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Bedayia International School تربية - أصاله - إبداع. Welcome to Bedayia International School year of 2014/ 2015. Bedayia Philosophy At Bedayia we believe in building a balanced, open minded personality with deep traditions and a solid religious foundation.
Bedayia International School تربية - أصاله - إبداع
Welcome to Bedayia International School year of 2014/ 2015
Bedayia Philosophy At Bedayia we believe in building a balanced, open minded personality with deep traditions and a solid religious foundation. Our children are exposed to an international curriculum that focuses on building their language skills in parallel with their personality. We strive to help our children to be proud of their culture and develop them into individuals who value education, and are active in their community.
Curriculum A tailored American curriculum offering diverse activities to meet different individual needs and learning styles. This curriculum in English, Math, Science and Social Studies offers a variety of topics and experiences to help the students acquire language through fun hands on activities, stories and practice.
The Jolly Phonics Program The Jolly Phonics program has proven a world wide success in helping students to blend sounds and read words at an early age. This program introduces all 42 sounds of the English language in a fun, enjoyable and easy way. Each sound is presented to the children with an action and a rhyme that enables them to remember the sound. According to this program, sounds will be presented in a different sequence to encourage students to practice sounding out and reading 3 letter words and then gradually move on to more complex words. At a later stage, we will introduce the High Frequency Words, to help students move into reading simple sentences.
Reading Curriculum and Library Sessions Once students are familiar with sounds and decoding , they will be introduced to the reading curriculum. They will be encouraged to read from a selection of reading books suitable for their level to increase their confidence. KG2 students enjoy 2 library sessions every week to borrow books to share with their families at home.
Throughout the day, children enjoy a mixture of English, Arabic, Religion, Art and PE sessions. Character Building Respect, responsibility, cooperation, honesty
The school day starts at 7:30 and ends at 3:00. The KG school day is divided into nine periods of 40 minutes, including meal times and breaks. During break time, students are escorted and monitored by teachers to provide supervision and ensure their safety. In addition there are 2 playroom sessions every week.
The Playroom • The Playroom is equipped with a variety of toys which facilitate dramatic and creative play. Students will utilize the Playroom as an extension of the KG classroom.
Extra- Curricular Activities Once a week your child will be offered 2 sessions of extra curricular activities. We have 3 rounds of activities, each lasts for 6 weeks. A list of the activities available will be sent home for you to choose from.
What do I put in my child’s bag every day? • The Home Connection Notebook in a clear plastic file. • 2 Healthy snacks and a healthy lunch with enough food to last the long school day. • One extra pack of plain biscuits. • Water to last for the whole day. • Any borrowed Library Books. • Any items requested by the class teacher.
Please DO NOT send • Toys • Unhealthy food such as candy, crisps (chips), fizzy drinks, or chocolates • Juice or drinks in glass containers • Trolley bags • Pocket money • Jewelry (except for stud earrings) • Toy weapons and action figures • Mobiles or ipads
Please note : • Money sent for school trips/ events should be sent in a sealed, labeled envelope. You MUST send the exact amount only as we cannotprovide change. -Meeting trip fees deadline
How to contact the Class Teacher? 1- The Home Connection Notebook 2- Calling the KG office to deliver a message or to set a meeting
Home Connection Notebook The Home Connection book is the main communication between the school and your home. They MUST be checked and signed daily and any materials that have been sent in them should be removed.
Who to contact if you have a concern or a complaint? 1- Write to the class teacher 2- Call Ms. Heba Farid in the KG office 3- Call the KG Principal Ms. Mahinour Abdel Rahman Please use the school’s land line and you will be directed.
What should I do if… • My child is absent for more than 2 days? • Call the KG office and report the absence. • My child arrives after 7:45? • Bring your child through the reception where you will be asked to fill out a tardy form. • In case of frequent tardiness any missed materials • will not be covered. • I need to collect my child early from school? • Please contact the KG office before 12:00 . • My child loses something? • Write to the class teacher, or contact the KG office.
Sickness Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a temperature. If your child becomes ill, you will be called to come and take your child home. Please send your child back to school after a complete recovery. Medicine Please send the medicine in a plastic bag and attach a note in the home connection to the school doctor, stating the name of the child, the dosage and the time.
How do I keep track of my child’s progress and what he/ she is studying? 1- Weekly newsletters 2- Weekly wrap up 3- Parent’s Meetings
Appearance • The school uniform - clean and in good condition - must be worn daily. • Clearly label all uniform items and supplies in permanent marker with your child’s name and classroom. • Girl’s hair should be tied away from their face. • Boy’s hair should be short (not below ear level), neat and tidy. • No jewelry except for stud earrings. • No nail polish for girls. • Shoes with lights or wheels. Please send at least 2 complete, season appropriate changes of clothing,
Hot Meals • This service is available upon purchase of coupons. Each book of coupons costs 90 L.E. and will buy 5 meals. Coupons cannot be purchased separately. • Please send a meal coupon when you require the service or send the money for the coupon book to the class teacher. • KG students are only allowed to exchange their coupons for full meals. A la carte items are not available for KG students.
Independency • KG school life is different from nursery school life. • At Bedayia, we encourage our students to become independent individuals. • Students will be urged and praised to dress and undress themselves, tie their shoes, tidy up after playing and eating, and use the toilet independently. Nannies are not allowed to assist them, but only to supervise/ monitor. Children are not expected to do all the above from the first day, but they will be encouraged and praised until they reach those goals.
Extra Support • Extra support will be offered to students according to their teacher’s recommendation. An extra support class will be available as part of the extra curricular activities.
Arrival And Departure • Car Students • Car students need to be at school before7:30 to line up and proceed to their classes. • Students need to be picked up promptly at 3:00 P.M. • There will be no supervision available after 3:20
Bus Students - The bus matron will provide each student with their pick up/ drop off time. - Bus students are expected to be seated with their seatbelts fastened during the whole journey to/ from school. - Silly, rude or violent behavior on the bus will be dealt with by the bus matron. Parents will be notified of the situation by the bus supervisor. Repeated violations of bus rules can result in the child being suspended from using the bus service . - Only water can be consumed on the bus.
Assessments • Baseline Assessment (after 3 weeks) • Formative Assessment (on going) • Summative Assessment (at the end of every trimester) How can I help my child at home? Read books Have discussions with your child Use helpful websites for learning (A list is attached to the Welcome Pack)
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته فيما يلى مختصرا لمنهج اللغة العربية: ب أولا :مهارة القراءة : - نبدأ العام بمراجعة على الحروف حيث يتعلم الطفل كل حرف بأصواته الثلاثة (الفتحة،الكسرة،الضمة) ، يتمكن الطفل فى هذه المرحلة من معرفة أصوات الحروف بالحركات الثلاثة الفتح والكسر والضم ويساعده هذا فى أن ينطق حركات الحروف بشكل صحيح وفى نهاية هذا الجزء سيتمكن من قراءة كلمات من ثلاثة أحرف بالتشكيل . - يتعلم الطفل فى هذا الجزء الحروف المنونة حيث يتعرف على أصوات الحروف المنونة ..وفى نهاية هذا الجزء يكون الطفل قد تمكن من قراءة كلمات تحتوى على التشكيل والتنوين .. ت أ
ت أ ب - يتعلم الطفل السكون حيث نبدأها بمقاطع على السكون إنتهاء بقدرة الطفل على قراءة كلمات تشمل التشكيل والتنوين والسكون . -ثم يتعرف الطفل على حروف المد ( ا , و , ى ) حيث يتعرف على شروط المد و أنواعه وسيتمكن الطفل فى هذه المرحلة من قراءة كلمات تشمل على الحركات ،التنوين ، السكون والمد . -فى الجزء الأخير سيتعلم الطفل الشدة بحيث يتمكن فى النهاية من القراءة بسهولة ويسر.
ثانيا مهارة الكتابة : وتشمل قدرة الطفل على مسك القلم بالطريقة الصحيحة وقدرته على كتابة الحروف باتجاهاتها الصحيحه وكذلك التعرف على أشكالها فى أول الكلمة ووسط الكلمة وآخر الكلمة ويتم التدرج فى الكتابة من كتابة حروف الى كلمات من ثلاثة أحرف الى جمل بسيطة ، وسيتمكن الطفل أيضا من كتابة بعض الكلمات بمفردهم من خلال معرفتهم بأصوات الحروف وربط الصوت بشكل الحرف . ثالثا :مهارة التحدث :نهتم من خلالها بتنمية القدرة على التعبير لدى الطفل وكيف يعبر عن نفسه وتنمية مهارات التواصل والتحدث مع الآخرين وطريقة سرد الأحداث والقصص . ت أ
الجزء الثانى من المنهج هو المحاور وهو موضوعات عامةحيث يتم إعداد الطفل ليتعلم كل مايتعلق بهذه الوحدات حيث يكتسب الطفل منها خبرات ومفاهيم متعددة من هذه الوحدات (الطيور،الحيوانات، النبات،الحشرات ،الماء التغيرات الجوية ، ....)حيث يتم تعويد الطفل على التفكير فيما حوله وأن يفهم حقائق الحياة بوسائل حسية وأن يكون ملما بحياة الكائنات الحية وحياة الإنسان وأن يكون مهتما بالتعرف على البيئة والطبيعة .وأخيرا أسأل الله أن يعيننا على إتمام رسالتنا وجزاكم الله خيرا
التربية الإسلامية والقرءان الكريم • نهدف فى نهاية هذه المرحلة إلى بناء جيل مسلم يحب الله ويقتدي برسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم فيحسن التعامل مع من حوله من خلال تعليمه مجموعة من الآداب والسلوكيات الإسلامية وبعض سور القرءان الكريم وذلك من خلال تطبيق نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة.
School Director Ms. Karen Aly
KG Admin Members: KG Principal: Ms. Mahinour A. Rahman KG Office: Ms. Heba Farid
KG Admin Members School Doctor Dr. Doaa Hussein Psychologist Ms. Basma El Sabbagh
KG Admin Members Arabic HOD: Ms Fatema Aly