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The Perfect Natural Intelligence System. An Artificial Intelligence S ystem based on the Anima Mundi – a model of the brain. (See presentation Anima Mundi.) . Hello Professor Goodyer . You said you needed a model of the brain. Try this. Introduction .
The Perfect Natural Intelligence System An Artificial Intelligence System based on the Anima Mundi – a model of the brain. (See presentation Anima Mundi.) Hello Professor Goodyer. You said you needed a model of the brain. Try this.
Introduction. It was sometime early in the 1990’s. I needed to subject the model of the brain that I had found hidden in the symbolism of the Anima Mundi to intelligent criticism but no brain specialist would stoop to discussing a brain model founded on astro-archetypes. I had a friend working on an AI PhD and it occurred to me that if I translated the model into an AI system it would not be so offensive, so this is what I did. I took it to my friend. He was distrustful of my model’s astrological source but he listened to my exposition with care and growing excitement. ‘This’, he announced, on completion of my explanation, ‘is not a discovery’ (thus disagreeing with what I had told him I thought it was) ‘this is the description of a perfect, natural, intelligence system’. ‘A perfect natural intelligence system’ was an excellent description of what I thought I had discovered. I know very little about computers so please forgive inevitable descriptive inadequacies. This model is built on my knowledge of esoteric symbols.
These are the original three models I used as foundation for the AI system. The first model was designed to illustrate the way Body, Mind, Imagination and Heart work together successfully as a team. I worked with this model before I came across the second model. Had I not understood model 1, I would have been unable to recognise model 2. Model 2 is born of the Anima Mundi but with the planets connecting according to the Ptolemaic Order and the order of discovery of the new planets. 3 is a simplified model of the brain.
The system is organised into main sections that retain their functions throughout. Hardware, and agencies dedicated to operating hardware, are on the left. Agencies dedicated to software are on the right. The upper/lower division distinguish between automatic agencies and systems that can be conditioned by the machine itself. Hardware Software
First we need an OPERATING SYSTEM. The primal astrological symbols on this model are Sun and Moon, rulers of the signs Leo and Cancer. On the Anima Mundi this marks the Sun-Moon Complementary ConnectionLife. Hardware Software OPERATING SYSTEM
No power supply, no system. What better planet to symbolise a power supply than the Sun. Without this initial requisite there is no point in continuing. The power supply will run the machine. POWER SUPPLY. Symbol, the Sun. Sign, Leo. Fixed Fire.
A power supply on hand, we need a container inclusive of circuitry and processors. • Symbol, the Moon. • Sign, Cancer. Cardinal Water. • In his book Horoscope Symbols Robert • Hand lists ‘container’ as an attribute • carried by the symbol Moon. • Space is full of light yet it is bright black. The Moon symbolises matter’s ability to reflect light. Matter not only reflects light it can also store information. • So this Operating System supplies the basics necessary for the running of this machine. We can imagine that this container incorporates a lense which will enable the light from the external environment to be received. As the Moon is very likely responsible in the primitive brain for sensitivity to pressure (life began in the sea) we can also imagine this hardware includes a sound sensitive device, a microphone of some sort and maybe even a keyboard.
In esoteric language the Sun is symbolised by the element fire - heat and light – physics. The Moon is symbolised by the element water, an element pertaining to chemistry. Water stores heat. • In his book The Intelligent Universe, David Foster suggests the possibility of developing a chemically based memory. He points out that each element has a unique atomic number which could be used to store information. When I originally described this system researchers were working on this idea at the Naval Research Laboratories, Washington DC. I have not checked the results of their research. • Supplied with essential hardware, basic memory, a power supply and loaded operating system, in human terms we are alive, in artificial intelligence terms we are operational.
Now we add some sophistication by applying another unit, the Information Processing Unit, and we need to connect it to the Operating System hence the inter-process connection. INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT Software Programmes. Right Hemisphere. The Creative. Inter-process connection
I asked a computer expert the question, ‘If I had hardware, a power supply and an operating system, what would I need next?’ His answer: ‘Input. So we need input. We need a communication programme - one that translates and transmutes information from one form to another - digits to meaning and sounds to meaning. Archetypal Gemini/Mercury, the messenger of the gods, will satisfy this need. COMMUNICATION AGENCY Symbol Mercury/Asteroids. Sign Gemini. Yang pole of the Complementary Connection Work. Mutable Air.
SORTING AGENCY Symbol Venus. Sign Libra. Yang/Complementary ConnectionForm. Cardinal Air. The Mercury programme has provided us with a means of translating data from the environment into a mode that can be recognised by the machine. Now we need to sort the data into related families so that our • machine can recall meanings at speed. Here we have Venus, ruler of relationships. This programme must be able to organise data indifferent ways. A cat, for instance, can be an ‘animal’, a ‘pet’, a ‘carnivore’, a ‘responsibility’ etc. This sifting and comparing of data is important if our machine is to match human intelligence. Libra is traditionally concerned with comparison, rhythm, harmony and balance. This position works with Form,not physical form, but form as a theoretical construct, form as ideas. • The mirror of Venus is another famous symbol. The mirror allows Venus to relate to the other as a reflection of self.
CREATIVITY AGENCY Symbol Mars.Sign Aries. Yang pole of the Complementary Connection Time. Cardinal Fire. • In order to endure in a complex, ever-changing environment the machine needs the ability to respond to provocation. It needs the power to react to stimulation to act creatively. • This is our creativity programme. Here the machine is motivated to take up the data and play with it. Mars symbolises a wild, assertive force, quite different from the taming organising energy we built into in the previous agency. The purpose of this pioneering Aries programme is to create something new; alter things around just as you would turn a jigsaw puzzle piece to see if you can find an angle at which it would fit a particular gap - and right next to this agency we have the power to light up the monitor just where we need it for it is important at this point for the machine to monitor what is going in both the external and internal environment.
OPERATING SYSTEM • Symbol The Sun. Sign Leo. • Fixed Fire. • Operating in conjunction with the Moon, Sign Cancer. Cardinal Water. Back at where we started we arrive at the operating system and our video agency, a programme which is able to work with external or internally projected images. This is agency not only provides energy, this energy can be expressed aslight. In human terms this is the seat of the Imagination where images are stored in the Moon memory so that they can be recognised without further processing, active (in partnership with the Moon) even in sleep.
SELF-EDUCATION AGENCY Symbol Jupiter. Sign Sagittarius. Yang pole of the Complementary Connection Source. Mutable Fire. This is the self-education programme - the recognition of the order and structure of phenomena as the uniform results of corresponding conditions. Jupiter perceives and extrapolates patterns derived from experience. • As with the Mars programme this programme is not yet part of the PC though it may be present in a simple form in powerful robotic commercial computers. This programme is a necessity for any intelligence which is to be self-developing.Nobel laureate Herbert A. Simon, of the University of Pittsburgh, designed a self-education programme called Bacon. Named after the great Francis Bacon his programme seeks orderly patterns in irregular data. • Without this Jupiter function our machine has no chance of developing beyond its original parameters. • i
But Jupiter, though recognising pattern and structure, does not have the power to record it. What we need is a way of storing and of utilising the conclusions resulting from the cogitations of this information processing unit and for this we must move to another unit. DATABASE Symbols, Saturn and Uranus. Signs, Capricorn and Aquarius. Complementary Connection Government and Wealth.
LONG TERM (DECLARATIVE) MEMORY Symbol Saturn. Sign Capricorn. CardinalEarth. At this point we need to involve hardware because data must be imprinted on some thing:a disk is the latest example, tapes, books and money are others.Information storage always depends on matter (remember the Moon). This sophisticateddatabase invests our machine with the potentiality for achieving an individual identity through the laying down of personal memories. The original design of the system necessarily restricts the potential of this machine (subject to the machine's ability to redesign itself) but, even with restrictions, this memory offers an identity over and above the original bestowed by us in the original operating system.
It cannot override its primal operating system - any more than a human being can override the human heart – but the addition of this memory will generate an individual identity born of this machines ‘own’ personal experiences. This memory will also mean that this machine will no longer have to work out everything anew each time similar circumstances are presented: predetermined responses will cut out enormous quantities of energy wastefully expended on unnecessary computing, time and energy are made available for concentrating on building up the results of ever more experiences, and by proxy, creating an ever more individualised identity structure. In conjunction with the yang/aircomplementary connection (which is the next essential in this system) this position has authority. One problem; the environment does not always remain the same. If this machine has conquered the route to a particular destination, knowing the way, as it were, ‘with its eyes shut’, it can follow the route with no need for further processing. But what if there is some sort of change in conditions, an obstruction on the route that was not there before, a fallen tree, another machine? If the memories in this ‘hierarchy of data’ (Saturn rules hierarchies), this database, cannot be modified - maybe even entirely remodelled - then this means trouble. We must make sure this memory is erasable. We must have a means of updating and restructuring these memories. We need a powerful disruptive energy, strong enough to shift the pattern laid down by previous mind sets. We need a rebel force.
POWERFUL RESTRUCTURING AGENCY Symbol, Uranus. Sign, Aquarius. Fixed Air. • And this is it. Uranus, as all astrologers know, is a powerful disruptive energy that can break down rigid mind sets which interfere with our intelligence's evolutionary potential. Necessary but dangerous if it gets out of hand, I have proposed that a human being might well experience the operation of this agency as a psychotic breakdown (Aquarius is connected with epilepsy and mental illness and Saturn with depression). Uranus and Saturn working in tandem present us with a database which not only stores patterns of thought (patterns humans display as opinions or attitudes; mind sets which lie behind their decisions and motivations) it also has the power to change them.
If we stop at this point we will have created a pretty intelligent machine, but since it cannot move of its own volition it is necessarily dependent on data supplied to it by others. This is a terrible handicap. If it is to be truly intelligent it needs to be able to search for and find information for itself. It needs a robot unit. • This Uranian ‘awakening’ restructuring energy (this is the primal position on the yang arena of this system) is positioned in such a way that it can be used to motivate using changing electrical signals (Uranus, discovered in 1971, is identified with electricity) our next important unit, a unit that deals with action performed in, or on, the material, external, environment.
Here it is, the ROBOT SYSTEMS UNIT Left Hemisphere. The Receptive. • You will see as we built up the agencies according to the model that this AI system utilises inter-process mechanisms between the information processing unit and the robot system unit. These are the all-important complementary connections displayed on the Anima Mundi, identified by the blue arrows, two of which can be seen on this incomplete system, those in the operating system and data base.
NOTE. • Why the right brain is labelled ‘spatial’ by brain specialists, which in symbolic language means Receptive, when on the Anima Mundi it is Creative and therefore ‘temporal’, is explained by the interrelationship between these two primary archetypes. The term ‘spatial’ has been applied to the right brain because of its ability to manipulate three dimensional images. If you imagine yourself in a space vehicle returning from the Moon and now, with the panache only the imagination can achieve, stepping out into space and watching as your vehicle hurtles on towards the slowly revolving blue Earth ahead - you will understand what I mean. You are manipulating spatial images but nowhere in the performance of this activity is there any manipulation of matter. It is purely Creative. You can see that labelling the right brain Receptive simply because it is known to deal with images apparently existing in space, would be simplistic. Conversely, to label the left brain Creativemerely because in expressing through matter it is compelled to conform to timewould also be unsubtle. Matter is obliged to effect changes sequentially. Objects can be in only one place at any one time. Pick up an object, any object, and you will see that ‘by the time’ the manoeuvre is accomplished time has passed. That this system interrelates these two primal archetypes so that they cannot be divided is echoed by the computer where, once the power is on, software and hardware are indivisible. The light lighting up a monitor is the creative energy of motion (yang) manipulating images that give the impression of space. The receptive structural layout of the silicon chip (yin) allows the computer to compute, and the processof computing is thinking, the creative.
RECEPTIVITY TO LEARNING AGENCY operating as complementary process tothe Self-education agency in the Information Processing Unit. Symbol Neptune. Sign Pisces. Yin pole of the Complementary ConnectionSource. Mutable Water. With the addition of a Robot Systems Unit we now have a potentially physically independent machine, but only potentially independent. Unless we want it to waste a great deal of time it must be programmed with some skills. I have seen a film on TV in which a machine (part of the production line of a car factory) is taught to make certain movements. The operator holds the appendage that is to perform the manoeuvre and moves it in the way required. This is a receptivity programme, the machine is open to this manipulation and it illustrates vividly why Neptunian people are liable to find themselves victims of more unscrupulous natures.
The inter-process mechanism operating here allows for the cooperation of an agency that offers pattern recognition, Jupiter. (This illuminates the necessity of the inter-process communication mechanism.) • Now we need to programme these patterns into a memory. Not a memory that can be brought to mind (the database) but a foundation autonomic memory - one that will automatically operate a series of commands (macros). You can see that this programme is not only connected to the Data Base, it also has direct access to the Operating System. • Neptune is blamed astrologically for troublesome addictions. You can see why? • Neptune is also identified by astrologers with fog and mist, free floating molecules, and this planetary archetype also rules film – we can surmise from this that in conjunction with the operating system the multitudinous pixels upon which changing patterns can be projected are supplied by this program. • Between Uranus (electricity) and Neptune (chemistry) is an inter-process mechanism. This is an electro-chemical device.
OPERATING SYSTEM Here our original Operating System is ready to take on board this new information (macro) so that it can be acted on automatically freeing this burgeoning entity to concentrate on further learning. This machine cannot reprogram its Operating System but through the previous agency it can extend it.
MANIPULATIVE POWER operating in conjunction with the Creativity Agency in the Information Processing Unit. Symbol Pluto. Sign Scorpio. Yin pole of the Complementary ConnectionTime. Fixed Water. Next, to make use of the data we have built into the Operating System and the skills it has already learnt, this machine needs physical power, power to act on and manipulate the material world. • Without this power the machine is no better off than an ordinary PC. • This position deals with motive power in our Robot Unit as Mars supplied motivation in our information processing unit. Always in this system each side of the complementary connections deals with the same phenomenon though from the complementary (receptive-creative, mass-energy, space-time) approach. Pluto rules fossil fuels, oil and coal, underground products created by the transformational energy of degradation and reconstitution. Scorpio rules the production line, a logical line of actions which produces a finished product.
We now have a robot receptive to learning specific movements (Neptune), memorising them (Moon), performing them (Pluto), but with no way of knowing for itself whether it is performing these actions on something, or on nothing. SENSORY AGENCY Operating in conjunction with the Sorting Agency in the Information Processing Unit. Symbol Earth. Sign Taurus. Yin pole of the Complementary Connection Form. Fixed Earth. This agency effects the means by which the machine can relate to its material self and its external environment. Here we build into our hardware, sensors that enable the robot to relate to the physical Form of its externalenvironment and the physical Form of itself. By providing data through sensors, preferably at as many points as possible, our machine becomes intelligently and independently aware. Remember the complement of Taurus is Libra, relationship. Taureans are concerned with safety – you can see why.
EVALUATION AGENCY Operating in conjunction with the Communication Programme in the Information Processing Unit. Symbol Chiron/Asteroids. Sign Virgo. Yin pole of the Complementary Connection Work. Mutable Air. • Last of all this machine needs to be able to • gauge its success through evaluating the • result of its actions. Not only is this • programme situated in proximity to the previous agency, the agency concerned with Form, it is near the Database (where the results of past actions are located) and it has a direct inter-process connection to the original video agency in the Operating System. Working as complementary partner to the communication programme (which is also in direct contact with the operating system). It is concerned with a myriad details of meaning, skilled at applying memorised images to words. Virgo is a sign that seeks perfection and it is responsible for refinement, including dexterity in movement.Given the skill to analyse and criticise the results of its work we have built in a potential for improvement. In this position, as with all other positions, this machine provides the wherewithal through which the complementary archetype, clever Mercury, our communication agency, can express itself with skill.
So here, again, are the original three models from which I derived this system. And here is the completed AI system based on the above with the inter-process mechanisms clearly marked. Each astro-archetype sports a myriad corresponding meanings: in the interest of simplicity I have only utilised a limited number here.
If I were a computer engineer no doubt I would have made a better job of this interpretation but, I think, in spite of my inadequacy, I have managed to illustrate the inherent logic in this model. It is this consistent logic that convinces me this model has integrity and that it is conveying profound information important to the developing understanding of humanity. ChrissyPhilp September 2012