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THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. WHY BRITAIN?. Good labour supply. Better farming technology. Middle class passed laws to increase business. Surplus of capital. Science improved technology. Transportation networks. Raw materials. Iron & coal. Colonies. THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION.

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  2. WHY BRITAIN? • Good labour supply. • Better farming technology. • Middle class passed laws to increase business. • Surplus of capital. • Science improved technology. • Transportation networks. • Raw materials. • Iron & coal. • Colonies.

  3. THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION ENCLOSURE - Poor farmers were kicked off land as land became more valuable for sheep and larger farms. aka‘Clearances’ COMMONS LAND - became private and farmers had nowhere to graze livestock. FARMING became a business & NOT a way of life. Enclosure produced labourers NEW BREEDS - produced more meat, thicker wool, hardier. Gloucester Old Spot Pig Commons Lands

  4. THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTIONNEW CROPS & TECHNOLOGIES JETHRO TULL’S Seed Drill - faster, less waste, plowed, fewer workers, planted in rows. => Broadcasting • =>Turnip • => Barley • Grasses • wheat IND. REVOLUTION FOUR FIELD SYSTEM (no fallow) MEDIEVAL THREE FIELD SYSTEM (fallow crop) => => RESULT - As farming improved population increased and diets improved. This provided the necessary labour force needed for the Industrial Revolution to occur. - France and other nations remained “backward.”

  5. 2013 - ENERGIZED WATER FERTILIZER Wave goodbye to global warming, GM and pesticides Radio wave-treated water could change agriculture as we know it. Its Irish pioneers meet Tom Prendeville Results: • - Uses less water. • - Produces greater yields. Carrots = 46%> • - Requires less pesticides. • - More disease resistant. • - Requires less fertilizer. • - Restored rare orchids. A GROUNDBREAKING new Irish technology which could be the greatest breakthrough in agriculture since the plough is set to change the face of modern farming forever. Could this have a greater effect than the seed drill? 3 field system?

  6. ECONOMIC REVOLUTION The Entrepreneur • Entrepreneurs. • A person who takes risks to runs a business. • Middle Class - earned $ • Only the wealthy could sit in gov’t. • Franchise. • The right to vote. • Only the wealthy & no women. • Two political parties. • Tories - rich landowners. • Whigs - middle class businessmen. The Workers LAISSEZ-FAIRE - Economic policy that discouraged gov’t regulation. “Let it Be.” - Often hurt the common labourer => wages, conditions, living conditions, etc.

  7. THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY New inventions made inventors a fortune and would completely change society. Everything once done by hand was now being completed mechanically. James Hargreaves John Kay SPINNING JENNY Spun the yarn needed for the Flying Shuttle FLYING SHUTTLE Used for weaving cloth.

  8. OTHER INVENTIONS Samuel Compton Richard Arkwright THE MULE Combined the Water Frame And the Spinning Jenny WATER FRAME Way to spin yarn With rollers. Faster than The Spinning Jenny James Watt STEAM MACHINE Originally used to take water out of the mines.

  9. IRON AND COAL Abraham Darby - invented a process to create cast iron. - Coke is used to create iron. - Coke comes from coal => coal mining boomed. Coal was also used to heat homes. - working conditions were harsh. - wages were low - many died from Black Lung.

  10. TRANSPORTATION • ROADS • Had to find a way to improve on the old medieval ‘mud tracks’. • Turnpike system • built roads and charged tolls. • James Macadam - • 3 layers of graded stone. • Still used today. • CANALS • By 1800, 4000km of canals had been built. • RAILWAYS • 1829 George & Robert Stevenson used a steam engine to build ‘The Rocket” • Train = 39 km / hr. • Train became most important means of transportation.

  11. THE FACTORY SYSTEM => THE DOMESTIC SYSTEM - rural & family oriented. - quality varied. - income supplemented lifestyle. - poorly paid. - many weavers lowered prices => supply & demand. THE FACTORY SYSTEM - urban - faster & cheaper - consistent quality - living conditions ??? - poor working conditions - required large spaces and power sources. - poor wages. - child labour Factories would give rise to ‘The Factory Acts’ & Unions.

  12. SOCIETY AND CULTURE • The Class System • Upper-class • Middle-class/Working-Class • Dr., Engineer, Lawyer, etc. • Lower Middle Class • Stores, Teachers, Offices, etc. • Working Class • Skilled, Unskilled, Casual Labourers.

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