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WELCOME TO OUR. Presentation session. Group- B. Members Of Group-B. Neloy Debnath 16127 Siam Ahmed 16110 Md. Shoriful Islam 16108 Zenia Akter 16102
WELCOME TO OUR Presentation session
Members Of Group-B • NeloyDebnath16127 • Siam Ahmed 16110 • Md. Shoriful Islam 16108 • ZeniaAkter 16102 • Iffat Mahmud 16098 • Md. ShikanderHossain 16152 • Md.RezaulKarim 16113 • Md. Saddam Hossain 16129 • BabuMarma 16172 • Ibn-Al-JayedHossain 16133 • Fayez Ahmed 16134
Topics We will Discuss: Safety • Safety of Building & Machinery • Precautions in case of Fire • Fencing of Machinery • Work on or Near Machinery in Motion • Striking Gear & Devices for Cutting off Power • Self –Acting Machines • Casing of New Machinery • Revolving Machinery • Excessive Weights • Protection of Eyes • Precautions against Dangerous Fumes • Explosive or Inflammable Dust, Gas, etc.
Health & Safety • Dangerous Operations • Notice of certain Accidents • Notice of some Dangerous Occurrences • Notice of Certain Disease
Safety of Building & Machinery No building, machinery or other structures shall be constructed in any factory that shall cause risk of bodily injury Any structure which is in such a condition to cause danger to human life may be served a written order by inspector against it to take necessary steps or may be inscribed prohibition in using it until it is safe.
Some practical examples of fire…………
a.At least one of the stairways shall be of fire resisting materials. b.Every host-way or lift way inside a factory building shall be completely enclosed with fire resisting matterials.c.No fire escape stair shall be constructed at an angle greater than 45 deg. from the horizontal.d.No part at a factory building shall be at a distance of 150 or more from any fire escape stair.e.No stair way shall be less than 45 width.
In case you donot take the necessary measures then………………………….
According to Section-63(1) • Every moving part of a prime mover an every fly wheel connected to a prime mover. • The head-race & tail-race of every water wheel & water turbine. • Any part of a stock -bar which projects beyond the headstock of a lathe. • Unless they are in such a position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed in the factory.
Work on or Near machinery in Motion Section -64 states that It is necessary to examine any part of machinery while the machinery is in motion. To carry out any mounting or shipping of belts lubrications or other adjusting operation. These examination must be carried out by a specially trained adult male worker wearing tight-fitting cloths. The govt. may prohibit in any establishment the clearing lubricating or adjusting of specified parts of machinery when those are in motion.
Striking Gear & devices for cutting off power Sec 65 states that 1.Suitable stiking gear or other efficient mechanical appliances shall be provided & maintained . 2. Such gear or appliances shall be so constructed ,placed &maintained to prevent the belt from cropping back on the first pulleys. 3.Suitable devices for cutting off power in emergencies shall be provided &maintained in every work room.
Self Acting Machines: • According to sec. 66, the act provides that 1. no traversing part of a self acting machine 2. no material carried thereon if the space over which it runs is a space over which any person is liable to pass whether in course of his employment or otherwise be allowed to run on it’s outward or inward traverse within a distance of 45 cent. From any fixed structure which is not part of the machine
Casing of new machinery : Sec. 67 of the act , • In all machinery which is driven by power and installed in any established after the commencement of this act. • every set screw, bell or key or any revolving shaft spindle, wheel shall be so sunk encased or otherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger & • All spur , worm and other toothed or friction gearing which does not require frequent adjustment while in motion shall be encased unless it is so situated as to be as safe as it would be if it were encased.
Revolving machinery : • According to sec. 70 of the act, • In every room in an establishment in which the process of grinding is carried on, there shall be permanently affixed to, each machine in use a notice indicating – a) The maximum safe working peripheral speed of every grind stone or abrasive wheel. b)The speed of the shaft or spindle upon which the wheel is mounted and c)The diameter of the pulley upon such shaft or spindle necessary to secure such safe working peripheral speed.
Excessive Weights • According to sec.74 of the act, No person (such as male, female or young person) shall be employed in any establishment to lift, carry or move any load as heavy as to be likely to cause him injury. Any material, article, tool or appliance exceeding the maximum limit in weights- Adult Male 68 LBS Adult Female 50 LBS Young Male 50 LBS Young Female 40 LBS Male Child 35 LBS Female Child 30 LBS
Protection of Eyes Sec-75 of the act The govt. may require that effective screens of suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of persons employed on or in the immediate vicinity of a process which involves- • Risk of injury to the eyes from particles or fragments. • Risk to the eyes by reason of exposure to excessive, light or heat.
Protective measures: • A dry grinding of metal or metal articles applied by hand to a revolving wheel or disc driven by mechanical power, turning of non-ferror metals or of cast iron, or articles of such metal or such iron where the use of goggles or screen would seriously interfere with the work or turning by means of hand tools. • Welding or cutting of metals by means of electric or similar processes. • Cutting out cold rivets or bolts, breaking or dressing for stone, concrete slag & the like by hand tools or other portable tools.
Precautions Against Dangerous Fumes • Sec-77 of the act- • In any establishment, no person shall enter or be permitted to enter any chamber, tank, pipe, flue or other confined space in which dangerous fumes are likely to be present. • No portable electric light of voltage exceeding 24 Volts shall be permitted for use inside any confined space. • No person shall be entered or be permitted to enter any confined space. • Suitable breathing apparatus, reviving apparatus & belts & ropes shall be kept ready for instant use beside any such confined space. • No person shall be permitted to enter in boiler, flue, chamber tank, pipe or other confined space for the purpose of working
Explosive or Inflammable Dust, Gas etc Sec- 78 of the act- 1)If any manufacturing process produces dust, gas, fume or vapour of such character and extent as to likely to explode, all practicable measures shall be taken- a)Effective enclosure of the plant or machinery b)Removal of such dust, gas, fume or vapour c)Effective enclosure of all possible sources of ignition 2)Plant or machinery contains any explosive or inflammable gas shall not be opened before some precautions 3)No plant, tank or vessel containing or has contained any explosive or inflammable substance unless adequate measures have first been taken to remove such substance. No such substance shall be allowed to enter such plant, tank or vessel until the metal has cooled sufficiently to prevent any risk of igniting the substance.
Dangerous operation Section 79 states that • Any operation that is injurious to body must be specified & declared to be hazardous • Restricting the employment of women, adolescents or children in operation • Providing periodical medical examination to employees • Prohibiting the employment of persons who is not fitted for the job • Providing for the protection of all persons employed or in the vicinity of places where it is carried on • Providing notice to carefully use harmful chemicals
1. Manufacturing of accreted water & processes incidental thereto 2. Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles 3. Manufacture or repair of electric accumulator 4. Glass manufacture 5. Grinding glazing of metals 6.manufacture, treatment or handling of lead 7. Generation of gas from petroleum 8. Cleaning or smoothing of articles by a jet of sand 9. Limiting & training of raw hids & skins & incidental thereto
10. Feeding of jute, hemp & fibers into softening machines 11. Lifting, stacking, storing & shipping of bales in & from finished goods godowns of jute mills 12.Manufacture, use or storage of cellulous solutions 13. Manufacture of chromic acid or sodium, potassium or ammonium 14. Printing presses &type foundries wherein certain load processes are carried on 15. Manufacture of compressed hydrogen or oxygen 16.Manufacture of pottery 17. Manufacture of rayon by the viscose process 18. Manufacturing process & incidental thereto
Notice of Certain Accidents According to labor act • The employer should report all accidents which cause death or injury where by any injured person is prevented from resuming work during the next 48 hours Section 80 of the act states that • Employees have the right to know the information of certain accidents happened to their workplace • The accident that causes death or any bodily injury or any explosion, the employer will send notice two working days following the accident • If a person injured as a result of accident is prevented from resuming the work for 48 hours • A copy of register must be sent to chief inspector within 15 days following 31st December every year starting from 30th June
Notice of Some Dangerous Occurrences Sec-81 states that • the employees have the right to know about accident & dangerous occurrences happened to the work place Sec-80 of the act • Any dangerous occurrences specified by rules, the employer shall send notice to the inspector within three days although no death or body injury has caused
Notice of Certain Disease • Under the Bangladesh labor act, it is obligatory on the part of the employer or the worker or any person appointed by him of any establishment to report certain diseases where any worker in an establishment contacts any of following disease which are specified in the second schedule of the labor act to the inspector. The noticeable diseases are as:
Legal poisoning • Ad tercthyl poisoning • Phosphorus poisoning • Mercury poisoning • Manganese poisoning • Arsenic poisoning • Poisoning by nitrous fumes • Carbon bi-sulphide poisoning • Bennzene poisoning including poisoning by any of its homolog- oues, their nitor or amido derivatives • Chrome ulceration
11.Anthrax 12.Solicises 13.Poisoning by halogens 14.Pathological manifestations due to x-ray or other radioactive substance 15.Primary equithalimatous cancer of the skin 16.Toxic anaemia 17.Zandis arising from poisonous substances 18.Oily abscess or dematitis arising from mineral oil or compound of mineral oil 19.Byssionsis 20.Asbestosis
21.Occupational or touchy dermatitis arising from chemical substance or color 22.Deafness due to high sound 23.Beryllium poisoning 24.Carbon -monoxide 25.Coal miners pneumoconiosis 26.Phosgene poisoning 27.Occupational cancer 28.Isosienatis poisoning 29.Poisonous kidney pain and 30.Tremulous occupational disease
Now What will be his future