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What Is Bullying?

What Is Bullying?. How Do You Treat Others?. Bullying. Do you think you know everything about bullying?. You probably know a Little a bout Bullying!. You might be Surprised that, like this maze, bullying is really complicated.

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What Is Bullying?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Is Bullying? How Do You Treat Others?

  2. Bullying Do you think you know everything about bullying?

  3. You probablyknow a Little about Bullying!

  4. You might be Surprisedthat, like this maze, bullying is really complicated

  5. Today the pieces will connect on what bullying really is

  6. You Will Learn A Lot

  7. Bullying is: Doing something on purpose to make someone else feel sad.

  8. On Purpose When you do something on purpose, you’ve decided to do it.

  9. Some bullies might find this funny They’re not sorry

  10. Physical Bullying

  11. Physical Bullying Makes People Sad and Unhappy If you Push, Hit, Kick, Trip, Poke or touch another person, you could be making them sad.

  12. Think About It How would you feel if someone was always pushing or hitting you?

  13. Probably Not Very Good

  14. Imagine Using Your Energy To Help Others!

  15. You Could make Others Happy

  16. Use Your Hands To Help

  17. Words

  18. Words • Have you ever been hurt by a word? I don’t want to be your friend!

  19. Words can Hurt I don’t like your new haircut!

  20. How Would You Feel? Why are people saying mean things about me?

  21. Nice Words Make people feel happy

  22. Nice Words and Actions

  23. Great Poster!

  24. Being Nice Attracts others!

  25. We All Can Make A Difference!

  26. Our Actions Do you know there are other ways to bully?

  27. Whispering About Others Is Mean

  28. Picking Teams Games How would you feel if you were picked last for a game or a team?

  29. There Are Other Ways to Make Teams! • Rock, Paper, Scissors One Try Only

  30. Excluding Others We don’t want you to play with us! Is a really mean action

  31. Not Allowing Others To Be A Part Of The Group Can make a person feel really, really bad.

  32. Include Others When You Can

  33. Laughing At Others Doing mean things can make people feel really bad. Loser!!

  34. Even if you didn’t say the mean words, your actionsmight agree with what was said This person is being mean. This person is being mean because he is laughing at another person. Loser!!

  35. Laughing at a person means someone is being hurt.

  36. Laughing with a person means everyone is having fun.

  37. Laugh With People Everyone wins and are happy!

  38. Think About It Who Would You Like To Be Friends With?

  39. A Bossy Person? You’re doing it wrong! OR

  40. Someone You Get Along with?

  41. It’s Fun Being Around People Who Get Along

  42. Friends Don’t Threaten Friends Let me play with your toys or … I won’t be your friend!

  43. Friends Help Friends I’m here to help you!

  44. Taking Turns Being First Isn’t Always Good

  45. Be Fair to Others

  46. When You Have Something To Say I should have used nicer words. I’m Sorry! Use kind Words

  47. Being Sorry and Saying Sorry There is a difference!

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