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4 th Grade SRI

Practice test questions to help 4th graders hone their language arts skills. Improve comprehension and critical thinking with engaging scenarios.

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4 th Grade SRI

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  1. 4th Grade SRI Practice Test

  2. Practice Question 1 • Finally, the day of the play came. The whole family would be there. Some of their neighbors were coming too. Mom hugged Freddy extra hard as he left for school. "We'll be there watching you, Green Kangaroo," she said. • Everyone was going to _____ Freddy. • A. lift • B. see • C. find • D. help

  3. Practice Question 2 • Miss Sullivan spoke to Mr. Keller. "I must be alone with Helen for a while," she said. "May we move into the little house in the garden?" • Miss Sullivan _____ Mr. Keller. • A. asked • B. missed • C. helped • D. pushed

  4. Practice Question 3 • "We're going to climb the stairs to the north tower now," the tour guide announced. "As you will see, the stairs are quite narrow and steep. So we will have to go single file. Please watch your step." • We walked _____ . • A. quickly • B. carefully • C. nervously • D. brightly

  5. Question 1 • Imagine that one student is the mayor of a city that is having a problem with poster pollution. The other students in the class are all members of the city council. You want the city to be beautiful, not plastered with signs and ads. But you don't want to stop people from expressing themselves and communicating with each other. • You need a _____ . • A. solution • B. leader • C. punishment • D. reminder

  6. Question 2 • Confucius was a Chinese scholar whose ideas influenced many people. His ideas are called Confucianism. Confucius was concerned about improving human relationships. He also wanted to improve the conduct of people in society, and all his teachings were aimed at maintaining peace and harmony between people. Confucius also believed that human relationships, such as those between father and son, were important. • Confucius urged _____ . • A. kindness • B. expansion • C. freedom • D. health

  7. Question 3 • When we arrived back at the boat, we showed everyone our prize. Then we fastened him to a perch. But we neglected to fasten the perch securely, and the next thing we knew, friend eagle had departed, dragging the long pole behind him. He skimmed across the water, half fluttering, half swimming. • The eagle _____ . • A. relaxed • B. landed • C. escaped • D. screeched

  8. Question 4 • Yet if the sameness of the sea and the wind was scary, it was also scary to remember that they were in the Unknown, where anything might happen at any time. When a meteor with a long, branching tail of white fire streaked into the sea one night, they were terrified. Oh, it was a bad sign, the sailors cried. They should have stayed home. • They were _____ . • A. compelled • B. ashamed • C. frightened • D. insensitive

  9. Question 5 • It's almost impossible to live in the United States or Canada today without operating a computer. When you play a video game, you're running a computer. Your school probably has computers in some of its classrooms. Your library may have them, too. • Computers are _____ . • A. common • B. affordable • C. dangerous • D. handmade

  10. Question 6 • He looks from his own hands to Gimpy's, and he is careful to keep his fingers exactly the same way, thumbs together with the rest of his fingers slightly cupped. He has to do it right, the way Gimpy wants him to do it. There are echoes inside him that say, do it right and they will like you. And he wants Gimpy and Frank to like him. • He wants to be _____ . • A. accepted • B. replaced • C. honored • D. different

  11. Question 7 • "I am never alone when I am alone," Beethoven said. He usually got up early in the morning to compose, then later walked through the streets of Vienna, muttering, growling, and stamping his feet. He carried bulging notebooks of music with him at all times. His handwriting was so messy that almost no one other than himself could read it. • Beethoven was _____ . • A. eccentric • B. old • C. nondescriptive • D. insincere

  12. Question 8 • A female alligator may bury as many as 60 eggs in her nest of mounded-up grass, leaves, and mud. Alligator eggs are hatched by the heat of the sun. The eggs hatch in nine weeks. This is the actual size of an alligator egg, with a peek at how a 10-inch alligator might fit inside. Mother alligators watch over their young for as long as two years. They are fierce protectors. Never approach a baby alligator, even if it appears to be abandoned. Its mother will surely be somewhere close by. • Mother alligators _____ their young. • A. frighten • B. defend • C. clean • D. chase

  13. Question 9 • American clothing was another source of fascination. Japanese tagged after sailors and officers in order to have a close-up look at their strange costumes. Many of them were so overcome by curiosity that they could not resist touching the uniformed men. They were allowed to finger hats, jackets, pants, and shoes. Some even put their hands inside pockets, much to the amusement of the Americans. Buttons intrigued them particularly, because the Japanese used various types of cords and strings to fasten their own clothing. • American clothing was _____ . • A. captivating • B. respected • C. informal • D. expensive

  14. Question 10 • "I am so dreadfully hungry," groaned Bilbo, who was suddenly aware that he had not had a meal since the night before the night before last. Just think of that for a hobbit! His stomach felt all empty and loose and his legs all wobbly, now that the excitement was over. • Bilbo was _____ . • A. starving • B. laughing • C. bartering • D. responding

  15. 4th Grade SRI Practice Test (2)

  16. Practice Question 1 • The car wasn't locked. Tom opened one of the doors. He put the box with the map in it inside the car. Then he and Ricky ran down to the lake where Ricky's dad was fishing. Patches ran with them. • They _____ the map. • A. lost • B. ripped • C. left • D. sold

  17. Practice Question 2 • Mars is Earth's neighbor in space. It is called the red planet. Like Earth, Mars is made of rock. But the rock contains lots of iron. The rusted iron makes the planet look red. • Iron affects the _____ of Mars. • A. location • B. color • C. weight • D. temperature

  18. Practice Question 3 • The engine started up with a great noise. Then the airplane moved down the field. In a minute she was high in the air and on her way. • She was _____ . • A. flying • B. falling • C. floating • D. running

  19. Question 1 • It was early September and Albert was going to school. For the very first time! "Mommy, will you stay with me at school?" asked Albert. "I'll stay for a while," said Albert's mother. "And then when you're ready, I'll leave." "I'll never be ready," said Albert. • Albert was _____ . • A. tired • B. scared • C. happy • D. smart

  20. Question 2 • The evening air was still warm. Ben could see a long way up and down the street. Across the street, two dogs were playing. Ben could hear someone laughing. Inside the boarding house, Mrs. Brandon was humming. Soon, her friends arrived. They said hello to Ben as they walked up to the door. • Everything seemed _____ . • A. messy • B. scary • C. pleasant • D. dark

  21. Question 3 • The next time you see a big, round Moon, look for the man in the Moon. The dark and light parts make some people think of a mouth, a nose and two eyes. That is why they say there is a man in the Moon. Can you see him? • A big, round Moon looks like a(n) _____ . • A. leg • B. face • C. arm • D. back

  22. Question 4 • Every morning Henry looked out his east window and said, "I wish I had a cat. A cat would be such pleasant company." But no cat came. At noon he looked out west window and said, "I wish I had a cat. A cat on a summer day would be just the thing to keep the bugs away." But no cat came. • Henry _____ a cat. • A. wanted • B. washed • C. sold • D. found

  23. Question 5 • In the forest they had been protected from the sun, but now it beat down on them, unobstructed, and soon Rudi's body was bathed in sweat. His pack seemed to grow heavier. Now and then he stumbled. With every step he was learning that it was one thing to roam the mountains, free and unencumbered, and quite another to be a porter carrying a thirty-pound load.… He sweated. He strained. He kept going. • Rudi was _____ . • A. tired • B. happy • C. confused • D. quiet

  24. Question 6 • According to early records of Herero tradition, a person who is sick or suffering misfortune may have offended an ancestor. Those who need to appease an ancestor must go to the ombetere, a diviner, for help. By contacting the ancestors, the diviner can find out what offense was committed. Thereafter, steps toward purification can begin. • The diviner _____ the problem. • A. promotes • B. overlooks • C. assesses • D. magnifies

  25. Question 7 • : At one time in human history, salt was more valuable than oil is today. It is absolutely necessary to our diet and early communities were established in desert areas near salt deposits. The words "salary" and "sale" come from a time when salt was used as money. Salt is cheap today because we have found many ways of producing it from mines and from seawater. • Salt used to be _____ . • A. wasted • B. precious • C. common • D. unknown

  26. Question 8 • Good morning, she said, "I'm Miss Emily Firth. I'm an acquaintance of Mrs. Bell's, and she's given me her permission to come out here and sketch." I noticed that her eyes were the color of bluebonnets, and when she smiled, her small white teeth were perfectly even. She held up a large pad of fine white paper and a box of pencils. • Emily _____ why she was there. • A. overlooked • B. explained • C. asked • D. perceived

  27. Question 9 • She had her own bathroom, fully equipped with thick, white towels, tiny bars of wrapped soap, and beautiful antique light fixtures. She could easily be in one of the finest hotels in Paris or London. • It was _____ . • A. luxurious • B. sparse • C. believable • D. trying

  28. Question 10 • Julius Caesar was a man of action. Through sheer willpower he marked Rome with his personality, and his influence was felt throughout the ancient world for centuries after his death. He was also a man of many talents. He was highly educated and would have been famous for his writings alone—the histories, which have survived, and his poetry, which is lost. He loved to discuss the writings and ideas of ancient authors. • He was _____ . • A. athletic • B. distinguished • C. impatient • D. bilingual

  29. 4th Grade SRI Practice Test (3)

  30. Practice Question 1 • I want to walk in the parade too. They say I'm too small. That I couldn't get to the top of Acorn Hill. • I must wait until I'm _____ . • A. older • B. tired • C. asleep • D. dressed

  31. Practice Question 2 • "The bean stalk is broken," Linda told us, holding it up. "And you did it." She stuck out her tongue at Patrick. • She _____ Patrick. • A. blamed • B. helped • C. missed • D. stopped

  32. Practice Question 3 • A woodcutter and his wife lived in the woods. They were as poor as they could be. Yet they were happy because they loved each other and always shared with others. • The couple had little _____ . • A. money • B. peace • C. room • D. time

  33. Question 1 • "Dinner smells good," I said when I walked in the kitchen. We were having an early dinner because of the rehearsal. Mrs. Albright was fixing spaghetti, my favorite. Her sauce is really special. • I _____ Mrs. Albright's dinner. • A. craved • B. prepared • C. purchased • D. tasted

  34. Question 2 • They sailed slowly near the white angry water. Then, after four hours, they found a way through. Behind the Barrier Reef, the sea was blue and quiet. They sailed quietly to a small island. • They were on a _____ . • A. boat • B. train • C. horse • D. hill

  35. Question 3 • Ricky's dad looked at the map for a few more minutes. Then he said, "The artist put his name on this drawing. I've heard his name before. I wish I could remember what I heard about him. Maybe I will later." • He _____ the artist's name. • A. knew • B. wrote • C. spelled • D. disliked

  36. Question 4 • She pulled the knapsack on her lap and began to fish through it. "Hey," she said, looking up. "Where's the rest of my money? I thought I put it in here when I came back from the frankfurter man. Don't tell me I dropped it in the sand." • She _____ her money. • A. lost • B. saved • C. loaned • D. hid

  37. Question 5 • Kelly's smile sagged. Folding programs was not a special part. It was plain old ordinary stupid job. • She was _____ . • A. lucky • B. scared • C. mad • D. sweet

  38. Question 6 • Some satellites are used to study weather. Weather satellites take pictures of Earth. Such pictures show where storms are located and how they are moving. This data helps scientists to forecast the weather for several days. Weather satellites keep watch on the weather all around the world. • They allow scientists to make _____ . • A. chemicals • B. predictions • C. models • D. trouble

  39. Question 7 • The stars are much farther away than the moon, the sun and the other planets. Outer space seems to have no end to it. • It is _____ . • A. huge • B. dirty • C. bright • D. round

  40. Question 8 • Daniel sat on a three-legged stool by the fireplace facing the visitor. Now the other Boones drew their chairs and stools closer. Mr. McGuire was always a welcome visitor. He told a good story every time he came to the cabin. All of them wanted to hear every word. Only occasionally did they have such good entertainment. • Mr. McGuire had their _____ . • A. attention • B. money • C. books • D. sympathy

  41. Question 9 • It was taking Roberto a long time to feel at home in Pittsburgh. For many reasons he was feeling bad. Roberto was having a hard time making friends with his teammates. • Roberto was _____ . • A. jealous • B. refreshed • C. uncomfortable • D. safe

  42. Question 10 • She couldn't see who was standing at the door; she'd have to open the window to do that. The narrow gaps between the slats offered a partial view of the street, which was lined with parked cars. Standing among the cars was a boy in a blue-green jacket. He was just getting on his bike. As she watched, he turned around and looked up. Michael! • She _____ the boy. • A. admired • B. recognized • C. invited • D. protected

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