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Diseminare Bursa Comenius Prof. Marinescu Marilena Scoala Nr. 18 Pitesti . ‘ Methodology and Language for Secondary Teachers ’ 17-30 iulie 2011. Prezentare generala. Localitatea Canterbury, Kent, Marea Britanie
Diseminare Bursa ComeniusProf. MarinescuMarilenaScoala Nr. 18 Pitesti ‘Methodology and Language for SecondaryTeachers’ 17-30 iulie 2011
Prezentare generala • Localitatea Canterbury, Kent, Marea Britanie • Instituţiaorganizatoare: Pilgrims English Language Courses, Kent University, www.pilgrims.co.uk, • persoana de contact lizzie@pilgrims.co.uk • Perioada de desfasurare: 17-30 iulie 2011 • Titlulactivităţii: Methodology and Language for SecondaryTeachers • Descrierea activităţii de formare: formare continuă a personalului didactic în cadrul Programului Comunitar de Învăţare pe tot Parcursul Vieţii (LLP - Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013) - formare in domeniul metodologiei predarii limbilor straine
Temelecursului • 1.Teaching Listening: - sesiunea a analizatmoduri de imbunatatire a capacitatii de ascultareprinfolosireaunornoistrategii de identificaresiextragere a elementelor de consolidare a intelegeriimesajului audio. • 2.Teaching Speaking/pronunciation: - sedinta s-a axatpeactivitati de incurajareatat a fluentei cat si a acuratetii in vorbire; abordarisitehnici de ajutare a elevilorsa-sidezvolteabilitatea de a interactionaintr-un mod cat mai natural folosindlimbaengleza. S-au analizattehnicisiactivitatipe care le putemfolosipentru a-iajutapeeleviintr-un mod practicatat in cadrulclaseidarsi in afaraacesteiaastfelincatsadevinamaiincrezatori in modullor de exprimare in limbaengleza.
Temelecursului • 3. Creativity in Language Teaching.- înpredareauneilimbistrăine, profesorultrebuiesăincercesăgăsească o metodaeficacepentru a- șimotivaelevul, pentru a-l face săințeleagăimportanțacunoasteriiuneilimbistrăineșisă-iconștientizezeutilitatea. Pentruaceasta e nevoie de creativitateatât din parteaprofesorului, câtsi a elevului. • Printrealteactivitati de formare se mai pot mentiona:MultipleIntelligences,Discipline/Learner Autonomy, Motivation,Evaluation, Error Correction, Activities with Music and Art, Mixed-Level Teaching, Creative Tasks with Poems/Games, Needs/Many Ideas in One si Activities Swap( am avutposibilitatea de a observa ore sustinute de altiprofesorisisafac o comparatieintremoduridiferite de predare).
Date de contact • Contact: • Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale • http://www.anpcdefp.ro/ • Catalogul cu centre de formare pentru profesori: • http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase • Inspectoratul judetean Arges, compartiment Integrare Europeana, • Inspector scolar Carmen Mihaila • carmen_mitrache@yahoo.com
Informatii utile • Webografie utila profesorilor de limba engleza si nu numai: • www.englishjet.com (carti, jocuri, e-books, cantece, ziare) • www.angelsonline.net (jocuri si activitati pentru elevi) • www.bbc.co.uk/learning • www.teachingenglish.org.uk • www.sitesforteachers.com • Site-uloficial al programuluisectorial: • http://www.anpcdefp.ro/programe/llp/comenius/index.html
Prezentare Comenius: Comenius esteprima componenta a Programului de Invatarepe Tot ParcursulVietii. -Se adreseazainstitutiilor de invatamantpreuniversitar de stat si private (de la gradinite la scolipostliceale) situturormembrilorcomunitatiieducationale care isidesfasoaraactivitatea in acest sector: elevilor, tuturorcategoriilor de personal didactic, precumsiautoritatilor locale, asociatiilor de parintisau ONG-urilor care activeaza in domeniul educational.
Cine poatecandida PentruMobilitatiindividuale - Formarea continua pentrupersonalul din invatamantulpreuniversitar: Sunteligibilesasolicitefinantareurmatoarelecategorii de personal: 1) Profesoricalificati in predareauneilimbioficiale a UE, ca limbastraina;2) Formatoriaiprofesorilor de limbistraine;3) Profesori re-calificati in domeniullimbilorstraine;4) Profesori care predau in scolialtadisciplinaprinintermediuluneilimbistraine (profesori care predau la clasebilingve);5) Personal didactic din invatamantul pre-primarsiprimar ale caruiresponsabilitatiincludsauvor include predarealimbilorstraine;6) Profesori de limbistrainereintegrati in profesiedupa o perioada de pauza in predare;7) Inspectorisauconsilieri in domeniullimbilorstraine;
Exemple de metode de predare • Packing • Arrange chairs in a circle. You need one chair less than the number of students. Draw a huge suitcase in the middle of the circle. ›› Ss sit on the chairs except for one, who stands in the middle. (S)he is the "traveller", who is packing his/her suitcase. ›› Ss choose an object people may take with them on their holiday. They will represent these objects. The S in the middle, calls the objects. The person whose object has been called to stand where you have drawn the suitcase. It goes on like this until the “traveller” chooses to stop. Then (s)he says: "All right. I have packed everything. Let's go." When students hear "go", they all run and try to sit down on a chair. The one left without a chair will "pack" the next "suitcase".
Games: ‘The scarf’ The rules of the game: the person who has the scarf can use his or her imagination and mime anything which is creative and fun. The other pupils have to guess what the pupil with the scarf has mimed. If it is correct, then he can take the scarf and mime something else.
'The magic box ' • Teacher explains the task: imagine that I have a magic box here. • I am going to take something out (teacher demonstrates it using mime). What is it? • Now you take the magic box and take something out. What is there? • The students have to guess what it is being mimed. Whole class activity.
THE LEFT / RIGHT STORY • Christmas was almost here, and Mother RIGHT was finishing the Christmas baking. Father RIGHT, Sue RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT returned from their last-minute Christmas errands. • "There's not much LEFT to be done," said Father RIGHT as he came into the kitchen. "Did you leave the basket of food at church?" asked Mother RIGHT. "I LEFT it RIGHT where you told me to," said Father RIGHT. • "I'm glad my shopping is done," said Billy RIGHT. "I don't have any money LEFT." • The hall telephone rang, and Susan RIGHTLEFT to answer it. • She rushed back and told the family "Aunt Tillie RIGHTLEFT a package for us RIGHT on Grandma RIGHT's porch. “I'll go over there RIGHT now and get it." she said as she LEFT in a rush. • Father RIGHTLEFT the kitchen and brought in the Christmas tree. • By the time Susan RIGHT returned, Mother RIGHT, Father RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT had begun trimming the tree. • The entire RIGHT family sang carols as they finished the decorating. • Then they LEFT all the presents arranged under the tree and went to bed, hoping they had selected the RIGHT gifts for their family. • Now I hope you have the RIGHT present for yourself, because that's all that's LEFT of our story..... Except to wish you a Merry Christmas.... • Isn't that RIGHT?