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The Third Sunday of Abib الاحد الثالث من ابيب

The Third Sunday of Abib الاحد الثالث من ابيب. 25-07-2010. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionate الهنا حساس و متحنن. + He accepted the multitudes although He was in a private meeting with His disciples. +He healed the sick. +He did not allow the multitudes to be dismissed before feeding

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The Third Sunday of Abib الاحد الثالث من ابيب

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  1. The Third Sunday of Abibالاحد الثالث من ابيب 25-07-2010

  2. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + He accepted the multitudes although He was in a private meeting with His disciples. +He healed the sick. +He did not allow the multitudes to be dismissed before feeding Them. + قبل الجموع رغم انه كان في جلسة خاصة مع تلاميذه. + شفي المرضي + لم يسمح بصرف الجموع قبل إطعامهم.

  3. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + “For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” (Matthew 6: 8) + ” لان اباكم يعلم ما تحتاجون اليه قبل ان تسألوه“ (مت 6: 8)

  4. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + We pray “Not to instruct Him, but to prevail with Him; to be made intimate with Him, by continuance in supplication; to be humbled; to be reminded of thy sins.” (St. John Chrysostom) +نحن لا نصلي لكي نرشده، بل لكي نتواصل معه، وأن نكون في علاقة حميمة معه، بالمواظبة على التضرع، لنصير متواضعين ونتذكر خطايانا الشخصية.

  5. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + He is so sensitive even in His commandments: “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12: 18) + هو رقيق حتي في وصاياه: ” ان كان ممكنا فحسب طاقتكم سالموا جميع الناس“ (رو 12: 18)

  6. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + We see His compassion also, in finding excuses for the others: He excused His sleepy disciples in the garden and He did so with those who crucified Him. + نري حنيته كذلك في التماسه الاعذار لتلاميذه النائمين في البستان و كذلك لصالبيه.

  7. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + He also shortens the days of the great tribulation for the sake of the elects. (Matthew 24: 22) + He gives the escape with every temptation. (1 Corinthians 10: 13) + و أيضاً يقصّر أيام الضيقة العظيمة من أجل المختارين (مت 24: 22) + وهو يعطي التجربة و معها المنفذ (1كو 10: 13)

  8. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + Out of His love, He keeps giving us gifts although we are not worthy ,e.g. The Communion. + من محبته، يعطينا هدايا كثيرة علي الرغم من أننا لا نستحق. مثال: سر التناول

  9. Our Lord is so sensitive & companionateالهنا حساس و متحنن + He wants us to be in His image by the work of mercy “Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.” (Luke 6: 36) + أنه يريدنا ان نكون علي صورته في أعمال الرحمة ” فكونوا رحماء كما ان اباكم ايضا رحيم“ (لو 6: 36)

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