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Syrian Arab Republic. JERBA CDM INVESTOR FORUM 22-24 SEP 2004. Djerba Forum, Sept 2004. The Syrian institutional and regulatory framework for the implementation of the CDM as well as the GHG mitigation potential. Djerba Forum, Sept 2004. Law no.50 for Environmental Protection.
Syrian Arab Republic JERBA CDM INVESTOR FORUM 22-24 SEP 2004
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 The Syrian institutional and regulatory framework for the implementation of the CDM as well as the GHG mitigation potential
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Law no.50 for Environmental Protection • Establishment of the Environmental Protection Council • Establishment of the General Commission for Environmental Affairs
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Main duties of the Council • Approve the national strategy for environmental protection and its plans and programs • Approve the regulations and terms that must be met in the industrial installations and other activities • Decide on and approve the instructions and directives necessary to execute the provisions of this law and regulations issued pursuant thereto.
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Main duties of GCEA • Prepare, legislations, regulations and studies that guarantee environmental protection • To reckon the outstanding environmental problems, participate in the environmental researches and studies aiming at limiting the rising of new environmental problems • Set the national strategy& plans for environment protection within the national framework • Develop the environmental public awareness
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 • Monitor activities of environmental effect at the national level • Set the instructions, terms and environmental specifications necessary for licensing all projects or the renewal of their licenses. • Conduct researches and studies relevant to environmental affairs
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 • Establishment of environmental monitoring networks and operating them. • Establishment of an environmental databank
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 مجلس حماية البيئة وزير البيئة ويتألف من: رئيس مجلي الوزراء رئيسا وزير البيئة نائبا وزير الداخلية وزير الصحة وزير المالية وزير الزراعة والإصلاح الزراعي وزير الإسكان والمرافق وزير الكهرباء وزير النفط والثروة المعدنية وزير الإدارة المحلية وزير الأعلام وزير السياحة وزير التربية وزير النقل وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية والعمل وزير الصناعة وزير الري وزير الدولة لشؤون نقل وتطوير التقانة رئيس هيئة التخطيط رئيس الاتحاد العام لنقابات العمال رئيس اتحاد الحرفيين رئيس الاتحاد العام النسائي رئيسا غرفتي صناعة دمشق وحلب نقيب المهندسين مدير عام الهيئة المجالس البيئية الفرعية في المحافظات المجلس الاستشاري اللجنة الاستشارية الفنية تتألف من: السيد المحافظ رئيسا مدير شؤون البيئة في المحافظة نائبا قائد الشرطة في المحافظة مدير الصحة مدير الزراعة مدير الخدمات الفنية مدير التربية مدير النقل مدير الصناعة ممثل عن اتحاد عمال المحافظة ممثلة عن الاتحاد النسائي رئيس غرفة الصناعة رئيس فرع نقابة المهندسين ممثل عن الحوض المائي الذي تتبع له المحافظة رئيس فرع المرور في المحافظة معاون الوزير مجلس ادارة الهيئة العامة لشؤون البيئة مركز الابحاث البيئية والعلمية مكتب المدير العام مكتب العلاقات العامة مكتب الشكاوي دائرة العلاقات الدولية دائرة الرقابة الداخلية المدير العام مديرية الشؤون الادارية والقانونية مديرية التخطيط والاحصاء والمتابعة مديرية الشؤون المالية مديرية التدريب والتوعية البيئية والمعلوماتية مديرية التغيرات المناخية مديرية تقييم الاثر البيئي مديرية سلامة المياه مديرية التنوع الحيوي والمحميات الطبيعية مديرية السلامة الكيماوية مديرية سلامة الاراضي المديريات الفرعية في المحافظات
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 • Therefore, in accordance with Decision 17/CP.7, Para 29 Syria has designated GCEA as the national authority for the CDM (DNA) • The DNA main tasks are to provide written approval to the project participants and in case of a host party , confirm, through written approval, that the CDM project activity assists it in achieving sustainable development
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Law No. 8 of 2003 • Establishment of the National Energy Research Center
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Main duties of NERC • Conduct studies& researches and pilot projects aiming at increasing the efficacy of the available energy sources • To reckon the available renewable energy sources and propose adequate strategies and plans • Implement pilot renewable energy projects
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 • Establishment of energy databank • Establishment of energy labs and practical research units and stations • Develop the necessary means and tools to increase the energy efficiency
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Achievements • Syria has ratified the UNFCC on 3/4/1996 by the presidential decree no. 363 dated 10/12/1995 • A national committee on Climate change has been established in 20/3/2003 including representatives from all stakeholders • The Syrian Environmental research centre in cooperation with GTZ prepared in 1998 a national study on the climate change in Syria
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 • inventory study of GHG emissions and sinks • Main scenario of GHG emissions • Technical and non technical options for GHG emission reductions • Conclusions and recommendations to be included in a national strategy for GHG emission reduction.
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Main outputs of the study
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 230% increase in GHG until 2005288% increase in GHG until 2010 GHG emissions in the power sector between 1994- 2010
GHG Emissions reductions from fertilizer industry One major plant in Homs operating since 1972. Production is expected to be tripled by 2010 1 TON PRODUCTION = 3.8 TONS OF CO2e EMISSIONS (40% HIGHER THAN THE INTERNATIONAL LEVEL)
GHG Emission reduction from the Syrian fleet through conversion to use CNG fuel
CH4 recycling from landfills Average production of domestic wastes is 5000 tons/day. Small amount are adequately dumped in sanitary landfills and the rest are burned in the open air or dumped in open landfills. Syria is currently preparing a national strategy for solid wastes management.
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 There is great potential for GHG emission reduction in all sectors
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Current and future activities • Advanced implementation of the planning and energy conservation project • Advanced implementation of installation of 20 wind speed measuring stations • Advanced implementation of the wind farm project in Sendiana(1) • Implementation the wind farm project in Sendiana(2)
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 • Implementation of the national project for promoting the solar heating of water for houses • Conversion of power stations to use CNG • Promotion of building heat insulation and preparation of national code for energy conservation
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Conclusions • Taking into account the complex legal, financial and technical issues related to the implementation of CDM. • developing countries with limited institutional capacity will face a significant challenge • Syria now is required to establish an operational and efficient setup through which the national CDM process can function properly
Therefore, financial and technical assistance are required to strengthen the national capacity for the implementation of the CDM and other UNFCCC related activities Djerba Forum, Sept 2004
Djerba Forum, Sept 2004 Thank you