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Authored by John W. Desmarais 18-Dec-1999 Updated by Brockman 01-Jun-2003 Modified by Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training Rev 5.0 01-Jan-2014.
Authored by John W. Desmarais 18-Dec-1999 Updated by Brockman 01-Jun-2003 Modified by Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training Rev 5.0 01-Jan-2014
This Training Slide Show is a project undertaken by Lt Colonel Fred Blundell of the TX-129 Fort Worth Senior Squadron, Fort Worth, TX for local use to assist those CAP Members interested in advancing their skills. The information contained herein is for CAP Member’s personal use and is not intended to replace or be a substitute for any of the CAP National Training Programs. Users should review the presentation’s Revision Number at the end of each file name to ensure that they have the most current publication.
What are yourresponsibilities? • Team Leaders are responsible for knowing the ins and outs of the maps of their area • Team members only know basic field work normally
What are maps? • A 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional area. • A tool • A universal reference that can aid teams in coordination.
Latitude andLongitude Examples When reporting a position, give latitude first and then longitude
Magnetic Variationand theDeclination Diagram • Compasses are affected by iron ore deposits throughout the earth, causing them not to point at true north, but at magnetic north instead • This variation is known, and maps show the corrections to be made in the form of the declination diagram
Sometimes the G-M angle is so little you won’t have to worry about it
Declination Diagrams The difference in degrees for every map between grid north and magnetic north is shown at the bottom of the map.
Figuring Distance • Suppose you want to find the distance between point A and point B around a curve in the road • Take a piece of paper and put a tic mark on it. Place the tic mark at point A. Align the paper with the road edge until you come to the first curve in the road, make another mark on the paper and the map, and then pivot the paper so it continues to follow the road edge. Keep repeating until you reach point B. Always follow the road edge with your paper
Map Orientation A map can be oriented by terrain association when a compass is not available or when the user has to make many quick references as he moves across country Using this method requires careful examination of the map and the ground, and the user must know his approximate location.
Using your Mapwith your Compass • Field to Map • Map to Field • Triangulation • Aiming Off • The Polar Plot
Map to Field Orient your map to north and place your compass on the map with the edge (as shown) along the desired line of travel.
Map to Field(Continued) Turn the compass Dial until “N” points to the North on your map. Your direction in degrees is read at the Index Line on the Dial.
Map to Field(Continued) Remove the compass from the map and hold it level, so the Magnetic Needle is free to turn. Turn your body until the red end of the Needle aligns with the Orienting Arrow and “N” on the Dial. Using the Direction of Travel Arrow, sight a distant landmark and move to it. Repeat this process until you reach your destination.
Triangulation • Suppose you want to know the location of a certain object which you can see in the distance but is not on your map. • First shoot the azimuth to the object you can see from your position. • Draw a line on your map from your location out along the grid azimuth. The location of the object is somewhere on that line - but where?
Triangulation(Continued) • To find out- move yourself to a different location where you can still observe the object and shoot an azimuth to it.
Triangulation(Continued) • Convert the azimuth from magnetic to grid and draw it on the map. The object is where the lines intersect. You can also triangulate ELT signals by taking azimuths from DF signals to estimate the location of an ELT.
Triangulation(Continued) By reversing the azimuths- you can triangulate back from objects to assist in finding your location on a map.
Aiming Off Sometimes while heading for a target along a road, stream, ridge, or other landmark, it is better to plot an azimuth to the left or right of the target instead of directly towards it. Because of normal drift from terrain or compass variation it is easy to be slightly off from a small target. By aiming left (or right) you know what direction to begin searching for your target when you hit the stream- search to the right.
Polar Plot • A method of plotting or locating an unknown position from a known point by giving a direction and a distance along that direction line is called a polar plot • Three elements must be present when using polar coordinates • 1. Present known location on the map • 2. Azimuth (grid or magnetic) • 3. Distance (normally yards or meters)
Orientating a Map • The first step for a navigator in the field is orienting the map. A map is oriented when it is in a horizontal position with its north and south corresponding to the north and south on the ground. • When orienting a map with a compass, remember that the compass measures magnetic azimuths. Since the magnetic arrow points to magnetic north, pay special attention to the declination diagram.
Orientate a Map toGround by Terrain Association • A map is orientated when it is in a horizontal position with its north and south corresponding to the north and south on the ground • Look at the map and find two terrain features that can also be seen looking around (hilltops, saddles, ridges, towers, etc.)