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Case Study 5

Case Study 5. Case Detail. 67 year old male NIDDM Abdominal OR August 23 rd OR Platzbauch August 29 th Skin graft November 11 th 5 day VAC Multiple wounds abdomen and donor site. Day 1. March 5th. Multiple wound sites. August 2 nd 1 st Pgel. Multiple wound sites.

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Case Study 5

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Case Study 5

  2. Case Detail 67 year old male NIDDM Abdominal OR August 23rd OR Platzbauch August 29th Skin graft November 11th 5 day VAC Multiple wounds abdomen and donor site

  3. Day 1

  4. March 5th Multiple wound sites

  5. August 2nd 1stPgel Multiple wound sites

  6. 1 Week after 1stPgel Multiple wound sites

  7. 1 Week after 2nd Pgel Multiple wound sites

  8. 2 Week after 2nd Pgel Multiple wound sites No new Pgel

  9. 3 Week after 2nd Pgel Multiple wound sites No new Pgel

  10. Wound Dressing Pgel Promogran Mepilex Transfer Absorbing Gauze Fixation

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