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ADC12J4000, TSW14J10, VC707 Dec 10x

ADC12J4000, TSW14J10, VC707 Dec 10x. Test Setup: Single tone is given as input to the device. Test conditions: Fs = internal 4GHz Fin = 600MHz Dec 10 LMF = 222, Lane Rate = Fs * 10 *F/S = 400M * 10 * 2 = 8G LMK = 2GHz, clock dist mode

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ADC12J4000, TSW14J10, VC707 Dec 10x

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ADC12J4000, TSW14J10, VC707 Dec 10x

  2. Test Setup: • Single tone is given as input to the device. • Test conditions: • Fs = internal 4GHz • Fin = 600MHz • Dec 10 • LMF = 222, Lane Rate = Fs * 10 *F/S = 400M * 10 * 2 = 8G • LMK = 2GHz, clock dist mode • VC707 Ref clock = 400MHz (Lane rate/20, /4 for LMK) • VC707 Core clock = 200MHz (Lane rate /40, /8 for LMK) • Lane Rate = 8G • V2p8 firmware

  3. On ADC GUI, load the values as shown below

  4. On ADC GUI, load the values as shown below

  5. On ADC GUI, load the Preset 0 Frequency value as shown below

  6. In Low Level View tab, set LMK04828 address 0x110 to 0x05 to set VC707 REFCLK = 400MHz

  7. In Low Level View tab, set LMK04828 address 0x100 to 0x0A for VC707 Core CLK = 200MHz

  8. Open HSDCD Pro, select “ADC12J4000_D4_DDR”, Enter “1G” for ADC Output Data Rate

  9. Capture results using a 600MHz input tone

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