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August 17 th 2011 Tutor training session Sit in tutor teams in clans. Brief summary of where we are now. Clans have been reintroduced Guidance staff have been assigned to clans and have worked in their PSED time with their clan classes
August 17th 2011 Tutor training session Sit in tutor teams in clans
Brief summary of where we are now • Clans have been reintroduced • Guidance staff have been assigned to clans and have worked in their PSED time with their clan classes • Tutor time – teams of three and locations have been established • Pupil clan leaders have been selected • Daily checks have taken place • Small group discussions with tutor(maybe)
What happens during this tutor time? • Proposed model 1:1 reflective dialogues by extraction
“The single factor to every successful change initiative is that relationships improve . If relationships improve, things get better” (Fullan, 2001,p.5)
Getting to know your students • Two truths and a lie
'Community building must become the heart of any school improvement effort. Thomas Sergiovanni “The professional learning community model flows from the assumption that the core mission of formal education is not simply that students are taught but to ensure that they learn. The simple shift – from a focus on teaching to a focus on learning – has profound implications for schools” Dufour (2008 p8) “ Communities are collections of individuals who are bonded together by natural will and who are bound to a set of shared ideas and ideals. This bonding and binding is tight enough to transform them from a collection of “I”s to “We”s” Sergiovanni “One of the most powerful influences that teachers can have, especially on younger minds, is not so much what they teach, but what learning characteristics they are modelling as they do so. - do they welcome challenge and uncertainty and thus foster a climate inn which their students can welcome them too” Vygotsky
Jotters • Put your name and clan on the front of your jotter • Discuss what rules your dept has for jotter work – date, margins, spacing, graffiti, covers • Agree on a set of no more than five rules for the tutor jotter • It will have three sections RRA at front of jotter, L2L in middle, ideas at back
Agreed Five rules • Pupils record these in front of tutor jotter
Process • LIs shared with pupils • Targets set based on LIs • Targets (subject and wider) achieved, recognised and recorded • Tutor and pupils carry out 1 :1 discussions tutor acting a mind coach discusses targets and achievements.
You have your LIs for the first topics that you are going to do with your classes it is essential that you share these with the students.
1 : 1 recording sheet in pupil planners to record main points = NO UNDERSTANDING = SOME UNDERSTANDING =GOT IT! TICK & DATE
Nothing if pupil does not want to learn! • What we need to do is help them change habits of mind – through positive relationships, finding out what works best for them. • Rather than just learning styles, intelligences and study skills we need to be strengthening habits of mind and motivation Strengthening dispositions like • Tenacity • Determination • Recovery from frustration • Willingness to take risks and have a go
We all need someone to help us to do this • 1:1 dialogues will include the three very basic questions of • Where are you now? • Where do you want to be? • How are you going to get there?
Tutor training sessions • Last Tuesday of every of month Tutor meetings • Only For the first sessions a staggered system • Monday 05/09/11 s1 tutors • Tuesday 06/09/11 S2 tutors • Wednesday 07/09/11 S3 tutors • Monday 12/09/11 s4 tutors • Tuesday 13/09/11 s5/6 tutors • Start new tutor slot week beginning 19/09/11
What’s the truth? • We all need someone to help us recognise our talents • We need to take risks and move out of our comfort zone • There maybe difficult problems to resolve – try it again with a different solution • Do what works well for the learners – help them gain success