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anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org. . Like in many regions/countries in the world, waste management remains one of the biggest problem areas in the SEE region . anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org. Andjelka Mihajlov; anmi@eunet.rs / office@ambassadors-env.org. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS
1. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Comparative analysis of Waste Management Performance in Balkan countries
Prof dr Andjelka Mihajlov
Environmental Ambassadors www.ambassadors-env.org
EDUCONS University www.educons.edu.rs
2. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org …
Like in many regions/countries in the world, waste management remains one of the biggest problem areas in the SEE region
3. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS MOST PERTINENT AT THE LOCAL LEVEL (CITY, MUNICIPALITY) from WBcitizens perspective, data from Hill&Knowlton agency, for REA projects and BELLS movement – “Environmental Ambassadors”, August 2009
4. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Methodology for reporting assessment Procedural Analytical Instruments
Data and indicators
Data Assessment and Analysis Tools
Governance and Management Tools
Diagnostic Analitical Instruments.
5. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Reporting is based on usage of selected Analytical Tools for Environmental Management. Methodology for reporting of Hazardous waste management in South Eastern European Region is framed by limited data. For the purposes to have as much as possible complete report, selected other analytical tools are used, like some of procedural analytical instruments and governance tools
6. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Procedural Analytical InstrumentsData on hazardous waste should be reported to the UNEP-Secretariat to Basel Convention (having in mind that all SEE countries are the Parties of Convention). Status of reporting to Basel Convention Secretariat for year
7. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Data and indicators Data reported by Parties on transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes may not be always comparable due to various reasons such as differences in national definitions, waste classifications, data collection methods, etc. However, to identify datasets that may not be comparable, the Secretariat has compared the data on transboundary movements of hazardous wastes, and other wastes, as reported by exporting and importing Parties Export data on hazardous wastes and other wastes as reported by importing Parties (2004)
8. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Data Assessment and Analysis Tools: Technical requirements for implementation of policies and laws Compliance, monitoring and enforcement of environmental law (and waste management law where exists) remain extremely limited, mainly because of the lack of technical and human capacity and the above mentioned low quality of legislation or its incompleteness.
9. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org (Still) no licensed facility for HW treatment and disposal in SEE
10. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Governance and Management Tools Positive sign is that all SEE countries have given top priority to EU approximation and in recent years they have grown more aware of the need for environmental legal drafting. This is demonstrated by the number of acts (primary or secondary legislation) adopted in recent years and also by the involvement of different stakeholders and the general public in the legal drafting processes in some parts of the region. The countries of SEE have made significant progress in meeting their obligations within the Stabilization and Association Process (SAP).
11. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org … Most of the new laws are conceived as framework laws rather than laws which deal with an issue in a finite manner. The laws require a number of specific and detailed subsidiary laws in order to make them applicable and enforceable in practice.
12. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org …. A general problem in countries is that laws cover the different aspects of waste management in a fragmentary way. Countries/territories/entities have adopted new waste-management framework laws in recent years (i.e., Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation, Republika Srpska, Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro). Even the most advanced countries still need a large number of supplementary legal acts for the waste-management system to work and comply with EU requirements. Through many laws have been adopted in recent years, the quality of laws varies and some laws do not contribute much to the legal harmonization process. In some cases, new legislation merely creates the false impression that the matter has already been adequately addressed and now just needs to be fleshed out with additional technical specifications to be implemented. In a few instances, the quality of the law is so low, it is impossible to implement even with subsidiary legislation.
13. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Basel Convention is umbrella to environmentally sound HWM
All countries in region are Party of Basel Convention
(however, countries are not approximate performance with the new Technical Guidelines, changes of forms…)
14. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org Diagnostic Analitical Instruments Each year European Commission is reporting of the progress made by each candidate and potential candidate countries of Western Balkan (SEE).
In the reports, diagnosis is made by verdicts: no mentioned / no development / no progress, some development / development in an early stage, fair progress, some progress, very limited progress, litle progress / little improvements, limited progress, moderate advance, steady progress, good progress, significant progress, fullfilment.
Hazardous waste management progress is in all cases, in all countries (except for Serbia 2006/07 is noted some progress) from 2004 to 2008, diagnosis is : no mentioned / no development / no progress.
15. anmi@eunet.rs ; office@ambassadors-env.org HWM challenges to SEE region
….. big challenges and a lot of work to be done……
in implementing environmentally friendly HWM in region, the main gap should be solved by professionals (in choosing and designing appropriate and achievable environmentally friendly HW facilities)