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Islam. An Introduction. Roots. s-l-m -- “peace,” “surrender” Al-Ilah-- “the God,” Adam-Noah-SHEM Shem-Abraham-Ismail/Ishmael (37:99-111) Muhammad and Khadija (15 years +) The Cave on Mount Hira, hanifs: La ilaha illa’llah , There is no God but (the) God.
Islam An Introduction
Roots • s-l-m -- “peace,” “surrender” • Al-Ilah-- “the God,” • Adam-Noah-SHEM • Shem-Abraham-Ismail/Ishmael (37:99-111) • Muhammad and Khadija (15 years +) • The Cave on Mount Hira, hanifs: La ilaha illa’llah, There is no God but (the) God. • “The Night of Power” (610 C.E.; 96:1-5)
Initial Reactions • “The appeal throughout was to human reason vectored by religious discernment.” (Huston Smith) • Hostility: • threat to polytheistic beliefs and shrines • moral teachings demanded end to licentiousness • challenged an unjust social order • But families start to convert; migrate to Yathrib (622 C.E.)
Key Events 570 (ca.) Muhammad born 610 Receives first revelation 622 Hijra to Yathrib 624 Battle of Badr (defeat the Meccans) 625 Battle of Uhud (defeated; betrayed by Jews?) 627 Battle of Trench (attackers leave; Islam status confirmed, spreads) 630 Victory over Quraysh 632 Muhammad dies 632-634 Caliphate of Abu Bakr 634-644 Caliphate of Umar 644-656 Caliphate of Uthman 656-661 Caliphate of Ali 680 Martyrdom of Husayn 661-750 Umayyad Dynasty 750-850 Abassid Dynasty 874 Occultation of Twelfth Imam
Basic Theological Concepts • One God • inspires fear • provides peace • full of mercy • Human person is of “finest state” (95:4), individual, free, responsible • Divine Judgment (e.g., 14:13-18, 81)
“Five Pillars” of Islam • 1. Shahadah:”There is no god but God, and Muhammad is His Prophet.” • 2. Prayer (salat). Five times/day, facing Mecca, ritual washing, postures • 3. Zakat. 2.5% of one’s assets/annually • 4. Ramadan. • 5. Hajj.
The Qur’an (Koran) • al-qur’an -- “a recitation” • Words are God’s, proclaimed by Muhammad, recorded on bone, bark, leaves, parchment, minds; God preserves the accuracy • “To every people we have sent a messenger. . .” (10:47) (Other Scriptures) • only portions of truth • corrupted • Divine Speech • Directly doctrinal, indirectly historical vs. directly historical, indirectly doctrinal
Social Teachings • “Keep arteries open” • Increased rights to women • Rejection of racism • On force . . . (2:190-95) • Jihad • lit. “exertion” • “holy war” = Christian “just war” • as-salamu ‘alaykum
Five Major Prophets • Noah • Abraham • Moses • Jesus • Muhammad
Muslims, Jews, and Christians (2.111-121) And they say: "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian." Those are their (vain) desires. Say: "Produce your proof if ye are truthful.” Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to Allah and is a doer of good,- He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. The Jews say: "The Christians have naught (to stand) upon; and the Christians say: "The Jews have naught (To stand) upon." Yet they (Profess to) study the (same) Book. Like unto their word is what those say who know not; but Allah will judge between them in their quarrel on the Day of Judgment.
Muslims, Jews, and Christians (2.111-121, cont.) And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in places for the worship of Allah, Allah's name should be celebrated?-whose zeal is (in fact) to ruin them? It was not fitting that such should themselves enter them except in fear. For them there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and in the world to come, an exceeding torment.To Allah belong the east and the west: Whithersoever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah. For Allah is all-Pervading, all-Knowing.
Muslims, Jews, and Christians (2.111-121, cont.) They say: "Allah hath begotten a son" :Glory be to Him.-Nay, to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: everything renders worship to Him. To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is. Say those without knowledge: "Why speaketh not Allah unto us? or why cometh not unto us a Sign?" So said the people before them words of similar import. Their hearts are alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith (in their hearts).
Muslims, Jews, and Christians (2.111-121, cont.) Verily We have sent thee in truth as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner: But of thee no question shall be asked of the Companions of the Blazing Fire. Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the (only) Guidance." Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah. Those to whom We have sent the Book study it as it should be studied: They are the ones that believe therein: Those who reject faith therein,- the loss is their own.
Militant Islam or Militant Christianity? • Crusades • Inquisitions • European Colonialism • American Neo-colonialism • Creation of Israel • Support of Authoritarian Regimes (including Saddam Hussein vs Iran) • Bosnia • Chechnya • Palestinian-Israeli Conflict • Indian rule over Kashmir • Equating Islam w/ Radicalism • and ????