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Passover Feast: The Sacrificial Nature and Prophetic Fulfilment

Explore the significance of Passover, symbolizing sacrifice and salvation, fulfilled in Jesus as the ultimate Passover lamb. Learn about the Jewish observance and how it relates to the crucifixion. Discover the prophetic connections and symbolic meaning of this ancient feast.

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Passover Feast: The Sacrificial Nature and Prophetic Fulfilment

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  1. Passover ...... Crucifixion

  2. Feast # 1 Name: Passover t MEANING: A sacrifice. Year-old male lamb without defect (Ex 12:5); method of spreading blood with hyssop (Ex 12:22), disposal of remains after meal (Ex 12:10) all testify to the sacrificial nature of Passover. The head of the family slays the lamb. The blood is a “sign” that the angel of death will spare those “covered” by the sacrifice. The whole point of Passover is that the sacrifice of the lamb leads directly to the “salvation” of those who trust in (i.e. Put their faith in) the efficacy of the blood of the lamb. Crucifixion

  3. Feast # 1 Name: Passover t PROPHETIC FULFILMENT: Jesus is the Passover lamb [Exodus 12:3; John 1: 29; Romans 8: 3] whose blood was shed from the beginning of the world [Revelation 13: 8]. The crucifixion is prophesied clearly in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 52 – 53. The substitutionary sacrifice is set out in Genesis 22: 1 -14 (especially verse 8). For observant Jews, Passover speaks of the miracle of “salvation” from Pharaoh and to “freedom” in the promised land. But this is only a type of the real transaction. The FULL fulfilment is found in the Messiah given for all Mankind. Messiah atones for the sins of those who trust in the efficacy of the blood of the lamb. Judgement passes-over the penitent sinner and is placed to the account of the Messiah. Crucifixion

  4. Feast # 1 Name: Passover t PRESENT JEWISH OBSERVANCE: The Passover was instituted by God [ Leviticus 23:5; Exodus 12 ] and became a PERMANENT Passover [ Deuteronomy 16: 1 – 8 ]. Passover to the Jew represents the “salvation” of the Hebrew people from their Egyptian owners. Passover to the Messianic Jew/Christian represents the salvation of those who place their faith in Jesus and our release from the slavery of sin. Modern Jewish observance of Passover includes the consuming of the lamb’s flesh (Exodus 12:8). Bitter herbs and unleavened bread make up the simple meal. Note that other, non-biblical, elements have been added to the “Seder” meal – but the only elements actually commanded are set out clearly in Exodus 12: 1 – 8. Crucifixion

  5. Feast # 1 Name: Passover t Re: JESUS The Passover is a prototype of Yeshua’s sacrifice. He is the perfect (sinless) lamb who takes away the sins of the world. [ 1 John 1: 7; 1 John 1: 29; 1 Corinthians 5: 7; 1 Peter 1: 18-20 ] Yeshua ate the Passover meal before He suffered crucifixion – Luke 22: 13-15. Yeshua was well aware that He was the substitute “lamb” Who would take away sins – theologians call this “penal substitution” of Yeshua. He stands as a substitute FOR the penitent sinner, who no longer has to face punishment. Crucifixion

  6. God’s Moedim – study materialsSlide deck # 3please join again for Slide deck # 4 www.phileoyeshua.co.uk

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