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DOL level 4 week 4. Analogy good : better – bad: ________ : - : ________ 1. miss jane peters 3202 main street juneau ak 99801 2. we cant take bills friend to. worse. Pledge.
DOL level 4 week 4 • Analogy • good : better – bad: ________ • : - : ________ 1. miss jane peters 3202 main street juneau ak 99801 2. we cant take bills friend to worse
Objective Know word families and spelling patterns, syllabication, and common letter combinations to spell new words • Students will read and understand the suffix -ly. • Students will identify the base verb in each line. • Student will use the words in sentences to show. • Student will identify what happens with spelling changes with suffixation. • Students will give the meaning for each word.
Word Structure Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4
Word Structure Line 2 power plenty pity bottom This line contains root words to which the suffixes –ful, and –less are added. What does the suffix –ful mean? What does the suffix –less mean? These suffixes are adjectives. Identify the base word for each word in the line Give meanings of the words in the line. Combine the meaning of the root word and suffix. “full of” “without” powerful: “full of power” plentiful: “full of plenty” pitiless: “without pity, abundant” bottomless: “without a bottom”
Word StructureSkills Practice 1 pages 25 - 26 Line 3 weary angry probable invariable • This line contains words whose spelling changes when the suffix –ly is added. • What did the suffix –ly do to the spelling the first two words? • When an adjective ends in –able or –ible, the final le is dropped before adding –ly to form and adverb. • What does the suffix –ly mean? • Identify the base word for each word in the line • Give meanings of the words in the line. Combine the meaning of the root word and suffix. the y changes to an i “in a _________way” weary: “ in a weary way” angry: “in an angry way” probable: “in a probable way” invariably: “in an unchanging way”
Fluency 6 min. reading solution
obviously (ob’vē slē) recalled (rikäld’) e This obviously would not be easy. Nina recalled her gym teacher’s words from the day before. Vocabulary lesson 3 in a way that is easy to see to remember merriment (mârim nt) tangled (tang’g ld) e e The rest of their classmates cheered in merriment. The fly became tangled in the spider web. to get caught in something that holds back or blocks fun
gnawing (nôing) miserable (miz’ûrb l) e My dog is gnawing on his bone. “I’m tired and miserable”. Vocabulary lesson 3 to chew unhappy cover (ku’vûr) circumstances (sûrk mstants’z) e e She put her hand above her eyes to cover the glare. Under the circumstances, they made a great team. the way things are at the moment something that would be good to hide behind
Fluency • Page 71 – I will read this page aloud We stop abruptly before and after the dashes. Pause longer after semicolons than you would after a comma and longer after a colon. • As you reread “Mrs. Frisby and the Crow.” you should practice pausing after semicolons and colons and stopping before and after dashes. This will improve your reading rate and accuracy.
Meet the Authorpage 82 & 83 • Why do think Robert C. O’Brien started writing later in life? • How do you think John Kanzler’s art reflects his love of animals? Give an example.
Inquiry Process Conjecture A conjecture always begins with phrases such as I think that or Maybe. Examples: ?
Inquiry Process Small groups brainstorm conjectures about the question they chose. After you have finished brainstorming, share your conjectures with one another. Same question – different conjectures. As a group, post your conjectures on the Concept/Question Board.
BiographyPrewriting – Categorize things Things I already know about the topic Things I need to know about the topic
Biography • Research your subject before you begin writing. • Use several sources. (encyclopedia, articles, books, trustworthy Web sites.) • Decide the audience and purpose for your biographies will determine how you should write. • Most biographies are written in the order in which events occur. Transparencies 28, and 28a
Spelling Underline the suffix that has been added to each of the root words. angry/angrily locate/location precise/precision fame/famous memory/memorable ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ Spelling of some root words changes when suffixes are added. Example: words ending in a silent /e/ sound usually drop the letter e before adding a suffix that begins with a vowel.
SpellingSort all the spelling words according to their endings flammable solvable angrily pollution erosion location promotion attention wondrous decision famous miserable usable precision terrifically basically courteous memorable envious easily gracious conclusion luckily
Objective Review linking verbs, helping verbs, and verb phrases Students will • identify the verb phrases in a sentence. • Write five sentences using verbs.
Grammar, Usage and MechanicsLinking Verbs, Helping Verbs, and Verb Phrases Identify the verb phrases in the following sentences. • The baby was sleeping in his crib. • Ranna is playing with her best friend, Megan. • In some sentences a verb can have more than one word. usually the last word is the main verb and the preceding words are helping verbs. • 1. Write five sentences about something that recently happened to you or someone you know. 2. Use verb phrases in your writing. 3. Underline the verb phrases. Skills Practice 1 page 38 was sleeping is playing
Rotations Read with teacher Work in Skills Practice Book Pages 27, 35, 25, 28 Read “Amazing Animals” pg. 84 Practice cursive handwriting . The letter I i Blue Yellow Red Blue Red Green Yellow Green Red Blue Green Yellow Green Blue Yellow Red