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PROJECT MANAGEMENT and Proposal Writing. Workshop Objectiv es. The objective of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for the participants to: Acquire the knowlege and talent to plan, execute and evaluate projects in accordance with internationally accepted quality creteria.
Workshop Objectives The objective of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for the participants to: • Acquire the knowlege and talent to plan, execute and evaluate projects in accordance with internationally accepted quality creteria
PART I. DEFINITIONS • Planning • Project • Project Cycle • Project Cycle Management • Logical Framework
1. Planning • Planning, in general, is a process • to answer the questions of what, where, when, why, how, for whom, by whom and at what cost (7W,1H) for the accomplishment of an objective and • to record the answers in a systematic way.
2. Project Project is a document in which the answers to “7W,1H questions” in connection with the accomplishment of an objective is recorded in a systematic way. • however, leads us quickly to a realization that three factors differentiate projects from routine operations: • uniqueness; • a temporary nature; • progressive elaboration.
4. Financing 3. Planning 5. Implementation 2. Situation Analysis 6. Evaluation 1. Project Idea 3. Project Cycle The stages are: • Project idea • Situation anaylysis • Planning • Financing • Implementation • Evaluation A series of interconnected stages of activities that are necessary for the accomplishment of an objective in an effective way
4. Project Cycle Management – PCM • a process of implementing certain rules and principles for an effective execution of all stages of the project cycle, • developed as a reaction to classical approach • based on “Logical Framework
5. Logical Framework(LM) • LM is a method of analysis and a way to present core information about a project. It is intended to • Provide consistency • Reveal contradictions • Facilitate efficiency in the management of a project
4. Financing 3. Planning 5. Implementation 2. Situation Analysis 6. Evaluation 1. Project Idea PART II. PROJECT CYCLE
1. Project idea • The emergence of a project idea is the first stage of the project cycle. • A project idea may emerge as a result of a need, observation, consultation or existing of a grant in an area.
2. Analysis A process of collecting and evaluating the information related to a project idea. At this stage, • related information is collected • existing conditions are determined, • Analysis of the partners, problems, objectives, and strategies is made • Project objectives are determined.
H 3. Planning W W W W Planning is a process to answer the 7W,1H questions related to the accomplishment of an objective and record the answers in a systematic way W W W • At this stage • The 7W,1H questions related to the accomplishment of an objectives are answered and • The answers are recorded in a systematic way to form a project document.
3.1. Sustainability • Maintaining the activities and the benefits of a project through local dynamics after the project period is over and the outside help and interventions are no longer available.
4. Financing • A process to obtain financial resources to be used for the project activities
5. Implementation A process to • put into practice the answers of the7W,1H questions related to the accomplishment of an objective
6. Evaluation-1 Making a qualitative judgement about something. At this stage • The results are compared with the objectives to determine the - strengths and weaknesses of the project activities and - ideas to be taken into consideration to improve future implementations
6.1. Evaluation-2 • Periodic evaluation for activity objectives (outputs) • Final evaluation for project objectives (outcomes) • Impact evaluation for the general objectives (overall objectives) to which the project objectives are intended to Contribute (impact)
PART III. LFA a process of implementing certain rules and principles for an effective execution of all stages of the project cycle
2. The Functions of the Logical Framework • The most important aspects of the project is summarized in boxes • The long term contribution of the Project (General Objectives) • The objectives at the end of the project period (Project Objectives) • Expectations from the project (VerifiableIndicators) • The ways the project will realize the objectives (Activities) • Risks for the project (Assumptions) • Sources of verification (Verifications) • The cost of the project (Cost) • Required conditions to start the project (prerequisits)
4. Stages of Logical Framework Analysis Planning 6. Logical Framework – Presenting the substance of a project under the heading of objectives, indicators, verification and assumptions 7. Work Plan– Indicating the name, place, time, objective, method, clientele, people in charge and the cost of the activities to achieve an objective 8. Budget–Listing the cost of different items related to the activities in a project.. • Situation Analysis – Determining the existing conditions regarding the target populaton and project.area. • Problem Analysis– Establishing the cause and effect relationships and illustrating the hierarchy of problems (problem tree) • Stakeholder Analysis– Identification of the people invoved in and affected by the project and the opinions they would have • Analysis of Objectives– Establishing the means-end relatinships.and illustrating thehiararchy of objectives (Objective tree) • Analysis of strategies– Selecting a strategy to achieve a desired objective
Objectively Veifiable Indicators Objectives Sources of verifications Assumptions General Objective Project Objectives Activity Objectives Outputs Activities Method Cost Prerequisite 3. Logical Framework Matrix
4.1. Situation Analysis Determining the existing conditions and problems regarding the target populaton and projectarea. Titles for the Situation Analysis • Cultural life • Human and Social Capital • Environment • Government Policy • Geography • Infrastructure • Economy • Social life • Health
4.2. Problem Analysis • To establish the hierarchy of problems in the light of the cause and effect relationships to find the focal problem • To Illustrate the hierarchy of problems in a problem tree to form a base for the objectives
4.2.1. Problem Tree Causes and Effects Relationships EFFECTS CAUSES
4.2.2. Sample Problems • İgnorance of mothers on child nutrition • Malnitrution for the children • Inedequate health clinics • Limited access to services • Inedequate vaccination • In the last one year child mortality has increased %10 • Infectious diseases increased • Unemployment • Inedequate infrastructure • Low education level • Faulty sewage system • No purification system in the tire factory • No clean drinking water • Epidemic disease • Low income level
High level of baby deaths Infectious diseases Epidemic diseases EFFECTS Inadequate Baby feeding Limited access to health services No clean drinking water Inadequate vaccination Ignorance of mothers on nutrition Inadequate health clinics Low Iincome level Faulty sewage system No purification system in the tire factory COUSES Inadequate infrastructure Low level education Unemployment 4.2.4. Problem Tree –
4.3. Stakeholder Analysis (S.A) a process • To identify the people involved in and effected by the project (Stakeholders) • To determine the opinion of the stakeholders and • To facilitate their contribution to the project activities at all stages of the project cycle
4.3.1. Stakeholders A- The owner of the project – Those who prepared the project B- Partners – Those who make contributions and take responsibility C- Target group – Those who benefit directly and from the project. D- Other Stakeholders 1. Ultimate beneficiaries – Those who, benefit indirectly form the project. 2. Opponents – Those who suffer, due to the Project 3. Participants – Those who make financial, administrative and technical contribution but do not take responsibility.
4.3.2. The Parties and the Subjects in S.A. • Identification Info. • Objectives and their stakes • Strengths and Weaknesses • Opinions • Project Owner • Partners • Target Group • Others
4.4.Objective Analysis a process to • Determine the objectives parallel to the problems by stating the problems in a positive terms and • form an objective tree (target tree) in the light of ends and means relationships
4.4.1. From Problem toObjective . Objective Problem High rate of child deaths To reduce the rate of child deaths High rate of infectious diseased To reduce the rate of infectious diseases
4.4.1. Objective Tree Turning negative conditions into positive in a certain time . ENDS Overall Objective Project Objectives Outputs MEANS Activities
4.4.2. Levels of Objectives . High level objective to which the project Contributes Overall Objectives Sustainable benefits for the target group Project Objectives The product of the activities Outputs Actions undertaken to realize the project objectives Means Activities
4.5.Strategy Analysis • Strategy Analysis is a process to • Determine the available resources and limitations • consider alternative ways to solve the problems • Eliminate the targets beyond available means • Choose the proper strategy
ENDS To reduce the rate of Child deaths To reduce the rate of infections To recuce the epidemics MEANS To provide clean drinking water To improve the nutrition for children To improve the access to health services To increase the vaccination Traninin mothers on nutrition Improving clininics Increasing the incomes Improving the sewage system Constructing a Purification system in the tire factory 4.5.3. Objective Tree -Beykent Case
To reduce the rate of Child deaths To recuce the epidemics To reduce the rate of infections To improve the access to health services To provide clean drinking water To improve the nutrition for children To increase the vaccination Traninin mothers on nutrition Improving clininics Increasing the incomes Improving the sewage system Constructing a Purification system in the tire factory 4.5.4. Strategy Analysis-Beykent Case . Eliminated targets Choosen Strategy
4.6. Logical Framework Matrix • a method of presenting the results of target analysisin a systemastic and logical way to provide consistency and avoid contradictions • It shows; • The causal relationships between different levels of objectives, • Success indicators • Sources of verification • Assumptions
Verifyable Indicators Objectives Sources of verification Assumptions Overall Objective Project Objectives Means Activities Cost Ön-koşullar Precondition 4.6.1. Logical Framework Matrix Outputs
Objectives Sources of Verification Verifiable Indicators Assumptions 8 9 1 Overall Objective 11 10 7 2 Project Objectives 6 12 13 3 Outputs 5 4 activities Cost Means Pre-conditions 4.6.2. Building Order for the Logframe
To reduce the rate of Child deaths To reduce the rate of infections To improve the nutrition for children To increase the vaccination Traninin mothers on nutrition Improving clininics 4.6.4. From Strategy Analysis to Objectives . Overall Objectives . Project Objectives Outputs Activities
4.6.5. Assumptions • Assumptions are the external factors beyond control that may affect the the project’s implementation and and long term sustainability. • These conditions has to be met for the project to succeed
Is the extermal Factor important? Yes No Do not include in the logframe Wlll it be realized? Almost certainly Do not include in the logframe Likely Include as an assumption Unlikely Is it possible to redesign the project? yes No Redisign the project Project is not feasable Assesment of Assumptions Vertical Logic Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Intervention Logic Assumptions Overall Objective Project Objective Activity Objectives-Outputs Means Cost Activities ‘... Pre-conditions Pls. Next Slide
4.6.5. Indicators • Indicators are the operational descriptions of the objectives. They are the statements for objectives in terms of quantitiy, quality, time and place. • They need to be objectively verifiable • They are the statements of • Outputs for the activity objectives • Outcome for the project objectives and - Impact for the overall objectives Criteria for Indicators Indicators must be “SMART” • SPECIFIC • MEASURABLE • AVAILABLE • RELAVANT • TIME BOUND & COST EFFECTIVE
Questionaires Cost Interviews Statistics Repots Records complexity Sources of Verifications
4.7. Plan of Work • A document in which; • The 7W,1H questions are answered in detail • Logical Framework approach is maintained. • The order, time, and priorities of the activities are recorded. • Management and control duties and responsibilities are designated
Output of the activities Activity 1.1.............. Activity 1.2.............. Activity 1.3.............. Activity 2.1.............. Activity 2.2.............. Activity 3.1.............. Activity 3.2.............. Activity 3.3.............. 4.7.1. The Order of Activities k