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COURSE IN ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY. С ourse Literature. Верба Л.Г. Порівняльна лексикологія англійс ь кої та українс ь кої мови. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2003

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  2. СourseLiterature • Верба Л.Г. Порівняльна лексикологія англійської та української мови. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2003 • Korunets I. Сontrastive Typology ofthe English and UkrainianLanguages. – Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha Publishers, 2003, pp. 118-178 • Арбекова Т. Пракический курс лексикологии английского языка. – М.: Просвещение, 1981 • Minayeva L.V. English Lexicology and Lexicography. – M.: Астрель, 2007

  3. What is Lexicology? Lexicology is a branch of linguistics major in the studies of the vocabulary of language and the property of words as the main units of the language. Lexicon is a whole set of words in the particular language. Object of lexicology: lexical system Subject of lexicology: word

  4. What is Word? WORD is the basic unit of any language resulting from the association of the particular meaning with a particular group of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment

  5. A /ei/ noun 1. the first letter of an alphabet 2. the highest mark in educational institutions Water /'wɔːtə/ noun 1. a colourless, transparent, odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms 2. a solution of a specified substance in water verb. 1. pour or sprinkle water over (a plant or area) in order to encourage plant growth 2. fill with tears 3. dilute or adulterate (a drink, typically an alcoholic one) with water

  6. Lexicology and Other Fields of Linguistics Phonetics Word-Formation Morphology Stylistics Syntax LEXICOLOGY Cognitive Linguistics Sociolinguistics Applied Linguistics Paralinguistics Computational Linguistics Psycholinguistics Translation Studies Lexicography

  7. Branches of Lexicology Semantics Semasiology Historical Lexicology LEXICOLOGY Descriptive Lexicology Phraseology Cognitive Lexicology

  8. What is Lexicon? LEXICON • a whole set of the words existing in a particular language • vocabulary of an individual person or specific field of human activity • dictionary (archaic meaning) or an alphabetic list of the words

  9. What is Lexical System? LEXICAL SYSTEM sum of total English words, a set of elements associated and functioning together in accordance with the inner laws of the language

  10. Types of Relationship in the Lexical System Syntagmatic (Linear) Connection of a word with other words in a syntagm tat forms a context to distinguish a specific meaning of this word Make – робити Sheismakingherbed Вона прибирає ліжко Types of relationship in the Lexical System Paradigmatic (Contrastive) She is making her bed – verb The making is important – verbal noun Making harm is bad. – gerund Connection of a word with the all other words that can be used in a given context and can be compared with this word Lexical Opposition Semantically relevant relationship of partial difference between two partially similar words Doubt-doubtful Boxing-Day, Halloween, Queen’s Speech, to box the compass etc. The connections of words with the elements of objective reality they serve to denote and their dependence on the social, mental and cultural development of the language community Extra-Linguistic

  11. What are Semasiology and Semantics? SEMASIOLOGY is a field of lexicology dealing with the meaning of the lexical units SEMANTICS is a science major in studying the components and meanings of the language signs

  12. WORD As a Basic Unit of the Lexicology WORD is the smallest meaningful unit of the lexical system, characterized by positional mobility, morphological interruptability and semantic integrity

  13. Structure of the Word Internal External Morphemic components Grammatical paradigms Syntactical valency Lexical meaning: • Motivation • Denotative Component • Significant Component

  14. Motivation of the Word

  15. Semantic Triangle

  16. Lexical Meaning of the Word is a meaning proper to the given lexical unit and all its forms. I.e. cat (a mammal animal that catches mice) – cats (2 and more such animals) – cat’s (smth.belongs to this animal) – cats’ (smth. belongs to 2 and more of such animals) LEXICAL MEANING

  17. Catn. a wild animal of the cat family (Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford University Press, 2010) • Seme - animal • Sememe – of the family • Semanteme1 – a wild (to animal) • Semanteme2 – cat (to family)

  18. Types of Meaning

  19. What is Connotation? CONNOTATION is the interaction of the denotative meaning and its pragmatic counterpart; what the word conveys about the speakers attitude to the social circumstances, functional style, approval or disapproval of the object, his emotions and degree of intensity

  20. Types of Connotation • expression of approval or disapproval of the phenomenon or some situation • Evaluative • Emotional • Expressive • Connotation • exaggregatingsmth. • association of referent named with emotions • Stylistic • (description of the situation in conversation, relations between speakers, the type and purpose of communication)

  21. Changing of the Lexical Meaning

  22. Changes of the Lexical Meaning or Stylistic Tropes

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