Significance • The Balkans are an important place for students to learn about because this region has affected American history. When students study different parts of the world, and cultures that contrast with their own, it allows them to see things from perspectives they may not have noticed before. • Students who can understand other people’s perspectives can help avoid conflict between cultures. It is important that children are able to be tolerant of others, and studying other cultures, particularly those that are globally ignored, will help children understand the world they live in.
Significance (Related to Standards) • The state standards are addressed in the following lessons by studies in geography, history, art history, civics, and inquiry. • 3.1. The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Greece and Rome have influenced the present world in terms of architecture, government (direct and representative democracy), and sports. • USII.1. The student will demonstrate skills for historical and geographical analysis, including the ability to d) interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives; e) evaluate and debate issues orally and in writing.
Primary Lesson #1 • The four hemispheres, Geography of Greece, and the Parthenon
Primary Lesson #2 • Classic Greek Sculpture Lesson: Myron’s “Discobolus” Sculpture
Lesson #3-Biography • Alexander the Great
Amphora • The most frequent form of vase was the amphora. • It was of long cylindrical oval shaped body, made in all sizes, from the small drug vase two or three inches high to the large receiver of oil, grain, fruit, wine, or water. • This was a favorite vase for decoration.
Vase decorative Styles • Came in three most common forms: Geometric, Black Figure and Red Figure styles.
Questions to think about (Intermediate) • 1. What do you think is being represented on the vases you saw? • 2. What is similar about the pictures you saw? What is different? • 3. What common themes were present on these vases? What does that represent about the time period?
Questions to think about (Primary) • 1. What do you think is on the vases you saw? • 2. What is the same about the pictures you saw? What is different? • 3. What do you think people did with these vases?
Artifact #2 Balkan Pact • The Balkan Pact was a treaty signed by Greece, Turkey, Romania, and Yugoslavia in 1934.
Artifact #4 - Interview Andrea Nikcevic, 29. Andrea grew up in a middle class Serbian Family. Andrea is currently a nanny in the US and she spoke to us via a Skype interview. We talked to her about what life if like in Serbia. We asked her about her childhood in Serbia and how it compared to childhood in the United States. We also discussed the geography and religions of Serbia.
Serbia Interview- Primary • Background Information: The climate in Serbia changes from region to region, but is considered to have a continental climate in the North, and a more Adriatic climate in the South. This means that winters are very cold, and summers are hot. The geography is mountainous in some regions. There are several major rivers that flow through the country, including the well-known Danube River and Sava rivers. Serbia is a European country that borders several other countries such as Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and Croatia.
Serbia Interview- Intermediate • Background Info: Serbia is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, and is the gateway between Europe and the Middle East, particularly Turkey. The climate changes from region to region, but is considered to have a continental climate in the North, and a more Adriatic climate in the South. This means that winters are very cold, and summers are hot. The geography is mountainous in some regions. There are several major rivers that flow through the country, including the well-known Danube River. Serbia is part of the former Soviet Union, so after WWII the country had many economic struggles to overcome. There has been a history of civil war that Serbia has had to overcome to be a successful country. Construction, trades and services, and IT are all important industries for the Serbian economy. Traditional Serbia culture means multi-generational households and a tight-knit family.
Challenges… • Difficult to find a published and unpublished documents in English that were free. • Challenging to find information about Serbia and Bulgaria pertaining to generalities. • Overall it was hard to find information because some of The Balkans were part of the Soviet Union until 1991 when the Soviet Union was disbanded.
Costs of Materials • Clay for sculpture lesson: $6.00 • Digital Voice Recorder: $35.00
Relation to Student Teaching • Third Grade SOL’s used: Several Sol’s for 3rd grade were used in the culture kit so they can be applied to student teaching. Ex. There is a unit on Greece in the spring so Lesson #2 and Artifact #1 can be applied into student teaching. • The Inquiry lesson could be used in 5th Grade. • Artifacts could be implemented throughout the grades.
Rewards/Frustrations • We learned about a globally ignored region. • Had the opportunity to talk to someone from another country. • Worked cooperatively for a common goal. • Unit planning is VERY time consuming. • Hard to find information about the topic (except for Ancient Greece) • A semester long group project presents problems (scheduling, keeping track of all the pieces, distributing work equally)
Assessment- Primary 4. What is the best definition of a treaty? a) an agreement between nations c) something good to eat b) independence document 1. What was Papyrus used for by the Ancient Greeks? a. walking b. writing c. sewing
Assessment-Intermediate • Which of the following is an example of and Amphora style Vase? • a. b. c. d. Through his conquests, Alexander the Great spread which of the following elements of Greek civilization to the regions he conquered? a. Democracy b. Architecture c. Language
Conclusion • The study of gender roles, race, religion, ethnicity, and class in the Balkan countries enhances our understanding of these countries’ people and culture and provides greater insight into how cultures change and persist throughout history and influence their current social, political, and economic struggles.