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Health Chapter 21

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  1. Chapter 21 Alcohol

  2. Chapter 21 Lesson 1 The Health Risks of Alcohol Use

  3. Vocabulary • Ethanol- the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages • Fermentation- the chemical action of yeast on sugars • Depressant- a drug that slows the central nervous system • Intoxication- the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person’s physical and mental control is reduced • Binge drinking- drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting • Alcohol poisoning- a severe and potentially fatal reaction to an alcohol overdose

  4. Alcohol • Alcohol is an addictive drug • Using alcohol during the teen years can affect brain development • Alcohol can have serious consequences for teens

  5. Short-Term Effects of Alcohol • Alcohol is a depressant that slows reaction time, impairs vision, and diminishes judgement • Consuming too much, leads to intoxication • Alcohol stays in the system until the liver can break it down • Factors that influence alcohols effects: • Body size • Gender • Food • Rate of intake • Amount • Medicine

  6. Long-Term Effects of Alcohol • Alcohol can have negative effects on a person’s health • Some of these long-term effects are: • Damage to brain cells • Reduction in brain size • Increase blood pressure • Build up of fat cells in the liver • Damage to digestive lining of the stomach • Destruction of the pancreas

  7. Effects of Alcohol Poisoning • A person who drinks too much alcohol may eventually pass out • Even though the person is unconscious alcohol in the stomach enters the blood stream and makes the blood/alcohol level continue to rise • It is dangerous to assume a person who has passed out will be fine if left alone • Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include: • Mental confusion and stupor • Coma and an inability to be roused • Vomiting and seizures • Slow respiration • Irregular heartbeat • Hypothermia

  8. Chapter 21 lesson 2 Choosing to live alcohol free

  9. Vocabulary • Psychological dependence- a condition in which a person believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or function normally • Physiological dependence- a condition in which the user has a chemical need for a drug • Alcohol abuse- the excessive use of alcohol • Alcoholism- a disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol

  10. Alcohol use • Several factors influence teen alcohol use: • Peer pressure • Family • Media messages • Media messages try to glamorize alcohol use to influence you into thinking it is fun to use this product

  11. Health risks of alcohol • Alcohol can harm more than just your health • In the US, 36 people die each day as a result of alcohol related traffic collisions • Alcohol use is linked to deaths from drowning, fire, suicide, and homicide • A nondrinkers risks of being injured increases if the friends that person is with are drinking

  12. Alcohol and the law • It is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy, possess, or consume alcohol • For teens, the consequences can be serious • Teens who use alcohol can be arrested and sent to a youth detention center • Any arrests and conviction can affect a teens future, limit college and employment options, damage reputation, and cause a loss of trust in friends and family

  13. Alcohol & the family • Young people who live in a household in which a family member abuses alcohol are at a high risk for: • neglect and abuse • Economic hardship • Personal use of alcohol themselves • Mental illness and physical problems • Studies show that a person who begins drinking alcohol as a teen is 4 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence

  14. Avoiding alcohol • You will experience many benefits if you choose to live alcohol free • Benefits of living alcohol free: • Maintaining a healthy body • Establishing healthy relationships • Making healthy decisions • Avoiding risky behaviors • Avoiding illegal activities • Avoiding violence • Achieving your goals

  15. Refusing alcohol • At times it may be difficult to avoid situations in which you are pressured to use alcohol • Saying no is easier when you know how to respond before being faced with the situation • If you find yourself in a situation where alcohol is present, be assertive and use refusal skills

  16. Chapter 21 lesson 3 The impact of alcohol abuse

  17. vocabulary • Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)- the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage • Fetal alcohol syndrome- a group of alcohol related birth defects that include physical and mental problems • Alcoholic- an addict who is dependent on alcohol • Recovery- the process of learning to live an alcohol free life • Sobriety- living without alcohol

  18. Alcohol and driving • Drinking and driving can have disastrous and even deadly results • Driving with alcohol in the blood can cause the following: • Slow reflexes • Reduced ability to judge distances and speeds • Increase in risk taking behaviors • Reduced concentration & increased forgetfulness

  19. Driving while intoxicated • DWI or DUI (driving under the influence) is illegal • Adult drivers who have a BAC of .08% can be charged with drunk driving • If you are under 21, there is no acceptable BAC, because it is illegal to use alcohol • Consequences are: • Injuries to or death of the driver and others • Arrest, jail time, court appearance, fine, bail, police record, possible lawsuits • Severely restricted driving privileges and/or immediate confiscation of driver’s license • Higher auto insurance rates or a cancelled insurance policy • Riding in a vehicle with a driver who has been drinking is dangerous, if you find yourself in this situation find a ride with someone sober or call home for a ride

  20. Fetal alcohol syndrome • When a pregnant female drinks alcohol it goes into the blood stream of the fetus • A fetus processes alcohol slower than the mother and the alcohol stays in the fetus’s system for a longer period of time • Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: • Small head and deformities of face, hands, or feet • Heart, liver, and kidney defects • Vision and hearing problems • Central nervous system problems, developmental disabilities, and poor coordination • Difficulties learning/short attention span • Hyperactivity, anxiety, and social withdrawal • Females who are trying to become pregnant or may be pregnant SHOULD NOT consume any alcohol

  21. Signs of alcoholism • Craving • Loss of control • Physical dependence • Tolerance Pg 580 • Alcoholic- an addict who is dependent on alcohol • Alcoholics can be aggressive and violent or withdrawn

  22. Treatment for alcohol abuse • The steps to recovery are outlined as follows: • Admission- the person admits to having a drinking problem and asks for help • Detoxification- the person goes through detoxification, a process in which the body adjusts to functioning without alcohol • Counseling- the person receives counseling to help them change behaviors and live without alcohol • Recovery- the person takes responsibility for their life • Co-dependents ignore their own emotional and physical needs and instead focus their energy and emotions on the need of the alcoholic

  23. Programs to help alcoholics • Alcoholics Anonymous/ ALATEEN • Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) • National Association for Children of Alcoholics • National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service • Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)

  24. Chapter 21 Assessment • Pgs. 586-588

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