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The network reconfigures the library: people and places, collections and services.

The network reconfigures the library: people and places, collections and services. Lorcan Dempsey The University of Kansas, December 5/6 2007. Picture: Robin Alston. … a hive-like dome …. Louis MacNeice. Private and social. Collection and catalogue. Space. Expertise.

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The network reconfigures the library: people and places, collections and services.

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  1. The network reconfigures the library: people and places, collections and services. Lorcan Dempsey The University of Kansas, December 5/6 2007

  2. Picture: Robin Alston

  3. … a hive-like dome … Louis MacNeice Private and social Collection and catalogue

  4. Space Expertise • Then: vertically integrated around collection • Now: moving apart in network environment • New skills …. Collections Systems and services

  5. Place High touch service

  6. Space Opportunity costs Valuable real estate Growing pressure in many environments New spaces Place • Place • Space infused with value • How has the value changed over time? • Engagement with collections, expertise and services?

  7. Place • Infrastructure -> “customer relations” • Higher value activity • Access to scarce resources – people, equipment, specialist advice, exhibition, … • Individual, group, social

  8. These student comments suggest that good study space is responsive to the academic and social dimensions of study in ways that allow students to control them both. Scott Bennett

  9. Gleason Library U Rochester Photos: S. Gibbons

  10. Place engage with the learning processPartnership

  11. Collections New directions

  12. Collections grid STEWARDSHIP high low • Books • Journals • Newspapers • Gov. docs • CD, DVD • Maps • Scores • Freely-accessible web resources • Websites • Open source software • Newsgroup archives low UNIQUENESS • Research, learning and administrative • materials, • ePrints/tech reports • Learning objects • Courseware • E-portfolios • Research data • Institutional records • Reports, newsletters, etc high • Special collections • Rare books • Local/Historical newspapers • Local history materials • Archives & Manuscripts, • Theses & dissertations

  13. Trends • Mass digitization and off-site storage • Licensed: rented • ‘Special collections’ onto the web • Thematic collections of web resources • Research, learning and administrative materials ‘published’ on the web • The new special collections.

  14. Thematic research collections

  15. Beyond books “It is only when we translate the old style-based thinking and language of historians into new modes of representation that we can begin to grasp the complex relationships between architectural production and the creation of … cultural identities.” Stephen Murray, Columbia University

  16. Then: E. Viollet Le Duc Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle (1874) (1st American Ed. 1875)

  17. Now: Interactive, multi-dimensional navigation of a networked resource

  18. Published materials: discourse • Primary materials: evidence • Interpreted materials: exhibition • Library • Archive • Museum

  19. Collections negotiation engagement with researchers and learners as creatorsarchival practice: institutional assetsinterpretation and exhibition

  20. Expertise The person is an entry point

  21. Source: Susan Gibbons, U Rochester

  22. Expertise Improve university research and learning capacities:publishinginterpreting available resources in terms of specific research and learning needsspecialist consultancy: GIS, metadata, IPR, …Marketing and assessment: understand needs and develop services to meet those needs

  23. Services and systems In the flow

  24. Network level workflow Google, … Personal Workflow RSS, toolbars, .. Institutional Workflow Portals, CMS, IR, … … Integrated local user environment? Library web presence Resource sharing, … library Consumer environments Management environment Bought Licensed Faculty& students Digitized Aggregations Resource sharing

  25. Discovery happens elsewhere Resources are abundant; attention scarce Build services around workflow

  26. Now: Federated access to multi-institutional holdings with support for personal collection-building and sharing

  27. Systems and services Support for faculty and student gather/create/sharePlacing the library in the flowdigital asset managementmore sophisticated sourcing decisions

  28. Leadership value translation: showing the value of the library in the context of the values of the home institutionSecure resources Create conditions for success

  29. Thank you http://orweblog.oclc.org

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