Previously, he was in a club in Mississippi, on a University campus. It was huge with more than 70 members and it met in the evening.
In our club, he was sponsored by Randy Fonner and Marvin Paulsen.
Ravi likes that Lions Club allows him to give back, because his state assistantship gives him a huge waiver for his tuition.
He is a graduate student as a Processing Engineer, working in renewable energy research. He should finish his preliminary exam this semester.
He has lived in USA almost 6 years. He worked here prior to starting his Ph.D.
He and his wife are expecting their first child. Ravi grew up in India and lived in Southeastern area, near Madras, which is as large as Chicago.
His goal is to work in industry because he likes the pressure to produce. His outside interest is in blogs, which allows him to write on social issues.
www.facebook.com/ravikchalla He has a lot of opinions, which he posts on facebook at www.facebook.com/ravikchalla
Tail Twister – Tom Yaxley asked Ravi Challa to carry the bucket.
Sam McGrew and Weldon for scoring so low in the Football pool;
He also auctioned Marvin’s Garden vegetables; spaghetti squash and tomatoes.
Then he read a story about the perils of talking too loud and too long on your cell phone.
Coming up Greeter: Pat Bryan Sept 18 – Loren Tate & Jim Turpin – Illini Sports Sept 25 – Ivan Dozier - Chief Illiniwek Click here sammcgrew@att.net to email Sam McGrew and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some time. Sept 11 – Mike Schlosser - U of I police training academy - meet at the Regent Ballroom
Thank you for watching Editor Rex Hess Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your comments, click here → hunter4000@comcast.net To go to the our website, click here → http://www.champaignlions.org/