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Preparation of the field with a rotary cultivator ( above ).

Adana, Turkey - Miscanthus planting on April 14/15, 2012. . Preparation of the field with a rotary cultivator ( above ). Planting could be done easily and fast because every plant position was marked with a stick before and a planting team comprising 14 persons .

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Preparation of the field with a rotary cultivator ( above ).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adana, Turkey - Miscanthusplanting on April 14/15, 2012. Preparationofthefieldwith a rotarycultivator (above). Plantingcouldbedoneeasilyand fast becauseevery plant position was markedwith a stick beforeand a plantingteamcomprising 14 persons. Plantingofthefieldplots was done on April 14 (incl. potplantingof OPM 13-15), borderswereplanted on April 15.

  2. Plantsweresetintoholes. Thensoil was filled in leavingsmallhollows back tokeepthewateringwateraroundthe plant (seenextslides).

  3. Wateringoftheplants was doneimmediately after planting.

  4. Rootedplantsof different genotypes. Blue linesindicateplantingdepth(< 2 cm).

  5. Plant packagesshowrootedplantsofgenotypes OPM 1 – OPM 12 (except OPM 2, nophoto) just beforefieldplanting.Eachpackagehad 180 plants.

  6. Preparationofpotsforplanting OPM 13 – OPM 15 whichweretoosmallforfieldplanting. The smallplantswerewrappedinto wetfleecefortransport. Plantingofthe 3 genotypes in a plasticsheet tunnel. Peatsubstrate was fromthe same producerofthatused in Braunschweig .

  7. Placingthepotsof OPM 13 on thegreenhouseground OPM 13 – OPM 15 placed in three rows. The biggerplants in the front are spare plantsfromthegenotypes OPM 1 – OPM 12

  8. Plantingtheborderwithrhizomepieces. Rhizomeswereharvested in Braunschweig on March 18 andstored in the cool chamberforalmost 4 weeks. In theforegroundofthepictureabove a plotwith spare plantsof 2 genotypes. Wetpatchesmark plant positions. Fordifferentiationofthegenotypesthemiddlerow was not planted.

  9. Fieldplan Adana andgenotypes

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